TreeManagerin modulitestauksessa käytettään seuraavia testiluokkia, Test3 ja Test4 import*; public class Test3 { private TreeManager man; public Test3(File dtd, File doc) { man = new TreeManager(); try { man.createDTD(dtd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); System.exit(0); } man.printAllFirstPaths(); man.createTree(); System.out.println("An empty valid tree:"); System.out.println(man.toString()); try { man.createTree(doc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); System.exit(0); } System.out.println(man.toString()); } public static void main(String[] args) { Test3 test = new Test3(new File(args[0]), new File(args[1])); } } import java.util.*; import*; public class Test4 { private TreeManager man; private void say(String s) { System.out.println(s); } public Test4(File f) { man = new TreeManager(); try { man.createDTD(f); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); System.exit(0); } man.printAllFirstPaths(); say("> Here's an empty valid tree:\n"); man.createTree(); say(man.toString()); say("\n> Let's get and let's build a valid .\n"); Element head = man.getHead(); Element title = man.buildValidElement("title", head); say("\n> man.canAdd(head, title) yields " + man.canAdd(head, title) + ", so let's do man.add(head, title):\n"); man.add(head, title); say("\n> Now <head> looks like this:\n\n" + head.toString()); say("\n> And man.toString() yields:\n" + man.toString()); say("\n> Let's try adding a PCData under <head>.\n" + "> man.canAdd(head, new PCData(\"Otsikko\") yields " + man.canAdd(head, new PCData("Otsikko")) + "\n"); say("Can we add a PCData under <head>? -" + man.canAdd(head, new PCData("Otsikko"))); say("Let's try adding a PCData under <title>. Success? -" + man.add(title, new PCData("Otsikko"))); say("\n> Now man.toString() yields:\n" + man.toString()); say("\n> OK. From now on, refer to the source code."); say("man.isBlock(\"body\")"+man.isBlock("body")); Block body = man.getBody(); Block bodyHead = (Block)man.buildValidElement("body.head", body); Vector tmp = new Vector(); tmp.add(bodyHead); man.add(body, 0, 0, tmp); Block hedline = (Block)man.buildValidElement("hedline", bodyHead); man.add(bodyHead, hedline); Block hl2 = (Block)man.buildValidElement("hl2", hedline); say("man.add(hedline, hl2)="+man.add(hedline, hl2)); Element location = man.buildValidElement("location", hl2); say("man.add(hl1, location): "+man.add(hl2, location)); man.add(location, new PCData("hedline-otsikko")); say(man.toString()); Vector tmp2 = new Vector(); tmp2.add(new PCData("XXXXXX")); man.replace(location, 0, 4, 0, 6, tmp2); say(man.toString()); } public static void main(String[] args) { Test4 test = new Test4(new File(args[0])); } } ******************************************************************************* Nämä luokat luovat XML-puun ja tekevät sille määrätyt operaatiot. Tulosteesta, joka talletetaan erilliseen tiedostoon, nähdään elementtien siirron oikeellisuus ja pystytään tutkimaan puun todellinen tilanne ja toiminnan oikeellisuus.