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The org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process command line now supports XSLTC for transformation.
You can use the new -XSLTC option to enable the XSLTC support.
The following existing options can be used with -XSLTC:
The following existing options do not work with -XSLTC . If any of them is used
with -XSLTC , a message is printed and the option is ignored.
We also have a new set of options for -XSLTC . They are all two letter options. The first
letter is X and the second letter is the same as the corresponding option in the XSLTC command line
org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.Compile .
These new options can only be used with -XSLTC . If any of them is used
with Xalan-Java Interpretive, a message is printed and the option is ignored.
Here is the list of the new options:
-XO [optional translet_name]
Assign the name to the generated translet. If the translet_name is omitted, the translet is
generated using the default name (same as the xsl).
-XD destination_directory
Specify a destination directory for translet. The generated translet classes will be put
under the specified destination directory.
-XJ jar_name
Package translet classes into a jar file of name <jar_name>
-XP package_name
Specify a package name prefix for all generated translet classes
Enable XSL template inlining into one big method
Turn on additional debugging message output
Use translet to transform if possible
 | The translet name is the same as the name of the Java class that
implements the translet. If the name specified by the -XO option
or derived from the URL for the stylesheet contains characters that are not
permitted in a Java class name, any such character will be replaced with an
underscore. For example, if the translet name specified by the -XO
option is my-stylesheet , or if the URL of the stylesheet is
http://example.org/my-stylesheet.xsl , the translet will actually
be namedmy_stylesheet .
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You can just add the -XSLTC option to your existing option list so that it will do
the same thing as before, but using XSLTC.
Here is a simple example on how to use XSLTC:
> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in test.xml -xsl test.xsl -xsltc
XSLTC compiles the stylesheet on the fly and uses the bytecode in memory to transform the input xml.
No translet class is generated in this simple usage pattern.
If you want to generate translet classes from the stylesheet, you can use the -XO option:
> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in test.xml -xsl test.xsl -xsltc -xo
This example still uses the stylesheet for transformation, but it also generates the
translet class "test.class".
You can use the -XJ, -XP or -XD options to further customize the translet
generation behavior. Translets will be generated if any of the options -XO, -XJ or
-XT is used.
> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in test.xml -xsl test.xsl -xsltc -xo newTranslet -xd temp -xp org.apache.test -xj translets.jar
The above command line uses the xsl for transformation. It also generates translet classes in
the name of newTranslet , using a package prefix of org.apache.test , and packages the translets
into the jar file translets.jar under the temp directory.
All of the examples above use the stylesheet to do the transformation. If the translets are
already generated, you can use the -XT option to specify that you want to use the existing translets for transformation.
The -XT option has a makefile like feature in that it will compare the timestamps of the translet
and the stylesheet. If the translet is newer, it is used for the transformation, otherwise the stylesheet is
used and the translet is regenerated.
The translet is loaded from the specified destination directory or the current directory, using
the specified translet name or the xsl base name, depending on whether the -XD or
-XO option is used. The options -XO, -XD, -XP and -XJ
can be used with the -XT option to tell XSLTC how to find the translet classes. The translets
are directly read in as bytecode. You do not need to add the translet directory or the jar file to your
> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in test.xml -xsl test.xsl -xsltc -xt -xj translets.jar -xd temp
This command line will search for the translet test.class inside the jar file temp/translets.jar . If it is
found and newer than test.xsl, it is used for the transformation; otherwise the xsl is used and the
translet is generated and packaged in the same jar.
Here is how the makefile feature for the -XT option works:
- If the xsl does not exist, use the translet
- If the translet does not exist, use the xsl and generate a new translet
- If both exist and the translet is newer, use the translet for transformation
- If both exist and the xsl is newer, use the xsl for transformation and regenerate the translet
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Q: If I use the -XT option, how can I tell if it is using the translet or the stylesheet for transformation?
A: Use the -XX option. When XSLTC uses the translet for transformation, you will see a debug
message like "Tranform using translet ..." or "Tranform using translet ... from jar file ...".
Q: I want to use a translet for transformation, and I don't have the stylesheet.
A: Suppose the translet class is c:\translets\myTranslet.class , you can use the following command line:
> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in test.xml -xsltc -xt -xo myTranslet -xd c:\translets
If you use -XT option, the -XSL option can be omitted. You have to specify the translet name
using the -XO option because there is no default translet name in this situation.
Q: I only want to compile the stylesheet. I don't want to do a transformation.
A: JAXP has no notion of compiling a stylesheet. However, you can achieve the same effect by
running a dummy transformation and tell XSLTC to save the translet class. Example:
> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -xsl test.xsl -xsltc -xo
This command runs a transformation on an empty input and generates the translet test.class .