Re: [PATCH] Re: [PATCH] new bug report script

Matthias Juchem (
Sun, 7 Jan 2001 13:38:46 +0100 (CET)

Hi there,

what do you think of this fragment ?
to me, it looks sort of large, but I wanted to cover all cases..
i'm going to optimize it a little bit.

$v_libc5 = '';
$v_libc6 = '';

# first, find the path of the concerning lib with the highest version
if ( exists_prog("ldconfig") ) {
my @ldc_out = `ldconfig -p`;
my $found=0;
foreach ( sort @ldc_out) {
m/libc\.so\.5|libc\.so\.6/ or next;
s/^.* \=\> //; # i do not want the first part
if ( m/libc\.so\.5/ ) {
$v_libc5 = $_;
$found = $found | 1;
if ( m/libc\.so\.6/ ) {
$v_libc6 = $_;
$found = $found | 2;
if ( ($found)%2==0 ) {
# path for libc5 found, extract directory name
my @tokens = split /\//, $v_libc5;
pop @tokens;
$v_libc5 = join '/', @tokens;
opendir LIBDIR, $v_libc5;
my @allfiles = readdir LIBDIR;
closedir LIBDIR;
$v_libc5 = 'not found';
foreach (sort @allfiles) {
m/\S+)/ and $v_libc5 = $1;
} else {
$v_libc5 = 'not found';
if ( ($found>>1)%2==1 ) {
# $v_libc6 should now contain the path of the lib file
if (-e $v_libc6) { # is it executable ?
$v_libc6 = `$v_libc6`;
} elsif ( exists_prog("strings") ) {
$v_libc6 = `strings $v_libc6`;
} else {
$v_libc6 = 'not found';
$v_libc6 =~ s/.*C [lL]ibrary.+version (\S+),.*/\1/s or
$v_libc6 = 'not found';
} else {
$v_libc6 = 'not found';
} else {
$v_libc5 = 'not found';
$v_libc6 = 'not found';

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