ENGLISH EMAIL TEMPLATE FOR THE OHTU-METRICS SYSTEM Kuje Research Group 2009 -------8<-----------8<-----------8<--------------8<--------------8<--------- Hello! I created your user accounts to the metrics system. Username is your cs-username and password is "XYZ". You can change the password if you like (from "Omat tiedot" -> "Uusi salasana" & "Salasana uudestaan"). The idea is that you follow your time usage and write it down in a specially formatted text file. You should keep the master copy of your text file in your project's version control system. Textfile's format is as follows: - first row is your name - second row is empty - third row is a freely formatted topic row (legacy) - actual working hours begin from the fourth row on - after the fourth row, each line beginning with '#' is a comment line - each column is separated with a tabulator sign (ascii code 9) - date has a format of DD.MM.YYYY - each working hour row has a classification. - column after the classification is a freely formatted comment (max 50 characters) Classification has the following options: PROJ Project planning VAAT Requirements analysis SUUN Design TOTE Implementation TEST Testing MUTU Other "products" such as writing a usage manual KOKO Meetings: preparation and participation TUTU Getting familiar with the problem domain KÄLI User interface design MUUT Other tasks which do not fit into any class ---8<--- EXAMPLE BEGINS ---8<--- Johnny Blackstep Software project: Johnny rules ok!! # from the 4th line on: # DATE CLASS HOURS DESCRIPTION # First project week (week number 3) 12.01.2009 PROJ 2.5 Thinking about project schedule 12.01.2009 KOKO 0.5 Writing the meeting agenda 13.01.2009 KOKO 1.5 Participating in the project meeting ---8<--- EXAMPLE ENDS ---8<--- Please note: Whenever you upload a new copy of the text file into the Metrics System all your working hour records are updated according to that particular file. Therefore all possible previous records, which are not present in the new copy, are removed. Keep all your records in the same file. The system is accessible from http://db.cs.helsinki.fi/~tkt_ohtu/metrics/v0/ The metrics file is uploaded from "Omat projektit" -> "Työtuntien kirjaus" -> "Tuntien kirjaus projektiin XXX". You can check your current track record from "Omat projektit" -> "Omat työtunnit". Best regards, Petrus Repo