"Linux was invented here"
Linus Torvalds, the original author of the LINUX operating system studied and worked at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki 1988-1997.
Linux logo by
Larry Ewing.
Linux 15 vuotta-seminaari 4.9.2006 klo 12.00-17.00
Linux v2.6 has been released Dec 17th, 2003
What is Linux?
Linux is a high quality freely distributable UNIX clone for 386/486/Pentium
based PCs and others.
Linux Frequently Answered Questions
This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Linux
(with answers)
compiled by Robert Kiesling.
Linux Documentation Project
The Linux Documentation Project is working on developing good,
reliable documents
for the Linux operating system.
The overall goal of the LDP is to collaborate in
taking care of all of the issues of Linux documentation,
ranging from online documents
to printed manuals covering topics such as
installing, using, and running Linux.
Current Linux Kernel Versions
This auto-generated document tells you which are the latest
Linux kernel versions.
If a kernel version is listed here it also is available here at
Linux links
Petri Kutvonen