Re: Console logging

Mr. James W. Laferriere (
Sat, 6 Jan 2001 08:23:50 -0800 (PST)

Hello Mike ,

On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Igmar Palsenberg wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Mike wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I am getting getting "/var/log/messages" on my console. It doesn't save
> > it in /var/log.
> > I have checked entries in /etc/syslog.conf file. Its correct.
> > Can someone help me.
> Syslog isn't running
Or the directory/file in /var/log/ hasn't the correct permission
to allow program 'X' to write into it . But it is more likely
that Igmar is correct . Twyl , JimL

| James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
| Network Engineer | 25416 22nd So | Give me Linux |
| | DesMoines WA 98198 | only on AXP |

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