Re: Linux kernel - and regular sync'ing?

Brian Dushaw (
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 14:50:46 -0800 (PST)

In the interests of finishing off this thread:
Thanks to all who replied to my question on how to get a notebook
disk to spin down. The clear consensus is:
- the problem was probably caused by the cron daemon (I have some doubts
about this, but never mind)
- the problem is fixed by adding the "noatime" option when mounting the
root filesystem (I use /etc/fstab to do this)
- there appears to be no harm in not updating the inode access times with
this option.
- I am now using "hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda" to great effect; placed in my
/etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
- Naturally as soon as I learned all this from this e-mail thread, I found
the appropriate paragraph in an out-of-the-way spot on the "Linux on
Notebooks" pages (this must be one of Murphy's Laws... :) )
- I've added this discussion to my notebook web page in the interest of
spreading this gem of information.


On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Russell King wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 12:09:51PM +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> > To quote the linux on palmax page
> >
> > For startup my /etc/rc.d/rc.local contains the following lines.
> > mount -o remount,rw,noatime /
> > /sbin/hdparm -S 15 /dev/hda
> Or else place "noatime" in /etc/fstab, which is probably the better
> place for it.
> --
> Russell King ( The developer of ARM Linux


Brian Dushaw Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington 1013 N.E. 40th Street Seattle, WA 98105-6698 (206) 685-4198 (206) 543-1300 (206) 543-6785 (fax)

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