Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: Request for comment -- a better attribution

Alan Cox (
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 13:32:42 +0100 (BST)

> Where developers should send patches? To Linus/AC or to driver
> maintainer?

All of the above at random. Sometimes with a cc. Often to me/Linus if the
maintainer isnt responding.

> ESR proposal enforces this last, but do all mainainers have always time
> for linux
> developement? Should the maintainers be professional? Should Linus/AC
> reject
> clean patches from non-maintainers? Do all maintainers read lkml?

The scheme I work tends to be something like

If the patch is small and obviously correct and its not to Jes Sorensen's driver
Apply it to -ac

If the patch is more complex or changes design considerations
if it seems reasonably sane to apply
Apply to -ac
Cc change to maintainer
Mark not to go to Linus without maintainer approval
Bounce to maintainer if active
Apply if not active or not replying

If the patch changes fundamental things - eg syscall numbers, policy in kernel
Tell them to talk to Linus

And then there are a thousand specific other things like config.h include fixing
typo fixes and such which don't quite follow the rule.

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