In the symbolic machine language, the commands are of following form:
LABEL OPER Rj,M ADDR(Ri) where OPER the symbolic name of the command Rj the first operand (register R0..R7) M addressing mode: = immediate operand direct addressing (empty, ie. not marked) @ indirect addressing ADDR address part (memory address or immediate value) Ri possible index register (register R0..R7)
If some part of the instruction is not significant, it can be left out. It is possible to add a label (symbolic address) in front of a command. The label may contain letters A-Ö, numbers 0-9 and an underscore _. The label must contain at least one non-numerical character. Only the first 8 characters are significant.
Almost all commands have the following forms available:OPER Rj,ADDR direct memory addressing OPER Rj,Ri direct register addressing OPER Rj,=ADDR immediate operand OPER Rj,@ADDR indirect memory addressing OPER Rj,@Ri indirect memory addressing OPER Rj,ADDR(Ri) indexed addressing OPER Rj,=ADDR(Ri) indexed immediate operand OPER Rj,@ADDR(Ri) indexed indirect memory addressing
STORE | 2nd operand is always destination address, it cannot be a register or constant |
POP | 2nd operand must always be a register |
PUSHR | 2nd operand is not significant |
POPR | 2nd operand is not significant |
NOT | 2nd operand is not significant |
NOP | Neither operand is significant |
Branches | 2nd operand is always the target address, it cannot be a constant. In the jump commands which examine the state register, the first operand is ignored. |
LOAD | take the value of the 2nd operand and makes it the new value of register Rj |
STORE | store the value of Rj to the address specified by the 2nd operand |
IN | read an integer to register Rj from a peripheral appointed in the 2nd operand (from keyboard for example IN R1,=KBD) |
OUT | print the value of register Rj to the peripheral appointed in the 2nd operand (to screen for example OUT R1,=CRT) |
ADD | (add) add the value of the 2nd operand to the value of register Rj |
SUB | (subtract) substract the value of the 2nd operand from the value of Rj |
MUL | (multiply) multiply the value of Rj by the the 2nd operand. |
DIV | (divide) divide the value of register Rj with the 2nd operand and store the result in Rj |
MOD | (modulo) divide the value of register Rj with the 2nd operand and store the remainder in Rj |
AND | (boolean AND) logical AND-operation. |
OR | (boolean OR) logical OR-operation. |
XOR | (boolean XOR) logical exclusive OR-operation. |
NOT | (boolean NOT) invert all bits in register Rj. |
SHL | (shift left) shift register Rj's bits left the amount stated in the 2nd operand. Fill the right end with 0-bits. |
SHR | (shift right) like SHL, but shift right. |
SHRA | (arithmetic shift right) perform an arithmetic right shift; as in SHR, but fills the left end with copies of the leftmost bit, thus keeping negative numbers negative. |
COMP | (compare) compare the value of the 1st operand to the value of the 2nd operand and set the result of the comparison to the bits of state register SR (L=less, E=equal, G=greater). |
JUMP | Unconditional jump to the target address stated in the 2nd operand. |
JNEG | (jump if negative) if Rj < 0, jump to the address stated in the 2nd operand, otherwise continue to the next instruction. |
JZER | (jump if zero) if Rj = 0 |
JPOS | (jump if positive) if Rj > 0 |
JNNEG | (jump if not negative) if Rj >= 0 |
JNZER | (jump if if not zero) if Rj <> 0 |
JNPOS | (jump if not positive) if Rj <= 0 |
JLES | (jump if less) if the state register SR's bit L is set, jump to the address stated in the 2nd operand, otherwise continue from the next instruction (used with the COMP-instruction). |
JEQU | (jump if equal) if bit E is set |
JGRE | (jump if greater) if bit G is set |
JNLES | (jump if not less) if bit E or G is set |
JNEQU | (jump if not equal) if bit L or G is set |
JNGRE | (jump if not greater) if bit L or E is set |
The first operand of the instructions, Rj, points to the cell on top of the stack. Usually the register SP (ie R6) is used as stack pointer.
PUSH | Increase the value of stack pointer Rj by one and store the 2nd operand as the top cell of the stack. |
POP | Remove the top cell from stack and take it to the register stated in the 2nd operand (NOTICE: always a register). Reduce the value of stack pointer Rj by one. |
PUSHR | Push registers R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 (SP) to the stack, in this order. Before pushing each register, increases the stack pointer Rj's value by one. |
POPR | Pop values to the registers R6 (SP), R5, R4, R3, R2, R1 and R0, in this order, from the stack. For each pop, first fetches the value from the top of the stack indicated by the register Rj, and then substracts one from Rj. |
CALL | Call a subroutine, ie transfer control to the address stated with the 2nd operand. Prior to transfering control to the subroutine, CALL will automatically push the return address and current frame pointer (FP, ie R7) to the stack. Rj points to the top of the stack. |
EXIT | Return from a subroutine to the next instruction. Restores FP and PC from the stack, to which Rj is pointing to. The 2nd operand is the number of the stack parameters passed to the subroutine (they will be removed from the stack). |
SVC | (supervisor call) call an operanting system's service routine. The first operand Rj is the top of the stack and the second operand is number of service. See service numbers below:
NOP | (no operation) does nothing, neither operand is significant |
The compiler control instructions give instructions to the assembler's
compiler. They ARE NOT actual instructions of the assembler.
label EQU value
The equation instruction EQU defines an integer value to a symbolic
label. The label can be used in an instruction's ADDR-field, after which it
will be handled like a "value" typed in the same place.
label DC value
Memory allocation instruction DC (data constant) reserves one memory
word for a constant, equates the address of the allocated memory cell and
the symbolic address "label" and sets the number "value" as the contents
of the reserved memory cell. The label can be used in an instruction's
ADDR-field like a memory address.
label DS size
The data reservation instruction DS (data segment) allocates a memory
block of specified size (in words) and equates the starting address
of the allocated memory cell and the symbolic address "label". Is used for
allocating space for global variables. A label can be used in an instruction's
ADDR-field like a memory address.
option DEF string (not available in TitoTrainer)
This special instruction changes options for simulating the file system of a TTK-91 machine. 'String' should be an absolute directory path. Examples:
STDIN DEF /home/myuser/ttk91/stdin STDOUT DEF C:\mydir\stdout
Available options are:
STDIN | To set which file stdin data is read from (default is file stdin in the user's current working directory) |
STODUT | To set which file stdout data is written to (default is file stdout in the user's current working directory) |
The DEF instruction is disabled in TitoTrainer for security reasons
In immediate addressing the second operand is a constant embedded in the instruction word. Immediate operand is a signed 16-bit integer so the range of possible values is -32768...32767.
Example:1) LOAD R1, =100 Load the number 100 to register R1.
Direct addressing is a scheme in which the address specifies which memory word or register contains the operand.
Examples:2) LOAD R1, 100 Load the content of memory address 100 to register R1. 3) LOAD R1, R2 Load the content of register R2 to register R1.
Indirect addressing is a scheme in which the address specifies which memory word or register contains not the operand but the address of the operand.
Examples:4) LOAD R1, @100 Load the content of memory address stored at memory address 100 to the register R1. 5) LOAD R1, @R2 Load the content of the memory address stored at register R2 to register R1.
Addresses have two parts: the number of an index register and a constant. The address of the operand is the sum of the constant and the contents of the index register. It contains indexed (direct) addressing, indexed immediate addressing and indexed indirect addressing.
Examples:6) LOAD R1, 100(R2) Load the content of the memory address which is the sum of 100 and the content of register R2 to register R1. 7) LOAD R1, =100(R2) Load the sum of 100 and the value of register R2 to register R1. 8) LOAD R1, @100(R2) Load the content of the memory address stored at the memory address which is the sum of 100 and the number in register R2 to the register R1.
It is worth noting that in actuality the TTK-91 instruction set has only three adressing modes instead of the eight presented above. In compiled code all adressing uses indexing and constants. Although you can omit the index register or the constant from your assembly code, the compiler automatically adds them to the compiled binary. For example:
"LOAD R1, =10" == "LOAD R1, =10(R0)" "LOAD R1, R2" == "LOAD R1, =0(R2)" "LOAD R1, @R2" == "LOAD R1, 0(R2)" "LOAD R1, @10" == "LOAD R1, @10(R0)" "LOAD R1, 10" == "LOAD R1, 10(R0)"
In the above examples, note the use of register R0. When used as index register, the value of R0 is always zero. You can assign other values to R0 and perform ALU operations on it, but when used in the second operand it is always treated as zero. When used as the first operand R0 behaves like any other register. For example consider the failed attempt to copy R0 with LOAD, and the workaround to this limitation:
a) LOAD R3, R0 Assign 0 to R3, regardless of the value of R0. b) STORE R0, X Store the value of R0 to memory location X LOAD R3, X Load the value of memory location X to R3
8 bits 3b 2b 3b 16 bits +----------------+------+----+------+--------------------------------+ | Operation code | Rj | M | Ri | address / immediate value | +----------------+------+----+------+--------------------------------+ 31 24 23 16 15 00
Operation Binary Decimal Hexdecim. NOP 0000 0000 0 00 STORE 0000 0001 1 01 LOAD 0000 0010 2 02 IN 0000 0011 3 03 OUT 0000 0100 4 04 ADD 0001 0001 17 11 SUB 0001 0010 18 12 MUL 0001 0011 19 13 DIV 0001 0100 20 14 MOD 0001 0101 21 15 AND 0001 0110 22 16 OR 0001 0111 23 17 XOR 0001 1000 24 18 SHL 0001 1001 25 19 SHR 0001 1010 26 1A NOT 0001 1011 27 1B SHRA 0001 1100 28 1C COMP 0001 1111 31 1F JUMP 0010 0000 32 20 JNEG 0010 0001 33 21 JZER 0010 0010 34 22 JPOS 0010 0011 35 23 JNNEG 0010 0100 36 24 JNZER 0010 0101 37 25 JNPOS 0010 0110 38 26 JLES 0010 0111 39 27 JEQU 0010 1000 40 28 JGRE 0010 1001 41 29 JNLES 0010 1010 42 2A JNEQU 0010 1011 43 2B JNGRE 0010 1100 44 2C CALL 0011 0001 49 31 EXIT 0011 0010 50 32 PUSH 0011 0011 51 33 POP 0011 0100 52 34 PUSHR 0011 0101 53 35 POPR 0011 0110 54 36 SVC 0111 0000 112 70
Binary Dec Addressing mode 00 0 indexed immediate 01 1 indexed direct 10 2 indexed indirect