Re: [kbuild-devel] Request for comment -- a better attribution system

Giacomo A. Catenazzi (
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 12:54:06 +0200

Alan Cox wrote:
> > Is there any kernel code that isn't GPLed?

No. Nearly all code is GPL or GPL compatible license.

> There are numerous bits that are dual licensed, some which are licensed
> under the BSD non-advertising type license and some of it licensed under the
> X license.

I resign my proposal. Kernel sources are clean. I confused with the
(obsolete) libg++ which have file that start with GPL license,
at the bottom of file I find the BSD license and sometime in the
middle there is also some univesity license, thus libg++ users
should scann all file to see the copyright. Luckly the linux code is
more clean.

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