Autonomous Robot Research
Research Group
Tapio Elomaa, Ph.D.,
Prof.Henry Tirri, Ph.D., Prof.
Ilkka Autio, M.Sc.
Teemu Kurppa
Jari Kätsyri, M.Sc.
Mikko Järvinen: "Reinforcement Learning in Robot Control", M.Sc. thesis
Software Engineering Project Group: "Developing Control Software for an Autonomous Robot"
Student Robot Soccer Project Jonkka
Our Vehicle is called Martti (roughly for "a mobile autonomous robot"). It is a Nomad Super Scout II with vision equipped with a pan and tilt unit.
- I. Autio: Mapping real world environments with an autonomous robot, Report C-2000-17, M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.
- J. Kätsyri: Developing cooperation in robot soccer with evolutionary methods (in Finnish), Report C-2000-5, M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.