Titokone 1.0
Titokone is a simulator for the TTK-91 machine, developed at the
University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science as a part of a
software development project course in 2004. The software has been
published under the LGPL license, and
you can get it at http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/koski/
or via the "Computer
Organization" course homepage.
The developers
- Olli Alm
- Seppo Hätönen
- Sini Ruohomaa
- Antti Takalahti
- Sampo Yrjänäinen
- Arto Åkerlund
- Auvo Häkkinen developed the original Koksi TTK-91 simulator, which
survived for 12 years in teaching use and made our task of replacing
it quite interesting.
- Raine Kauppinen acted as an organisatory advisor for the