Use cases of Student Calendar We walk through use cases and show in rough steps how they are achieved in our proposed user interface. We describe each step shortly and give reference to picture, which shows actions similar to step. Pictures may supply many ways to do an action. Use case 0 I have job interview on Friday (3rd of February) at 14.10 o'clock and I want to put it in my calendar. 1. Resize or move Thumb in calendar scrollbar to show 3rd of February. (Picture 10) 2. Add single event on Friday at 14. (Picture 2) 3. Edit exact start time (14.10) while editing event (Picture 2) 4. When you begin to do something else, edit box closes. (Picture 2) Use case 1 I have Linear Algebra I lectures on Thursdays and I want to put them in my calendar for the whole semester. 1. Move or resize thumb to show some Thursday from semester. (Picture 10) 2. Add event on Thursday same way single events are added (Picture 2) 3. Leave edit box open. (Or select just created event, if you already closed edit box). Select all Thursdays of the whole semester from calendar scrollbar with RMB to copy event on those days (Picture 3) 4. Event "flies" to selected days, when RMB is released. (Draft 1) Use case 2 I usually wake up late in the morning so I don't usually need to see my what's in my calendar before 10 am. 1. Adjust visible time range of Schedules. Adjusting time range in one Schedule affects all other Schedules. (Picture 8) Use case 3 I want to put Data Structures lectures, which are on Thursdays at the same time as Linear Algebra I lectures, in my calendar. 1. Move or resize thumb to show Thursday (Picture 10) 2. Add overlapping event. (Picture 4) Use case 4 I notice that there is something in my calendar next Tuesday early in the morning and I'd like to see quickly what it is. 1. Double click with LMB on thick bar representing early event scales time range to show the event in Schedule. (Picture 9) Use case 5 My friend has found a new job and we want to go out and celebrate it so I need to see next three weeks in my calendar including weekends. 1. Resize thumb in calendar scrollbar to show next three weeks. (Picture 10) 2. Times not scheduled yet show up as white areas, compared light gray background of events. Free times can be seen clearly. Use case 6 My cousin has a birthday in two months. I wonder if I have put that in my calendar already. 1. Resize thumb to show next two months. (Picture 10) 2. Timeless events, such as birthdays, are located on top of days. (Picture 5) 3. Texts on events aren't probably visible due to large number of days currently shown.Move cursor over timeless event one at time to see whole text on tooltip (Picture 5) Use case 7 Next weeks User Interfaces lecture has been cancelled and I need to remove it from my calendar. 1. Move or resize thumb to show next week (Picture 10) 2. Select single instance of repeating event (Picture 7) 3. Remove event. (Picture 8) Use case 8 This week User Interfaces lecture will last an hour longer because next weeks lecture was cancelled and I need to change it in my calendar. 1. Move pointer on the edge of event and stretch event one hour longer. (Picture ?) Use case 9 My friend got married one month ago and I want to put the wedding day in my calendar so I will remember to congratulate her next year. 1. Move thumb to show appropriate day (Picture 10) 2. Add timeless event to top of the day. (Picture 5) Use case 10 We have been talking about going on a cruise with friends and I need to see if there are any weekends free during next couple of months. 1. Resize thumb to show only weekends for couple of weeks. (Picture 10) 2. Scroll thumb downwards until you find suitable free weekend (Picture 10) Use case 11 Meeting with the seminar group on Thursday is very important and I want it to be seen in my schedule. 1. Add event as described in Use case 0. 2. Open properties window from context menu of event. (Picture 12) 3. Adjust priority of event. (Actions in properties box are not specified in this document) 4. Day of event appears bold in calendar scrollbar. 5. Draft ?? has a proposition to show importance of event in event box. Use case 12 There is usually a lot of action on Thursdays so I'd like it if there were more room for my markings on that day 1. Widen box of Thursday in one of the visible Schedules. (Picture 13) Use case 13 I want to see three Wednesdays, which are not on sequential weeks because a meeting must be scheduled on one of them. 1. Solution to problem of selecting discrete days is not deeply thought. One possibility is to select discrete days with Control key pressed. In any case, mapping of days to calendar scrollbar and layouting of days on this kind of case is not specified. Use case 14 I have a project meeting on 14th Tuesday and I need a lot of material with me so I'd like to put the meeting and a list of the material as a reminder in my calendar. 1. Add event as described in Use case 0. 2. Edit list of material into event box. (Picture 6) Use case 15 It's Tuesday and I need to see the list of everything I need so I can be sure I have everything with me. 1. Move pointer over event to show tooltip of event. (Picture 6) Use case 16. Thursday's seminar group meeting has been moved to Friday 14.00 1. Drag event to proper place. (Picture ?) Use case 17 I promised to go and visit my grandparents on Saturday afternoon. 1. Current solution is to add event for whole afternoon. Adding event is described in use case 0. 2. Draft ?? has a proposition how events with inaccurate start and end times could be shown. Use case 18 We decided with seminar group a meeting to two weeks from now on Tuesday at 13.00 or 14.00. (Unspecified) 1. Move thumb to the Tuesday. 2. Draft ?? has a proposition how events with inaccurate start and end times could be shown.