

Varain was a Software Engineering Project at University of Helsinki in autumn 2006. The project group created a patch that adds proof of concept LRSVP (Localized resource ReSerVation Protocol) support to the KOM RSVP Engine. The patch is based on earlier work done by Adrien Bauffe and contains only minor modifications from project group Varain.


RSVP (resource ReSerVation Protocol) is used to negotiate QoS (Quality of Service) for end-to-end connections. The problem with RSVP is that QoS can be ensured only when both end points as well as every router on the path supports RSVP. LVRSP allows QoS to be negotiated for partial path on the client's side, provided that routers on the partial path support LRSVP. Thus LRSVP is able to provide some QoS for one end point even when the other end point does not implement any QoS service at all.


We (Varain project group) here by release our patch ( lrsvp.diff ) under GPL license to public. The patch was created against rsvp-rel3.0f.tgz package which at the time of writing is available from KOM RSVP site.

Most of the code in our patch is written by Adrien Bauffe (we received a copy of his incomplete lrsvp-enabled KOM RSVP under GPL license when the project started). The patch introduces various minor modifications to Bauffe's code. These modifications are made by Varain project group.



Varain is the Finnish language word for a thing that reserves. It should not be confused with the Finnish language word varaani, used for referring to the biological family of monitor lizards (lat. Varanidae).

Project Group