Re: Kernel hang on multi-threaded X process crash
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 21:28:27 -0700

On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 08:23:39PM -0700, Manuel McLure wrote:
> On 2001.04.22 20:17 Manuel McLure wrote:
> >
> > To follow up on my followup, I can now reproduce this 100% and get the
> > "Trying to vfree()..." message on the console. To do this I start
> > Mozilla,
> > switch to a text console, and do a "killall -QUIT mozilla". A couple of
> Make that "killall -QUIT mozilla-bin"...

I'll see if mine does this too. I've been having hard locks
intermittantly too, sometimes starting X, mostly with mozilla. My
system's a dual Pmmx200 with ATI rage pro and Matrox Mill 2 PCI.

-- Ferret
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