PICSearch v3.0 User's Manual


1 Introduction

1.1 Release Notes

1.2 About This Document

1.3 Contact Information

2 Setting Up the System

2.1 Prerequisites

2.2 Compiling the System

2.3 Testing the System

3 General Usage

3.1 Starting PICSearch

3.2 Main Window Components

3.3 Establishing And Closing Connections

3.4 Setting Options

3.4.1 Server Options
3.4.2 Client Options

3.5 Quitting PICSearch

4 Query Images

4.1 Opening And Closing Query Images

4.2 Saving Query Images

4.3 Selecting a Query Image

4.4 Copying a Result Thumbnail or Image

4.5 Image Attributes

5 Making Queries

5.1 Selecting Databases

5.2 Selecting Algorithms

5.3 Starting a Query

5.3 Query Results

6 User Management

6.1 Adding and Removing Users

6.2 Changing Passwords

6.3 Setting User Authorizations

6.4 Committing changes

7 Database Management

7.1 Creating And Removing Databases

7.2 Selecting Database Algorithms

7.3 Committing Changes

7.4 Inserting And Removing Images

8 Developer Material

8.1 Embedding Algorithms


1 Introduction

PICSearch is a development environment for content-based image retrieval algorithms. Its main purpose is to serve as a testing platform during the development of such algorithms. PICSearch can, however, also be used as a conventional image cataloging program. The idea is that the user can load an image into the system and search a database for pictures resembling the query image. The definition of resemblance depends on the search algorithm used for the query. Researchers may add their own algorithms to the system by filling in an algorithm template and recompiling the system.

PICSearch v3 is divided into a server and a client application. The server is a background process and all its services are used via the graphical user interface (GUI) of the client. Queries executed by the client as well as all database management are done by forwarding requests to the server. Thus all database access is completely hidden from the client. Authentication and security issues are also handled by the server. The network protocol used in the server/client communication is TCP/IP.

1.1 Release Notes

This version of PICSearch introduces caching of thumbnail images which will improve the performance of repeated queries using the same database. This is especially true if the network connection used is slow or busy. The user interface of version 3 also includes some enhancements, including alternative main window sizes and new configuration options.

Some functionality of the system was moved from the client to the server. This has no effect on the usability of the system and should only be of concern to those interested in further developing the system. Anyone intrigued should take a look at the development documentation and the source code.

PICSearch is freely available under the GNU General Public License.

1.2 About This Document

This document describes every aspect of the PICSearch system and includes thorough instructions for setting up the system, executing queries and maintaining the databases needed by the program. The text herein is intended for all users of the system - whether your interest lies in algorithm development or image cataloging you should read this document to understand how to use the system to its full potential. The fastest way to learn is to experiment with the program while following the instructions given in this text. No previous knowledge (aside from a rudimentary familiarity with Linux) is required, although basic knowledge of image processing and databases may help in understanding some of the concepts used in PICSearch. Refer to the Glossary should you encounter unfamiliar terms.

1.3 Contact Information

For more PICSearch related material and contact information refer to http://www.cs.Helsinki.FI/~klemstro/picsearch/

2 Setting Up the System

As of now PICSearch has only been run on Linux. Thus the following instructions have been written especially for Linux systems, but porting to other Unix environments should not prove difficult as the amount of system dependent code has been kept to an absolute minimum.

2.1 Prerequisites

In order to run PICSearch v3 you will need the Tcl/Tk distribution version 7.6/4.2. We cannot guarantee that the system will operate correctly if you use a version earlier or more recent than the one specified.
No special hardware is required. Screen resolution must be 800x600 or more for the main window to fit on the screen. For convenient usage we recommend using a window size of 1024x768.

2.2 Compiling the System

The system has been compiled using the GNU C++ compiler (gcc) and GNU Make. Below is a step by step guide on how to set up PICSearch v3.
  1. Download PICSearch3.0.tgz
  2. Unpack the package
    tar -xzf PICSearch3.0.tgz
  3. Make sure that you have Tcl/Tk version 7.6/4.2 properly installed. If not, download the package (e.g. from and follow its installation instructions.
  4. Check the make files of PICSearch v3 for library and include directory paths. Compile the system
    cd picsearch3

That's it! You're ready to take the system for a test drive.

2.3 Testing the System

All PICSearch clients need a server in order to be usable. The first time a server is started a new user database is initialized. This includes creating a superuser account (with a predefined password) for the system. User names and passwords can of course be changed once the system is up and running.

After compiling the system start up a server in a console simply by executing the picserver binary from the picsearch3 directory. Note that the directory where the binary is started from is important since all database access is done relative to this directory.
Then launch the client by executing the picsearch binary. Once both the server and the client are up the first task is to connect to a server - in this example we use the local server we just started.

  1. Select Server->Connect->Localhost from the menubar.
  2. Type "SuperUser" as your user name.
  3. Type "ResuRepus" as your password.
  4. Click Ok to connect.

You should now see the server banner. Click Ok to close it. You are now logged on to the server. Since this is the first time the system is up there are no databases yet. To create one, follow these steps.

  1. Select Server->Database Management from the menubar.
  2. Click the button labeled Create Db to make a new database.
  3. An entry field will appear in the Databases listbox: type a name of your choice for the new database and press Return when done. The entry can be canceled by pressing Esc.
  4. When you select the database you just created (by clicking on its name) the search algorithms applicable to this database are shown in the Database's Algorithms listbox. As a default all available algorithms are selected - there is no need to change this, just click Ok to create the database and close the database management window.

You should now see the database you just created in the Databases listbox on the main window. A database is of no use if it has no images, so the next thing we'll do is insert some. For this phase you will need some image file(s) in a format recognized by PICSearch (JPEG, GIF, PPM, or Sun Raster).

  1. Select Image->Open Query Image to open a new image. This will bring up a filename requester.
  2. Select an image file (in one of the formats listed above) and click Open. If PICSearch is unable to open the image you specified an error message will be printed in the Info box in the main window. Try again with a file that you know to be in an accepted format.
  3. The image you just loaded will be shown in the Query Image frame in the main window. Make sure the database you just created is selected. If it isn't, select it by clicking its name in the Databases listbox. Now insert the image you opened to the database by selecting Database->Insert Query Image into Database.
  4. Let us now try to make a simple query.

You have just executed your first query. Now read the rest of this document to find out more about the functions mentioned above.

3 General Usage

Before starting PICSearch you should set the environment variable PICSEARCH to point to the root directory (the directory containing the executables) of the application's directory structure.

In Unix (using tcsh-shell): setenv PICSEARCHDIR <dirname>

If this environment variable isn't set, you need to start PICSearch from the above mentioned root directory or the program won't be able to find the files it needs in order to run. If, on the other hand, the variable exists, it doesn't matter where the executable is started from.

3.1 Starting PICSearch

The server is started by typing picserver on the command line. Note that the directory where the binary is started from is important since all database access is done relative to this directory. The server reports what it is doing and whether there have been any errors by printing messages in the console window it was started from.
The client is started by typing picsearch on the command line. This will bring up the GUI of the client (see Figure 1.)

Figure 1: The graphical user interface of PICSearch v3.

3.2 Main Window Components

The main window consists of four distinct components: the menubar, the control panel (the Databases & Algorithms listboxes and the Info textbox) and the Query Image and Result Images frames. The positioning of these components depends on the window size used, but they will always be clearly labeled and the only elements visible in the main window. The details of each component are described later in this document along with the functions that affect them.

3.3 Establishing And Closing Connections

The PICSearch client is virtually useless if it isn't connected to a server. A connection is established by selecting any item in the Server->Connect submenu. Selecting Remote Server will bring up a dialog asking you to enter a server name, a user name and a password (see Figure 2.) Selecting Localhost will bring up a similar dialog, but the server and user names have been filled in. You can edit the the username to whatever you wish by simply selecting the entry field with the mouse or tabulator key and retyping the username.

The Connect submenu may contain other items in addition to those described above - these are shortcuts to recently used servers. Selecting one of them will bring up the connect dialog with the server and user names filled in with appropriate values.

Note that regardless of the menu selection you made, you may always change the server and user names simply by editing the fields.

Pressing the Ok button will attempt to establish a connection to the server you specified, pressing Cancel will close the connect dialog without attempting to establish a connection.

Once you are connected to a server, you may disconnect at any time by selecting Disconnect from the Server menu. Any open connection will also be closed when exiting the program.

Figure 2: The Connect dialog.

3.4 Setting Options

3.4.1 Server Options
Server options may only be edited when there is an open connection and the user has superuser rights. If this is the case, then selecting Options->Edit Server Options will bring up the Server Options window (see Figure 3.) The options are

Figure 3: The Server Options window.

3.4.2 Client Options
Selecting Options->Edit Client Options will bring up the Client Options window (see Figure 4.) These are general system wide options that are saved when you click Ok in the Client Options window. The options are

General Options. These options affect the general behavior of the system.

Debug Messages. These options switch debug output on/off for different parts of the system.

Miscellaneous Options.

Query Options. These options affect the result set of a query.

External options. These options set which applications to run when external programs are invoked.

Figure 4: The Client Options window.

3.5 Quitting PICSearch

Selecting Server->Quit will close any open connection and end PICSearch execution. Note that this only terminates the client - the server process must be terminated manually by issuing a CTRL-C in its console or killing the process.

4 Query Images

No queries may be made without query images.

4.1 Opening And Closing Query Images

A new query image is opened by selecting Image->Open Query Image. This will bring up a filename requester asking you to select a file to open (the image to be opened must be in a format accepted by PICSearch: a JPEG, GIF, PPM, or Sun Raster image.) Once you have selected the file, click Open to open the image - this will add a new query image to the system (thus not destroying any other open query images.) If no more query images can be opened or the image is in a format not recognized by PICSearch, an error message is given.

The active query image (the one shown in the main window) may be closed by selecting Image->Close Query Image. This will make the next query image (if there is one) the active one.

The query image's name and dimensions are displayed above the actual image in the main window.

4.2 Saving Query Images

The active query image may be saved to disk by selecting any item from the Image->Save Query Image As submenu. The items in this menu are file formats and selecting one of them will open a dialog asking for a path and filename. If the filename dialog is not canceled, the active query image is saved in the format determined by the menu selection. The proper extension is added to the filename if it didn't have one.

4.3 Selecting a Query Image

Several query images may be open simultaneously. Open query images are listed as items of the Image->Available Images submenu. Selecting any item from this menu will make the selected image the active query image.

4.4 Copying a Result Thumbnail or Image

Once a query has finished and the results are displayed in the Query Results frame, images may be copied from the result set to query images. You can make a new query image of either the selected thumbnail (shown as raised) or the entire image represented by that thumbnail by selecting Image->Get Selected Thumbnail or Image->Get Selected Image, respectively. Just like with opening query images a new query image is created out of the selected database image and no existing query image is destroyed. Note that these operations are not be available to users with insufficient authorization.

4.5 Image Attributes

Selecting Image->Image Attributes opens the Image Attributes window (see Figure 5.) Here you may see the image's width, height, filename, id, name and description. The image's id is 0 if the image hasn't been inserted to a database. Only the name and description fields may be edited. Note that any changes you make in this window will only be stored if you insert the image into the database after the changes.

The window also has a listbox containing algorithm names. Selecting one of these names shows a textual representation of the signature computed using that algorithm in the adjacent textbox.

Figure 5: The Image Attributes window.

5 Making Queries

To be able to start a query you must have an active query image and select the database and algorithm to use. If all of these conditions are nor met, the Query button is shown as ghosted and clicking it has no effect.

5.1 Selecting Databases

The listbox labeled Databases in the main window shows the databases available to the current user (i.e. the databases the user has been authorized to access.) The database to query is selected simply by clicking on one of the names in this listbox. Selecting a database displays its algorithms in the Algorithms listbox.

5.2 Selecting Algorithms

The listbox labeled Algorithms in the main window shows the algorithms applicable to the current database. The algorithm to use in the query is selected simply by clicking on one of the names in this listbox.

5.3 Starting a Query

Once you have opened a query image and selected the database and algorithm to use, you can start the query by clicking the Query button in the main window. If the selected algorithm has parameters the user can adjust (and the Ask Algorithm Parameters option is on) a parameter window will be displayed where the user may set the parameters of the algorithm to his/her liking.

While the query executes, its progress is reported in a small window (see Figure 6.) This window also has an Abort button, clicking which will abort the query.

Figure 6: The Query Progress window.

5.3 Query Results

Once a query finishes, its results are displayed in the Query Results frame of the main window. For each result image its ranking, match percentage and name is shown. The set of result images may be scrolled using the the scrollbar below the images and a result image may be selected by clicking it. The selected result image may be copied to a query image (see 4.4) or deleted from the database (see 7.4).

6 User Management

The user management window (see Figure 7) is brought up by selecting Server->User Management. This is only available to users with superuser rights.

Figure 7: The User Management window.

6.1 Adding and Removing Users

New users may be added by clicking Add User or by double right clicking in the Username listbox in the User Management window. Either of these ways brings up an entry field in the Username listbox into which a new user name may be typed. The addition can be canceled by pressing Esc, or accepted by pressing Return. A new user's password is the same as the username by default and he is given default authorization values to the server and each of its databases. See below for how to change these.

The selected user can be removed by clicking Remove User.

6.2 Changing Passwords

In the User Management window the selected user's password can be changed by clicking Change Password - this will bring up a dialog asking for a new password. The password has to be retyped to make sure it is correct.

A user may change his/her own password (if the user in question has been authorized to do so.) by selecting Server->Change Password. The procedure is similar to user management, except that the user has to give his/her old password as well. Users with superuser authorization need not give their old password.

6.3 Setting User Authorizations

Any user's server authorization may be changed in the User Management window by selecting a user and clicking and holding the left mouse button down in the Authoriz. listbox. This will bring up a popup menu from which an authorization of either None (no access to the server), Access (normal access rights) or Superuser (administrator rights) may be selected. Whether or not a user is allowed to change his/her password is selected in exactly the same way by clicking on the Edit Pw listbox.

The user's database authorization for each database is selected in a similar fashion by clicking and holding in the Database Authorization listbox. A database authorization may be one of None (no access), Thumbnail (the user may query the database and copy thumbnail images), Image (the user may query the database and copy thumbnail and original images) or Write (the user may query the database and copy images and insert new images).

6.4 Committing changes

Clicking Ok in the user management window will make all changes permanent. Clicking Cancel will abandon all changes and leave the user data as it was when entering User Management.

7 Database Management

The database management window (see Figure 8) is brought up by selecting Server->Database Management. This is only available to users with superuser rights.

Figure 8: The Database Management window.

7.1 Creating And Removing Databases

New databases are created by either clicking Create Db or double right clicking in the Databases listbox. Both methods bring up an entry field into which the name of the new database may be typed. The addition can be canceled by pressing Esc, or accepted by pressing Return. By default a new database has all the algorithms available at the server.

The selected database may be removed from by clicking Delete Db. This deletes the database from disk, but note that if only image filenames were stored in the database (i.e. the Copy Images to Database Physically option is off), the actual image files are left untouched.

7.2 Selecting Database Algorithms

The algorithms a user may apply to a database are selected by simply clicking on their names in the Algorithms listbox.

7.3 Committing Changes

Clicking Ok in the database management window makes all the changes permanent. If you wish to discard any and all changes you may have done, just click Cancel.

7.4 Inserting And Removing Images

To insert a single image into the selected database select Database->Insert Image into Database. This will bring up a filename requester asking you to select the image file you wish to insert. If the file you selected is not recognized by PICSearch, an error message is displayed in the Info box.

To insert multiple images in one go, select Database->Batch Insert Images. This will also bring up a filename requester. Selecting a file with the extension .lst means that the file is a list file (i.e. it contains the paths and names of the files you wish to insert) and all the files listed in this file will be inserted to the selected database. Selecting any other file will insert all the files in that directory to the selected database.
Batch Insert prints its progress reports to the Info box and if it failed to insert any images, it reports this once the batch insertion is finished. Note that Batch Insert will always report that it failed to insert (at least) two images: this is because PICSearch also attempts to insert the directory entries "." and ".." into the database. This message is annoying, but quite harmless.

8 Developer Material

8.1 Embedding Algorithms

Adding new algorithms requires some knowledge of the inner workings of the of the system. The following steps have to be taken.
  1. The variables for the signature have to be added to the Signature class implementation. Writing/reading these variables to/from a memory buffer is done using the functions getBin and setBin.
  2. The controlling parameters of the function have to be added to the Algorithm class implementation. Reading/Writing these parameters is done using the functions getParams and setParams.
  3. A new parameter window has to be created for the GUI. Your Tcl/Tk script must contain a call to makeAlgParamWin. This procedure returns a frame inside which you should pack all the widgets you need. The values of your parameters must be contained in an associative array called algParams. The subscripts of this array must be integer values starting from 0 unto the number of parameters -1. That is, if your algorithm requires 3 parameters, their values must be in the Tcl variables algParams(0), algParams(1) and algParams(2). Finally the Tcl/Tk script implementing the parameter window must be named PicAlgParWin<id>.tk (where <id> is the Id of your algorithm) and stored in the directory source/alg/src/. Just study the .tk files in that directory to see how they work.
  4. The actual computation of the signature has to be coded and the values are to be set into a new instance of the Signature class.
  5. A method for comparing two signatures has to be coded. The distance between two given signatures is calculated out of this representation and the result is scaled to the required interval.


A query is executed to fetch images from the database that bear as close a resemblance (judged by the algorithm used) to the query image as possible. The results of a query are the images of a database sorted by their associated match percentages.

A query image is compared against the images in the database and each database image is given a match percentage that is the higher the more the two images resemble each other.

Search algorithms are used to compare the query image and the database images. Each algorithm has its own way of determining how much two images resemble one another: a signature is computed for each image and the signatures of the images (not the actual images) are compared when doing queries.

Signature is a compact representation of image data used to summarize the contents of an image. A signature algorithm computes the signature for an image.