Client meeting @ Tue 20.1. 14-16
- Team members
- Instructor
- Client
- Guys from the Psychology & HIIT department
Meeting minutes
- Started up with a psychological study discussion (not directly related to the project)
- Client introduced the project requirements and gave use case examples:
- 2D-barcode tickets reading with a web-camera equipped PC
- For example in Ropecon:
- 4000 visitors
- When doors open on Friday, 2000 people come in during the first 2 hours
- 1000 people / hour -> 4 seconds per visitor to come in
- Ticket system should be fast and reliable
- Cheating needs to be addresses but is not expected to happen in wide scale
- Not always backed up with a network connection - barcode system should work stand-alone, too
- Registration and payment system outside the scope of the project
- Suggested technical platform: Linux, but could work on multiple systems (or any PC/Mac with a web-camera).
- Agreed upon next team meetings:
- Normally only one meeting face-to-face per week, other meetings online.