Re: [PATCH] Prevent OOM from killing init

Tom Diehl (
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:21:23 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Tim Wright wrote:

> Netscape 4 has some very nasty habits like suddenly consuming ~80MB of memory.
> Disabling java support seems to eradicate most occurences of this particularly
> obnoxious behaviour. Under these circumstances, the OOM killer is doing exactly
> the right thing i.e. killing a runaway app.

Thanks for the info. I sus[ected as much but I was not sure.

......Tom	ATA100 is another testimony to the fact that pigs can be	made to fly given sufficient thrust (to borrow an RFC)
		Alan Cox lkml 11 Jan 01

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