Re: Kernel crash during resync of raid5 on SMP

Neil Brown (
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 08:55:28 +1100 (EST)

On Wednesday March 7, wrote:
> I run a Dual prozessor SMP system on 2.4.2-ac12 for a while
> in degraded mode. Today I put in a new disk to switch to
> full raid5 mode. Shortly after the command raidhotadd the
> system crashed with the message lost interrupt on cpu1.

Was there an Oops? Can we see? decoded with ksymoops of course.
Are you happy to retry? (i.e. raidsetfaulty; raidhotremove,
raidhotadd). If so, Could you try with 2.4.2?

Where abouts in the sync-process did it die? Start? end? middle?


> This continued after reboot. I finaly managed to get it running again
> by booting with kernel parameter maxcpus=1. In this one CPU mode
> it finished resycing.
> During this process I was never able to resync with two CPU's.
> After finishing rescyncing the system run now fine in SMP Dual mode again.
> Perhaps there might be an issue with spinlocks during resyncing.
> Bye Otto
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