Webster says (but what did he know), that "disc" is an abbreviation
for "discount", a variation of "disk", or a "phonograph record".
Disk is even more obscure, It relates to plowing and harrowing.
However buried in the text is a reference to "round flat plate coated
with a magnetic substance upon which data for a computer is stored"
Disque isn't listed, and the French Security Police had it
exterminated from the language when it started to show up on
boxes of "disquettes". Last I heard, their 'Disk' is roughly-
translated to "train in a box".
So, we should call them paradigms ;^.
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.1 on an i686 machine (799.53 BogoMips).
"Memory is like gasoline. You use it up when you are running. Of
course you get it all back when you reboot..."; Actual explanation
obtained from the Micro$oft help desk.
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