IEEE RTAW'97 5th IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Applications Villa Olmo, Como, Italy 8 - 12 September, 1997 Description: This workshop (RTAW '97), run in conjunction with the third annual IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS'97), is the fifth in the series. The workshop is intended for industrial and government engineers and scientists, and for academic researchers involved with real-time technology and applications. We anticipate a wide range of presentations and discussion, aimed at bridging the knowledge gap between practitioners and researchers, at fostering better links between the communities, and at ultimately bringing about a better understanding of problems related to transfer of existing technology. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, data acquisition, C3I, complex systems engineering, real-time multimedia applications, domain specific methodologies for the medical, process control, manufacturing, energy, aerospace, petro-chemical, telecommunications, and pharmaceutical industries. Workshop Co-Chairs: Sarah Chodrow, Emory University, USA Kim Man, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jean-Jacques Schwarz, IUT A - University Claude Bernard de Lyon, France Submissions: Papers should not exceed 6000 words. Five (5) copies should be sent by 3 March 1997 to: Mike Hinchey Real-Time Computing Laboratory Dept. of Computer and Information Science New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights Newark, NJ 07102-1982, USA Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by 5 June, 1997. Sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Complexity in Computing