TKTL A-sarja
Julkaisujen painetut versiot ovat saatavilla tietojenkäsittelytieteen kirjastosta.
Osasta julkaisuja on saatavissa myös sähköinen versio joko laitoksen palvelimelta tai yliopiston e-thesis-palvelusta.
- A-1972-1
- Jorma Sajaniemi: Verkkoteoreettiset menetelmät algoritmien analyysissä. (Laudaturtutkielma.)
- A-1972-2
- Seppo Linnainmaa: Pyöristysvirheitten tilastollisen arvioinnin perusteita. (Lisensiaatintutkielma.)
- A-1972-3
- Yrjö Seppälä: New methods for solving chance-constrained programming problems. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1972-4
- Timo Alanko (toim.): Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelyopin laitos 1967-1972.
- A-1973-1
- Jorma Sajaniemi: Rinnakkaismenetelmien testausväline Moni-MIX N009.
- A-1973-2
- Hannu Erkiö: An extension of Algol with variable precision floating-point algorithm.
- A-1974-1
- Olavi Maanavilja: Tietorakenteet ja talletusrakenteet tiedonhallintajärjestelmien yhteydessä. (Laudaturtutkielma.)
- A-1974-2
- Jouko Mäkelä: Optinen luku. (Laudaturtutkielma.)
- A-1974-3
- Tuomo Orpana: CHAPS-algoritmin tarkkuuteen ja tehokkuuteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. (Laudaturtutkielma.)
- A-1975-1
- Seppo Linnainmaa: Statistical estimation methods of rounding errors in floating-point computations.
- A-1975-2
- Seppo Linnainmaa: A set of Algol procedures for analyzing the numerical stability of floating-point computations.
- A-1975-3
- Matti Ketonen (toim.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin kurssien sisältö lukuvuotena 1974-1975.
- A-1977-1
- Hannu Erkiö & Jorma Sajaniemi & Antti Salava: An implementation of Pascal on the Burroughs B6700.
- A-1977-2
- Kari-Jouko Räihä & Jorma Sajaniemi & Esko Ukkonen: Ohjelmointikielten määrittelyn ja toteutuksen englantilais-suomalainen sanasto (English-Finnish vocabulary of the definition and implementation of programming languages).
- A-1977-3
- Eljas Soisalon-Soininen: Characterization of LL(k) languages by restricted LR(k) grammars. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1977-4
- Kari-Jouko Räihä: On attribute grammars and their use in a compiler writing system. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1977-5
- Martti Tienari (toim.): Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelyopin laitos 1972-1977, esittelytilaisuus syyskuussa 1977.
- A-1977-6
- Jorma Sajaniemi: Describing transfer of control with the help of definitional interpreters.
- A-1977-7
- Esko Ukkonen: On the effect of rounding errors on the flow of control in numerical processes. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1977-8
- Martti Tienari (ed.): The Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, activities 1972-1977.
- A-1977-9
- Kari-Jouko Räihä: An O(log n) insertion algorithm for one-sided height-balanced binary search trees.
- A-1978-1
- Hannu Erkiö & Eero Peltola: Algorithms for experimental analysis of some internal sorting methods.
- A-1978-2
- Kari-Jouko Räihä & Mikko Saarinen & Eljas Soisalon-Soininen & Martti Tienari: The compiler writing system HLP (Helsinki Language Processor).
- A-1978-3
- Seppo Linnainmaa & Heikki Lokki & Esko Ukkonen & Inkeri Verkamo: Algol Elastic, a programming language for analyzing numerical stability and its implementation.
- A-1978-4
- Ralph-Johan Back: On the correctness of refinement steps in program development. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1979-1
- Hannu Erkiö: On heapsort and its dependence on input data. (Ph.Lic. thesis.)
- A-1980-1
- V-E. Juhani Virkkunen: A unified approach to floating-point rounding with applications to multiple-precision summation. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1980-2
- Kai Koskimies: A study on the programming language Euclid. (Ph.Lic. thesis.)
- A-1980-3
- Hannu Erkiö: Using special instructions to speed certain internal sort algorithms.
- A-1980-4
- Hannu Erkiö: Studies on the efficiency of certain internal sort algorithms. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1981-1
- Seppu Sippu: Syntax error handling in compilers. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1981-2
- Osmo Peitsalo & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1980 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science 1980).
- A-1981-3
- Jorma Sajaniemi: A proposal for expressing coroutines and its description by three models.
- A-1981-4
- Kari-Jouko Räihä: A space management technique for multi-pass attribute evaluators. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1982-1
- Osmo Peitsalo & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1981 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science 1981).
- A-1982-2
- Kai Koskimies: An experience on language implementation using attribute grammars.
- A-1982-3
- Seppo Linnainmaa: Fortran implementation of the error linearization method for automatic error analysis.
- A-1982-4
- Jorma Tarhio: Attribute evaluation during LR parsing. (Ph.Lic. thesis.)
- A-1982-5
- Ilkka Haikala & Petri Kutvonen: Design and implementation of the Mopo minicomputer system.
- A-1983-1
- Kari-Jouko Räihä & Mikko Saarinen & Matti Sarjakoski & Seppo Sippu & Eljas Soisalon-Soininen & Martti Tienari: Revised report on the compiler writing system HLP78.
- A-1983-2
- Osmo Peitsalo & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1982 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science).
- A-1983-3
- Timo Alanko: Empirical studies of program behaviour in virtual memory. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1983-4
- Kai Koskimies: Extensions of one-pass attribute grammars. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1984-1
- Osmo Peitsalo & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1983 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science).
- A-1985-1
- Heikki Mannila: Instance complexity for sorting and NP-complete problems. (Ph.D. thesis.)
- A-1986-1
- Osmo Peitsalo & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1984-85 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science 1984-85).
- A-1986-2
- Ilkka Haikala: Program behaviour in memory hierarchies. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1986-3
- Pekka Orponen: The structure of polynomial complexity cores. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1986-4
- Kai Koskimies & Otto Nurmi & Jukka Paakki & Seppo Sippu: The design of the language processor generator HLP84.
- A-1987-1
- Pekka Kilpeläinen & Heikki Mannila & Jukka Riivari & Esko Ukkonen: Helsinki Prolog language - reference manual.
- A-1987-2
- Pekka Kilpeläinen & Heikki Mannila & Jukka Riivari & Asko Suorsa & Marja Tiainen & Esko Ukkonen: Helsinki Prolog System (HPS) - user guide.
- A-1987-3
- Pekka Kilpeläinen & Heikki Mannila & Jukka Riivari & Asko Suorsa & Marja Tiainen & Esko Ukkonen: Helsinki Prolog System (HPS) - system overview.
- A-1988-1
- A. Inkeri Verkamo: Sorting in hierarchical memories. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1988-2
- Kai Koskimies & Tapio Elomaa & Tapio Lehtonen & Jukka Paakki: TOOLS/HLP84 report and user manual. (Rev. in 1989).
- A-1988-3
- Niklas Holsti: Incremental Matlab - a program with an incremental user interface.
- A-1988-4
- Heikki Mannila & Esko Ukkonen: Time parameter and arbitrary deunions in the set union problem.
- A-1988-5
- Martti Tienari & Kari Aaltonen & Jaana Eloranta & Jukka Keskinen & Kari Lehtinen & Lea Summanen & Kalle Tarpila & Ismo Turunen: PROTAN88 - a software tool for verifying communication protocols specified with an extended state transition model.
- A-1988-6
- Henry Tirri (ed.): Interoperability of heterogeneous information systems: interim report of the COST 11ter project.
- A-1988-7
- Osmo Peitsalo & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1986-87 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science 1986-87).
- A-1988-8
- Jukka Paakki: Generating one-pass semantic analysis for a compiler. (Ph.Lic. thesis).
- A-1988-9
- Masataka Sassa: Incremental attribute evaluation and parsing based on ECLR-attributed grammars.
- A-1988-10
- Kari Lehtinen: Experiences in using Estelle in X.411/P1 protocol specification.
- A-1988-11
- Jorma Tarhio: Attribute grammars for one-pass compilation. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1988-12
- Kai Koskimies & Merik Meriste: Experiences with class-based implementation of programming languages.
- A-1988-13
- Eeva Hartikainen: Specification and design of distributed programs that use broadcasting. (Ph.Lic. thesis).
- A-1989-1
- Gösta Grahne: The problem of incomplete information in relational databases. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1989-2
- Henry Tirri (ed.): Interoperability of heterogeneous information systems: final report of the COST 11ter project.
- A-1989-3
- Jorma Tarhio & Martti Tienari (eds.): Computer Science at the University of Helsinki.
- A-1989-4
- Timo Alanko & Jukka Keskinen & Petri Kutvonen & Matt Mutka, & Martti Tienari: The AHTO project: software technology for open distributed processing.
- A-1989-5
- Niklas Holsti: Script editing for recovery and reversal in textual user interfaces. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1989-6
- Kimmo E.E.Raatikainen: Modelling and analysis techniques for capacity planning. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1990-1
- Kirsti Pohjonen & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1988-89 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science 1988-89).
- A-1990-2
- Juhani Kuittinen & Otto Nurmi & Seppo Sippu & Eljas Soisalon-Soininen: Efficient implementation of loops in bottom-up evaluation of logic queries.
- A-1990-3
- Jorma Tarhio & Esko Ukkonen: Approximate Boyer-Moore string matching.
- A-1990-4
- Esko Ukkonen & Derick Wood: Approximate string matching with suffix automata.
- A-1990-5
- Teemu Kerola: Qsolver - a modular environment for solving queueing network models.
- A-1990-6
- Ker-I Ko & Pekka Orponen & Uwe Schöning & Osamu Watanabe: Instance complexity.
- A-1991-1
- Jukka Paakki: Paradigms for attribute-grammar-based language implementation. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1991-2
- Otto Nurmi & Eljas Soisalon-Soininen: Uncoupling updating and rebalancing in chromatic binary search trees.
- A-1991-3
- Tapio Elomaa & Jyrki Kivinen: Learning decision trees from noisy examples.
- A-1991-4
- Pekka Kilpeläinen & Heikki Mannila: Ordered and unordered tree inclusion.
- A-1991-5
- Antti Valmari: Compositional state space generation.
- A-1991-6
- Jorma Tarhio & Martti Tienari (eds.): Computer Science at the University of Helsinki 1991.
- A-1991-7
- Petteri Jokinen & Jorma Tarhio & Esko Ukkonen: A comparison of approximate string matching algorithms.
- A-1992-1
- Jyrki Kivinen: Problems in computational learning theory. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1992-2
- Kirsti Pohjonen & Jorma Tarhio (toim./eds.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen tutkimusraportteja 1990-91 (Research reports at the Department of Computer Science 1990-91).
- A-1992-3
- Thomas Eiter & Pekka Kilpeläinen & Heikki Mannila: Recognizing renamable generalized propositional Horn formulas is NP-complete.
- A-1992-4
- Antti Valmari: Alleviating state explosion during verification of behavioural equivalence.
- A-1992-5
- Patrik Floréen: Computational complexity problems in neural associative memories. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1992-6
- Pekka Kilpeläinen: Tree matching problems with applications to structured text databases. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1993-1
- Esko Ukkonen: On-line construction of suffix-trees.
- A-1993-2
- Alois P. Heinz: Efficient implementation of a neural net [alpha] -[beta]-evaluator.
- A-1994-1
- Jaana Eloranta: Minimal transition systems with respect to divergence preserving behavioural equivalences. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1994-2
- Kirsti Pohjonen (toim./ed.): Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitoksen julkaisut 1992-93 (Publications from the Department of Computer Science 1992-93).
- A-1994-3
- Teija Kujala & Martti Tienari (eds.): Computer Science at the University of Helsinki 1993.
- A-1994-4
- Patrik Floréen & Pekka Orponen: Complexity issues in discrete Hopfield networks.
- A-1995-1
- Petri Myllymäki: Mapping Bayesian networks to stochastic neural networks: a foundation for hybrid Bayesian-neural systems. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1996-1
- Roope Kaivola: Equivalences, preorders and compositional verification for linear time temporal logic and concurrent systems. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1996-2
- Tapio Elomaa: Tools and techniques for decision tree learning. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1996-3
- Jorma Tarhio & Martti Tienari (eds.): Computer Science at the University of Helsinki 1996.
- A-1996-4
- Helena Ahonen: Generating grammars for structured documents using grammatical inference methods. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1996-5
- Hannu Toivonen: Discovery of frequent patterns in large data collections. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1997-1
- Henry Tirri: Plausible prediction by Bayesian inference. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1997-2
- Greger Lindén: Structured document transformations. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1997-3
- Matti Nykänen: Querying string databases with modal logic. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1997-4
- Erkki Sutinen & Jorma Tarhio & Simo-Pekka Lahtinen & Antti-Pekka Tuovinen & Erkki Rautama & Veijo Meisalo: Eliot - an algorithm animation environment.
- A-1998-1
- Greger Lindén & Martti Tienari (eds.): Computer Science at the University of Helsinki 1998.
- A-1998-2
- Lea Kutvonen: Trading services in open distributed environments. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1998-3
- Erkki Sutinen: Approximate pattern matching with the q-gram family. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1999-1
- Mika Klemettinen: A knowledge discovery methodology for telecommunication network alarm databases. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1999-2
- Juha Puustjärvi: Transactional workflows. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-1999-3
- Greger Lindén & Esko Ukkonen (eds.): Department of Computer Science: annual report 1998.
- A-1999-4
- Juha Kärkkäinen: Repetition-based text indexes. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2000-1
- Pirjo Moen: Attribute, event sequence, and event type similarity notions for data mining. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2000-2
- Barbara Heikkinen: Generalization of document structures and document assembly. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2000-3
- Pekka Kähkipuro: Performance modeling framework for CORBA based distributed systems. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2000-4
- Kjell Lemstöm: String matching techniques for music retrieval. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2000-5
- Timo Karvi: Partially defined Lotos specifications and their refinement calculus. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2001-1
- Juho Rousu: Efficient range partitioning in classification learning. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2001-2
- Marko Salmenkivi: Computational methods for intensity models. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2001-3
- Kimmo Fredriksson: Rotation invariant template matching. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2002-1
- Antti-Pekka Tuovinen: Object-oriented engineering of visual languages. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2002-2
- Vesa Ollikainen: Simulation techniques for disease gene localization in isolated populations. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2002-3
- Jaak Vilo: Pattern discovery from biosequences. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-1
- Jan Lindström: Optimistic concurrency control methods for real-time database systems. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-2
- Heikki Helin: Supporting nomadic agent-based applications in the FIPA agent architecture. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-3
- Stefano Campadello: Middleware infrastructure for distributed mobile applications. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-4
- Juha Taina: Design and analysis of a distributed database architecture for IN/GSM data. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-5
- Jaakko Kurhila: Considering individual differences in computer-supported special and elementary education. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-6
- Veli Mäkinen: Parameterized approximate string matching and local-similarity-based point-pattern matching. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-7
- Matti Luukkainen: A process algebraic reduction strategy for automata theoretic verification of untimed and timed concurrent systems. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2003-8
- Jukka Manner: Provision of Quality of Service in IP-based mobile access networks. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004-1
- Mikko Koivisto: Sum-product algorithms for the analysis of genetic risks. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004-2
- Andrei Gurtov: Efficient data transport in wireless overlay networks. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004-3
- Kari Vasko: Computational methods and models for paleoecology. (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004-4
- Sevon, Petteri: Algorithms for association-based gene mapping (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004- 5
- Viljamaa, Jukka: Applying formal concept analysis to extract framework reuse interface specifications from source code (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004-6
- Ravantti, Janne: Computational methods for reconstructing macromolecular complexes from cryo-electron microscopy images (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004-7
- Kääriäinen, Matti: Learning small trees and graphs that generalize (Ph.D thesis).
- A-2004-8
- Kivioja, Teemu: Computational tools for a novel transcriptional profiling method (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2004-9
- Tamm, Hellis: On minimality and size reduction of one-tape and multitape finite automata (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2005-1
- Mielikäinen, Taneli: Summarization techniques for pattern collections in data mining (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2005-2
- Doucet, Antoine: Advanced Document Description, a Sequential Approach (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2006-1
- Viljamaa, Antti: Specifying Reuse Interfaces for Task-Oriented Framework Specialization (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2006-2
- Tarkoma, Sasu: Efficient Content-based Routing, Mobility-aware Topologies, and Temporal Subspace Matching (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2006-3
- Lehtonen, Miro: Indexing Heterogeneous XML for Full-Text Search (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2006-4
- Rantanen, Ari: Algorithms for 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2006-5
- Terzi, Evimaria: Problems and Algorithms for Sequence Segmentations (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2007-1
- Sarolahti, Pasi: TCP Performance in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2007-2
- Raento, Mika: Exploring privacy for ubiquitous computing: Tools, methods and experiments (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2007-3
- Aunimo, Lili: Methods for Answer Extraction in Textual Question Answering (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2007-4
- Roos, Teemu: Statistical and Information-Theoretic Methods for Data Analysis (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2007-5
- Leggio, Simone: A Decentralized Session Management Framework for Heterogeneous Ad-Hoc and Fixed Networks (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2007-6
- Riva, Oriana: Middleware for Mobile Sensing Applications in Urban Environments. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2007-7
- Palin, Kimmo: Computational Methods for Locating and Analyzing Conserved Gene Regulatory DNA Elements (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2008-1
- Autio, Ilkka: Modeling Efficient Classification as a Process of Confidence Assessment and Delegation (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2008-2
- Kangasharju, Jaakko: XML Messaging for Mobile Devices (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2008-3
- Haiminen, Niina: Mining Sequential Data - in Search of Segmental Structures (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2008-4
- Korhonen, Jouni: IP Mobility in Wireless Operator Networks (Ph.D. thesis).
- A-2008-5
- Lindgren, Jussi T.: Learning nonlinear visual processing from natural images (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-1
- Hätönen, Kimmo: Data mining for telecommunications network log analysis (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-2
- Silander, Tomi: The Most Probable Bayesian Network and Beyond (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-3
- Laasonen, Kari: Mining Cell Transition Data (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-4
- Miettinen, Pauli: Matrix decomposition methods for data mining : computational complexity and algorithms. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-5
- Suomela, Jukka: .Optimisation Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks: Local Algorithms and Local Graphs. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-6
- Köster, Urs: A Probabilistic Approach to the Primary Visual Cortex. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-7
- Nurmi, Petteri: Identifying Meaningful Places. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-8
- Makkonen, Juha: Semantic Classes in Topic Detection and Tracking. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-9
- Rastas, Pasi: Computational Techniques for Haplotype Inference and for Local Alignment Significance. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-10
- Mononen, Tommi: Computing the Stochastic Complexity of Simple Probabilistic Graphical Models. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2009-11
- Kontkanen, Petri: Computationally Efficient Methods for MDL-optimal Clustering and Density Estimation. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2010-1
- Lukk, Margus: Construction of a Global Map of Human Gene Expression: the Process, Tools and Analysis. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2010-2
- Hämäläinen, Wilhelmiina: Efficient Search for Statistically Significant Dependency Rules in Binary Data. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2010-3
- Kollin, Jussi: Computational Methods for Detecting Large-Scale Chromosome Rearrangements in SNP Data. (Ph.D. thesis)
- A-2010-4
- Pitkänen, Esa: Computational Methods for Reconstruction and Analysis of Genome-Scale Metabolic Networks. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2010-5
- Lukyanenko, Andrey: Multi-user Resource-sharing Problem for the Internet. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2010-6
- Daniel, Laila: Cross-layer Assisted TCP Algorithms for Vertical Handoff (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2011-1
- Tripathi, Abhishek: Data fusion and matching by maximizing statistical dependencies. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2011-2
- Junttila, Esa: Patterns in permuted binary matrices. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2011-3
- Hintsanen, Petteri: Simulation and graph mining tools for improving gene mapping efficiency. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2011-4
- Ikonen, Marko: Lean Thinking in Software Development: Impacts of Kanban on Projects. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2012-1
- Parviainen, Pekka: Algorithms for Exact Structure Discovery in Bayesian Networks. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2012-2
- Wessman, Jaana: Mixture Model Clustering in the Analysis of Complex Diseases. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2012-3
- Pöyhönen, Petteri:Access Selection Methods in Cooperative Multi-operator Environments to Improve End-user and Operator Satisfaction. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2012-4
- Ruohomaa, Sini:The Effect of Reputation on Trust Decisions in Inter-enterprise Collaborations. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2012-5
- Siren, Jouni: Compressed Full-Text Indexes for Highly Repetitive Collections. (Ph.D thesis)
- A-2012-6
- Zhou, Fang: Methods for Network Abstraction. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2012-7
- Välimäki, Niko: Applications of Compressed Data Structures on Sequences and Structured Data (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2012-8
- Varjonen, Samu: Secure Connectivity with Persistent Indentities. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2012-9
- Heinonen, Markus: Computational methods for small molecules. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-1
- Timonen, Mika: Term Weighting in Short Documents for Document Categorization, Keyword Extraction and Query Expansion. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-2
- Wettig, Hannes: Probabilistic, Information-Theoretic Models for Etymological Alignment. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-3
- Ruokolainen, Toni: A Model-Driven Approach to Service Ecosystem Engineering. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-4
- Hyttinen, Antti: Discovering causal relations in the presence of latent confounders. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-5
- Eloranta, Satu: Dynamic Aspects of Knowledge Bases. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-6
- Apiola, Mikko: Creativity-supporting learning environments : two case studies on teaching programming. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-7
- Polishchuk, Tatiana: Enabling Multipath and Multicast Data Transmission in Legacy and Future Internet. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-8
- Luosto, Panu: Normalized Maximum Likelihood Methods for Clustering and Density Estimation (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-9
- Eronen, Lauri: Computational methods for augmenting association-based gene mapping. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-10
- Entner, Doris: Causal Structure Learning and Effect Identification in Linear Non-Gaussian Models and Beyond. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-11
- Galbrun, Esther: Methods for Redescription Mining. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-12
- Pervilä, Mikko: Data Center Energy Retrofits. (Ph. D thesis)
- A-2013-13
- Pohjalainen, Pietu: Self-Organizing Software Architectures. (Ph. D thesis)