
The Spring 2009 project created a prototype of a MPEG-2 encoder library in Java. The Autumn 2009 project will further develop the prototype. Due to the use in DVDs, MPEG-2 is probably the most widely used encoding format for motion pictures. Typically MPEG-2 software encoders are implemented in C or C++ (e.g., ffmpeg, mpeg2enc) and heavily optimized on all levels to make the encoding process as fast as possible. Unfortunately this makes the code rather difficult to comprehend and hinders the adoption to other projects. The project would implement an MPEG-2 encoder purely in Java. The project will be facing a variety of very interesting challenges. Besides pure software development, these include a good understanding of mathematical algorithms and compression methods, such as discrete cosine transformation, but also typical project requirements, such as a basic understanding of the involved legal requirements. Altogether this project will give the students a comprehensive understanding of the subject of media coding, as well as challenges, typical for such a software development task. Specifically, the MPEG 2 Audio (MPEG 1- Layer II) would be of interest although layer III (MP3) and AC3 Audio might be possible as well.

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