Important changes since 0.20.3:
- FOP should now work with any JAXP1.1 compliant parser/transformer.
It has been successfully tested with Xerces/Xalan, Saxon and JDK1.4
(which includes Crimson and Xalan).
- The following JARs have been updated:
Xerces to version 2.0.1, Xalan to version 2.3.1 and Batik to version 1.5beta2.
- Fop has been compiled with Jimi support this time
but you still have to download
and copy it to lib/ to get PNG support (no need to build FOP yourself though).
- Building FOP with JDK1.2 does not work. Running is ok except
support for additional truetype fonts in AWT Viewer.
- Logging has been changed from LogKit to Avalon's Logger Interface.
(see Embedding for details).
- Building under JDK 1.4:
You need to add a method in
(search for jdk1.4 and remove the comments)
- To decrease the size of the distributions, ant, xml-docs, design-docs
and the hyphenation sources have been removed from the binary distribution.
Javadocs have been removed from the source distribution (use
build javadocs to generate them).
- Documentaion generation is broken in the maintenance branch at the moment
(Stylebook needs xerces1). The docs for this release are generated from the trunk.
For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the FOP distribution.
Important Information:
- This version supports the
XSL-FO Version 1.0
W3C Recommendation syntax. So don't forget to update your
Just rename the master-name property to master-reference
on fo:page-sequence , fo:single-page-master-reference ,
fo:repeatable-page-master-reference and
fo:conditional-page-master-reference .
- JDK 1.2 (or later) is required
- Jimi has been removed for licensing reasons
If you need PNG support you have to download
copy it to lib/ and build FOP yourself
- Building under JDK 1.4:
You need to add a method in
(search for jdk1.4 and remove the comments)
For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the FOP distribution.