
44 Single Responsibility Principle

When we design bigger programs, we often reason about what class has to deal with what task. If we delegate the implementation of the whole program to one class, the result is inevitably chaos. A sector of software design, object-oriented design, includes the Single Responsibility Principle, which we should follow.

The Single Responsibility Principle states that each class should have only one clear role. If the class has one clear role, modifying that role is easy, and only one class will have to be modified. Each class should have only one reason to be modified..

Let us focus on the following class Worker, which has methods to calculate his salary and to report his working hours.

public class Worker {
    // object variables

    // worker's constructor and methods

    public double calculateSalary() {
        // the logic concerning salary count

    public String reportHours() {
        // the logic concerning working hours bookkeeping

Even if the examples above do not show the concrete implementations, an alarm should go off. Our Worker class has at least three different responsibilities. It represents a worker, it performes the role of a salary calculator, and the role of a working hour bookkeeping system by reporting working hours. The class above should be split into three: one should represent the worker, another should represent the salary calculator, and the third should deal with time bookkeeping.

public class Worker {
    // object variables

    // worker's constructor and methods
public class SalaryCalculator {
    // object variables

    // methods for salary count

    public double calculateSalary(Person person) {
        // salary calculation logic
public class TimeBookkeeping {
    // object variables

    // methods concerning time bookkeeping

    public String createHourReport(Person person) {
        // working hours bookeeping logic

Each variable, each code raw, each method, each class, and each program should have only one responsibility. Often a "better" program stucture is clear to the programmer only once the program is implemented. This is completely acceptable: even more important it is that we always try to change a program to make it clearer. Always refactor -- i.e. always improve your program when it is needed!

45 Organising Classes into Packages

When we design and implement bigger programs, the number of classes rapidly grows. When the number of classes grows, remembering their functionality and methods becomes more difficult. Giving sensible names to classes helps to remember their funcitonality. In addition to giving sensible names, it is good to split the source code files into packages according to their functionality, use, and other logical reasons. In fact, the packages are but folders we use to organise our source code files. Directories are often called folders, both in windows and colloqually. We will use the term directory, anyway.

Programming environments provide made-up tools for package management. So far, we have been creating classes and interfaces only in the default package of the Source Packages partition. In NetBeans, we can create a new package by clicking on Source Packages, and choosing New -> Java Package.... In the created package, we can create classes in the same way as we do in the default package.

You can read the name of the package that contains a certain class at the beginning of the source code files in the sentence package packageName before the other statements. For instance, the below class Implementation is contained in the package library.

package library;

public class Implementation {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello packageworld!");

Packages can contain other packages. For instance, the package definition package library.domain means that the package domain is contained in the package library. By placing packages into other packages, we design the hierachy of classes and interfaces. For instance, all Java's classes are located in packages that are contained in the package java. The package name domain is often used to represent the storage location of the classes which deal with concepts specific for the domain. For instance, the class Book could be stored in the package library.domain because it represents a concept specific of the library.

package library.domain;

public class Book {
    private String name;

    public Book(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
        return this.name;

We can uses the classes stored in our packages through the import statement. For instance, the class Implementation, which is contained in the package library could make use of a class stored in library.domain through the assignment import library.domain.Book.

package library;

import library.domain.Book;

public class Implementation {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Book book = new Book("The ABC of Packages!");
        System.out.println("Hello packageworld: " + book.getName());
Hello packageworld: The ABC of Packages!

The import statements are defined in our source code file after the package statement but before the class statement. There can be many of them -- for instance, when we want to use different classes. Java's made-up classes are usually stored in java package child packages. Hopefully, the statements which appear at the beginning of our classes -- such as import java.util.ArrayList and import java.util.Scanner; -- are starting to look more meaningful now.

From now on, in all our exercises we will use packages. Next, we will create our first packages ourselves.

124.1 UI Interface

Create the package mooc in your project. We create the functionality of our application inside this package. Add the package ui to your application; at this point, you should have the package mooc.ui. Create a new interface in it, and call it UserInterface.

The interface UserInterface has to determine the method void update().

124.2 Text User Interface

Create the class TextUserInterface in the same package; make it implement the interface UserInterface. Implement the method public void update() which is required by the interface UserInterface which TextUserInterface implements: its only duty should be printing the string "Updating the user interface" with a System.out.println method call.

124.3 Application Logic

Create now the package mooc.logic, and add the class ApplicationLogic in it. The application logic API should be the following:

  • the constructor public ApplicationLogic(UserInterface ui)
  • . It receives as parameter a class which implements the interface UserInterface. Note: your application logic has to see the interface and therefore to import it; in other words, the line import mooc.ui.UserInterface must appear at the beginning of he file
  • the method public void execute(int howManyTimes)
  • prints the string "The application logic works" as many times as it is defined by its parameter variable. After each "The application logic works" printout, the code has to call the update() method of the object which implements the interface UserInterface and which was assigned to the constructor as its parameter.

You can test your application with the following main class.

import mooc.logic.ApplicationLogic;
import mooc.ui.UserInterface;
import mooc.ui.TextUserInterface;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        UserInterface ui = new TextUserInterface();
        new ApplicationLogic(ui).execute(3);

The program output should be the following:

The application logic works
Updating the user interface
The application logic works
Updating the user interface
The application logic works
Updating the user interface

A Concrete Directory Construction

All the projects which can be seen are stored in your computer file system. Each project has its own directory (folder) which contains the project directories and files.

The project directory src contains the program source code. If a class package is a library, it is located in the directory library of the project source code directory src. If you are interested in it, it is possible to have a look at the concrete project structure in NetBeans, by going to the Files tab which is next to the Projects tab. If you can't see the Files tab, you can display it by choosing Files from the Window menu.

Application development is usually done through the Projects tab, where NetBeans has hidden the project files which the programmer doesn't have to care about.

Visibility Definitions and Packages

We have already managed to know two visibility definitions. The method and variables with the visibility definition private are visible only inside the class that defines them. They cannot be used outside the class. Differently, the method and variables with visibility definition public are visible for any class.

package library.ui;

public class UserInterface {
    private Scanner reader;

    public UserInterface(Scanner reader) {
        this.reader = reader;

    public void start() {

        // more functionality

    private void printTitle() {
        System.out.println("* LIBRARY *");

The object constructor and start method of the above class UserInterface can be called from whatever program. The method printTitle and the variable reader can be used only inside their class.

When we want to assign package visibility to a variable or a method, we do not need to use any prefix. We can modify the example above assigning package visibility to the method printTitle.

package library.ui;

public class UserInterface {
    private Scanner reader;

    public UserInterface(Scanner reader) {
        this.reader = reader;

    public void start() {

        // more functionality

    void printTitle() {
        System.out.println("* Library *");

Now, the classes inside the same package can use the method printTitle.

package library.ui;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
        UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(reader);

        userInterface.printTitle(); // it works!

If the class is in a different package, the method printTitle can't be used.

package library;

import java.util.Scanner;
import library.ui.UserInterface;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
        UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(reader);

        userInterface.printTitle(); // it doesn't work  !

46 Many Interfaces, and Interface Flexibility

Last week we were introduced to interfaces. An interface defines one or more methods which have to be implemented in the class which implements the interface. The interfaces can be stored into packages like any other class. For instance, the interface Identifiable below is located in the package application.domain, and it defines that the classes which implement it have to implement the method public String getID().

package application.domain;

public interface Identifiable {
    String getID();

The class makes use of the interface through the keyword implements. The class Person, which implements the Idenfifiable interface. The getIDof Person class always returns the person ID.

package application.domain;

public class Person implements Identifiable {
    private String name;
    private String id;

    public Person(String name, String id) {
        this.name = name;
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return this.name;

    public String getPersonID() {
        return this.id;

    public String getID() {
        return getPersonID();

    public toString(){
        return this.name + " ID: " +this.id;

An interface strength is that interfaces are also types. All the objects which are created from classes that implement an interface also have that interface's type. This effictively helps us to build our applications.

We create the class Register, which we can use to search for people against their names. In addition to retrieve single people, Register provides a method to retrieve a list with all the people.

public class Register {
    private HashMap<String, Identifiable> registered;

    public Register() {
        this.registered = new HashMap<String, Identifiable>();

    public void add(Identifiable toBeAdded) {
        this.registered.put(toBeAdded.getID(), toBeAdded);

    public Identifiable get(String id) {
        return this.registered.get(id);

    public List<Identifiable> getAll() {
        return new ArrayList<Identifiable>(registered.values());

Using the register is easy.

Register personnel = new Register();
personnel.add( new Person("Pekka", "221078-123X") );
personnel.add( new Person("Jukka", "110956-326B") );

System.out.println( personnel.get("280283-111A") );

Person found = (Person) register.get("110956-326B");
System.out.println( found.getName() );

Because the people are recorded in the register as Identifiable, we have to change back their type if we want to deal with people through those methods which are not defined in the interface. This is what happens in the last two lines.

What about if we wanted an operation which returns the people recorded in our register sorted according to their ID?

One class can implement various different interfaces, and our Person class can implement Comparable in addition to Identifiable. When we implement various different interfaces, we separate them with a comma (public class ... implements FirstInterface, SecondInterface ...). When we implement many interfaces, we have to implement all the methods required by all the interfaces. Below, we implement the interface Comparable in the class Person.

package application.domain;

public class Person implements Identifiable, Comparable<Person> {
    private String name;
    private String id;

    public Person(String name, String id) {
        this.name = name;
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return this.name;

    public String getPersonID() {
        return this.id;

    public String getID() {
        return getPersonID();

    public int compareTo(Person another) {
        return this.getID().compareTo(another.getID());

Now, we can add to the register method sortAndGetEverything:

public List<Identifiable> sortAndGetEverything() {
    ArrayList<Identifiable> all = new ArrayList<Identifiable>(registered.values());
    return all;

However, we notice that our solution does not work. Because the people are recorded into the register as if their type was Identifiable, Person has to implement the interface Comparable<Identifiable> so that our register could sort people with its method Collections.sort(). This means we have to modify Person's interface:

public class Person implements Identifiable, Comparable<Identifiable> {
    // ...

    public int compareTo(Identifiable another) {
        return this.getID().compareTo(another.getID());

Now our solution works!

Our Register is unaware of the real type of the objects we record. We can use the class Register to record objects of different types than Person, as long as the object class implements the interface Identifiable. For instance, below we use the register to manage shop sales:

public class Sale implements Identifiable {
    private String name;
    private String barcode;
    private int stockBalance;
    private int price;

    public Sale(String name, String barcode) {
        this.name = name;
        this.barcode = barcode;

    public String getID() {
        return barcode;

    // ...

Register products = new Register();
products.add( new Product("milk", "11111111") );
products.add( new Product("yogurt", "11111112") );
products.add( new Product("cheese", "11111113") );

System.out.println( products.get("99999999") );

Product product = (Product)products.get("11111112");

The class Register is quite universal now that it is not dependent on concrete classes. Whatever class which implements Identifiable is compatible with Register. However, the method sortAndGetEverything can only work if we implement the interface Comparable<Identifiable>.

NetBeans Tips
  • All NetBeans tips can be found here
  • Implement all abstract methods

    Let us suppose that your program contains the interface Interface, and you are building the class Class which implements the interface. It will be annoying to write the declaration raws of all the interface methods.

    However it is possible to ask NetBeans to fill in the method bodies automatically. When you have defined the interface a class should implement, i.e. when you have written

    public class Class implements Interface {

    NetBeans paints the class name red. If you go to lamp icon on the left corner of the raw, click, and choose Implement all abstract methods, the method bodies will appear in your code!

  • Clean and Build

    Sometimes, NetBeans may get confused and try to run a code version without noticing all the corrected changes made to it. Usually you notice it because something "strange" happens. Usually, you can fix the problem by using Clean and build operation. The operation is found in the Run menu, and you can execute it also by clicking on the brush and hammer symbol. Clean and build deletes the translated versions of the code and generates a new translation.

Before moving, you pack your things and put them into boxes trying to keep the number of boxes needed as small as possible. In this exercise we simulate packing things into boxes. Each thing has a volume, and boxes have got a maximum capacity.

125.1 Things and Items

The removers will later on move your things to a track (which is not implemented here); therefore, we first implement the interface Thing, which represents all things and boxes.

The Thing interface has to determine the method int getVolume(), which is needed to understand the size of a thing. Implement the interface Thing in the package moving.domain.

Next, implement the class Item in the package moving.domain. The class receives the item name (String) and volume (int) as parameter. The class has to implement the interface Thing.

Add the method public String getName() to Item, and replace the method public String toString() so that it returns strings which follow the pattern "name (volume dm^3)". Item should now work like the following

Thing item = new Item("toothbrash", 2);
toothbrash (2 dm^3)

125.2 Comparable Item

When we pack our items into boxes, we want to start in order from the first items. Implement the interface Comparable in the class Item; the item natural order must be ascending against volume. When you have implemented the interface Comparable, the sort method of class Collection has to work in the following way:.

List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();
items.add(new Item("passport", 2));
items.add(new Item("toothbrash", 1));
items.add(new Item("circular saw", 100));

[toothbrash (1 dm^3), passport (2 dm^3), circular saw (100 dm^3)]

125.3 Moving Box

Implement now the class Box in the package moving.domain. At first, implement the following method for your Box:

  • the constructor public Box(int maximumCapacity)
  • receives the box maximum capacity as parameter;
  • the method public boolean addThing(Thing thing)
  • adds an item which implements the interface Thing to the box. If it does not fit in the box, the method returns false, otherwise true. The box must store the things into a list.

Also, make your Box implement the Thing interface. The method getVolume has to return the current volume of the things inside the box.

125.4 Packing Items

Implement the class Packer in the package moving.logic. The constructor of the class Packer is given the parameter int boxesVolume, which determines how big boxes the packer should use.

Afterwards, implement the method public List<Box> packThings(List<Thing> things), which packs things into boxes.

The method should move all the things in the parameter list into boxes, and these boxes should be contained by the list the method returns. You don't need to pay attention to such situations where the things are bigger than the boxes used by the packer. The tests do not check the way the packer makes use of the moving boxes.

The example below shows how our packer should work:

// the things we want to pack
List<Thing> things = new ArrayList<Thing>();
things.add(new Item("passport", 2));
things.add(new Item("toothbrash", 1));
things.add(new Item("book", 4));
things.add(new Item("circular saw", 8));

// we create a packer which uses boxes whose valume is 10
Packer packer = new Packer(10);

// we ask our packer to pack things into boxes
List<Box> boxes = packer.packThings( things );

System.out.println("number of boxes: "+boxes.size());

for (Box box : boxes) {
    System.out.println("  things in the box: "+box.getVolume()+" dm^3");


number of boxes: 2
  things in the box: 7 dm^3
  things in the box: 8 dm^3

The packer has packed the things into two boxes, the first box has the firts three things, whose total volume was 7, and the last thing in the list -- the circular saw, whose volume was 8 -- has gone to the third box. The tests do not set a limit to the number of boxes used by the packer; each thing could have been packed into a different box, and the output would have been:

number of boxes: 4
  things in the box: 2 dm^3
  things in the box: 1 dm^3
  things in the box: 4 dm^3
  things in the box: 8 dm^3

Note: to help testing, it would be convinient to create a toString method for the class Box, for instance; this would help printing the content of the box.

47 Exceptions

Exceptions are such situations where the program executions is different from our expectations. For instance, the program may have called a method of a null reference, in which case the user is thrown a NullPointerException. If we try to retrieve a index outside a table, the user is thrown a IndexOutOfBoundsException. All of them are a type of Exception.

We deal with exception using the block try { } catch (Exception e) { }. The code contained within the brackets which follows the keyword try can possibly go through an exception. The keyword the code within the brackets which follow the keyword catch defines what should happen when the try-code throws an exception. We also define the type of the exception we want to catch (catch (Exception e)).

try {
    // code which can throw an exception
} catch (Exception e) {
    // code which is executed in case of exception

The parseInt method of class Integer which turns a string into a number can throw a NumberFormatException if its string parameter cannot be turned into a number. Now we implement a program which tries to turn into a number a user input string.

Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Write a number: ");

int num = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());
Write a number: tatti
Exception in thread "..." java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "tatti"

The program above throws an exception because the user digits an erroneous number. The program execution ends up with a malfunction, and it cannot continue. We add an exception management statement to our program. The call, which may throw an exception is written into the try block, and the action which takes place in case of exception is written into the catch block.

Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Write a number: ");

try {
    int num = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("You haven't written a proper number.");
Write number: 5
Write number: oh no!
You haven't written a proper number.

In case of exception, we move from the chunk of code defined by the try keyword to the catch chunk. Let's see this by adding a print statement after the Integer.parseInt line in the try chunk.

Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Write a number: ");

try {
    int num = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());
    System.out.println("Looks good!");
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("You haven't written a proper number.");
Write a number: 5
Looks good!
Write a number: I won't!
you haven't written a proper number.

String I won't! is given as parameter to the method Integer.parseInt, which throws an exception if the String parameter can't be changed into a number. Note that the code in the catch chunk is executed only in case of exception -- otherwise the program do not arrive till there.

Let's make something more useful out of our number translator: let's do a method which keeps on asking to type a number till the user does it. The user can return only if they have typed the right number.

public int readNumber(Scanner reader) {
    while (true) {
        System.out.print("Write a number: ");

        try {
            int num = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());
            return num;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("You haven't written a proper number.");

The method readNumber could work in the following way:

Write a number: I won't!
You haven't written a proper number.
Write a number: Matti has a mushroom on his door.
You haven't written a proper number.
Write a number: 43

Throwing Exceptions

Methods and constructors can throw exceptions. So far, there are two kinds of exceptions which can be thrown. There are the ones which have to be handled, and the ones which don't have to be dealt with. When we have to handle the exceptions, we do it either in a try-catch chunk, or throwing them from a method.

In the clock exercise of Introduction to Programming, we explained that we can stop our program of one second, by calling the method Thread.sleep(1000). The method may throw an exception, which we must deal with. In fact, we handle the exception using the try-catch sentence; in the following example we skip the exception, and we leave empty the catch chunk.

try {
    // we sleep for 1000 milliseconds
} catch (Exception e) {
    // In case of exception, we do not do anything.

It is also possible to avoid handling the exceptions in a method, and delegate the responsibility to the method caller. We delegate the responsibility of a method by using the statement throws Exception.

public void sleep(int sec) throws Exception {
    Thread.sleep(sec * 1000);   // now we don't need the try-catch block

The sleep method is called in another method. Now, this other method can either handle the exception in a try-catch block or delegate the responsibility forward. Sometimes, we delegate the responsibility of handling an exception, till the very end, and even the main method delegates it:

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
       // ...

In such cases, the exception ends up in Java's virtual machine, which interrupts the program in case there is an error which causes the problem.

There are some exceptions which the programmer does not always have to address, such as the NumberFormatException which is thrown by Integer.parseInt. Also the RuntimeExceptions do not always require to be addressed; next week we will go back to why variables can have more than one type.

We can throw an exception ourself from the source code using the throw statement. For instance, if we want to throw an exception which was created in the class NumberFormatException, we could use the statement throw new NumberFormatException().

Another exception which hasn't got to be addressed is IllegalArgumentException. With IllegalArgumentException we know that a method or a constructor has received an illegal value as parameter. For instance, we use the IllegalArgumentException when we want to make sure that a parameter has received particular values. We create the class Grade whose constructor has a integer parameter: the grade.

public class Grade {
    private int grade;

    public Grade(int grade) {
        this.grade = grade;

    public int getGrade() {
        return this.grade;

Next, we want to validate the value of the constructor parameter of our Grade class. The grades in Finland are from 0 to 5. If the grade is something else, we want to throw an exception. We can add an if statement to our Grade class constructor, which checks whether the grade is outside range 0-5. If so, we throw an IllegalArgumentException telling throw new IllegalArgumentException("The grade has to be between 0-5");.

public class Grade {
    private int grade;

    public Grade(int grade) {
        if (grade < 0 || grade > 5) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The grade has to be between 0-5");
        this.grade = grade;

    public int getGrade() {
        return this.grade;
  Grade grade = new Grade(3);

  Grade wrongGrade = new Grade(22);
  // it causes an exception, we don't continue
Exception in thread "..." java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The grade has to be between 0-5

Let's train method argument validation with the help of the IllegalArgumentException. The excercise layout shows two classes Person and Calculator. Change the class in the following way:

126.1 Person Validation

The constructor of Person has to make sure its parameter's Name variable is not null, empty, or longer than 40 characters. The age has also to be between 0-120. If one of the conditions above are not satisfied, the constructor has to throw an IllegalArgumentException.

126.2 Calculator Validation

The Calculator methods have to be changed in the following way: the method multiplication has to work only if its parameter is not negative (greater than 0). The method binomialCoefficient has to work only if the parameters are not negative and the size of a subset is smaller than the set's size. If one of the methods receives invalid arguments when they are called, they have to throw a IllegalArgumentException.

All the code in our application has to be placed into the package application.

We have got the following interface available for our use:

public interface Sensor {
    boolean isOn();  // returns true if the sensor is on
    void on();       // switches the sensor on
    void off();      // switches the sensor off
    int measure();   // returns the sensor reading if the sensor is on
                     // if the sensor is off, it throws an IllegalStateException

127.1 Constant Sensor

Create the class Constant Sensor which implements the interface Sensor.

The constant sensor is online all the time. The methods on() and off() do not do anything. The constant sensor has a constructor with an int parameter. The measure method call returns the number received as constructor parameter.

For instance:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  ConstantSensor ten = new ConstantSensor(10);
  ConstantSensor minusFive = new ConstantSensor(-5);

  System.out.println( ten.measure() );
  System.out.println( minusFive.measure() );

  System.out.println( ten.isOn() );
  System.out.println( ten.isOn() );



127.2 Thermometer

Create the class Thermometer which implements the interface Sensor.

At first, the thermometer is off. When the measure method is called, if the thermometer is on it returns a random number between -30 and 30. If the thermometer is off, it throws an IllegalStateException.

127.3 AverageSensor

Create the class AverageSensor which implements the interface Sensor.

An average sensor contains many sensors. In addition to the methods defined by the interface Sensor, the class has the method public void addSensor(Sensor additional) which adds a new sensor to the AverageSensor.

The average sensor is on when all its sensors are on. When the average sensor is switched on, all its sensors have to be switched on if they were not on already. When the average sensor is closed, at least one of its sensors has to be switched off. It's also possible that all its sensors are switched off.

The measure method of our AverageSensor returns the average of the readings of all its sensors (because the return value is int, the readings are rounded down as it is for integer division). If the measure method is called when the average sensor is off, or if the average sensor was not added any sensor, the method throws an IllegalStateException.

Below, you find an example of a sensor program (note that both the Thermometer and the AverageSensor constructors are without parameter):

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Sensor kumpula = new Thermometer();
    System.out.println("the temperature in Kumpula is "+kumpula.measure() + " degrees");

    Sensor kaisaniemi = new Thermometer();
    Sensor helsinkiVantaa = new Thermometer();

    AverageSensor helsinkiArea = new AverageSensor();

    System.out.println("the temperature in Helsinki area is "+helsinkiArea.measure() + " degrees");

Prints (the printed readings depend on the random temperature readings):

the temperature in Kumpula is -7 degrees
the temperature in Helsinki area is -10 degrees

Note: you'd better use a ConstantSensor object to test your average sensor!

127.4 All Readings

Add the method public List<Integer> readings() to your AverageSensor; it returns a list of the reading results of all the measurements executed through your AverageSensor. Below is an example of how the method works:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Sensor kumpula = new Thermometer();
    Sensor kaisaniemi = new Thermometer();
    Sensor helsinkiVantaa = new Thermometer();

    AverageSensor helsinkiArea = new AverageSensor();

    System.out.println("the temperature in Helsinki area is "+helsinkiArea.measure() + " degrees");
    System.out.println("the temperature in Helsinki area is "+helsinkiArea.measure() + " degrees");
    System.out.println("the temperature in Helsinki area is "+helsinkiArea.measure() + " degrees");

    System.out.println("readings: "+helsinkiArea.readings());

Prints (again, the printed readings depend on the random temperature readings):

the temperature in Helsinki area is -10 degrees
the temperature in Helsinki area is -4 degrees
the temperature in Helsinki area is -5 degrees

readings: [-10, -4, 5]

Exceptions and Interfaces

Interfaces do not have a method body, but the method definition can be freely chosen when the developer implements the interface. Interfaces can also define the exceptions throw. For instance, the classes which implement the following FileServer can possibly throw an exception in their methods download and save.

public interface FileServer {
    String download(String file) throws Exception;
    void save(String file, String string) throws Exception;

If an interface defines the throws Exception attributes for the methods -- i.e. the methods may throw an exception -- the classes which implement the interface must be defined in the same way. However, they do not have to throw an exception, as it becomes clear in the following example.

public class TextServer implements FileServer {

    private Map<String, String> data;

    public TextServer() {
        this.data = new HashMap<String, String>();

    public String download(String file) throws Exception {
        return this.data.get(file);

    public void save(String file, String string) throws Exception {
        this.data.put(file, stirng);

The Exception Information

The catch block tells how we handle an exception, and it tells us what exception we should be prepared for: catch (Exception e). The exception information is saved into the e variable.

try {
    // the code, which may throw an exception
} catch (Exception e) {
    // the exception information is saved into the variable e

The class Exception can provide useful methods. For instance, the method printStackTrace() prints a path which tells us where the exception came from. Let's check the following error printed by the method printStackTrace().

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
  at package.Class.print(Class.java:43)
  at package.Class.main(Class.java:29)

Reading the stack trace happens button up. The lowest is the first call, i.e. the program execution has started from the main() method of class Class. At line 29 of the main method of Class, we called the method print(). Line 43 of the method print caused a NullPointerException. Exception information are extremely important to find out the origin of a problem.

48 Reading a File

A relevant part of programming is related to stored files, in one way or in another. Let's take the first steps in Java file handling. Java's API provides the class File, whose contents can be read using the already known Scanner class.

If we read the desciption of the File API we notice the File class has the constructor File(String pathname), which creates a new File instance by converting the given pathname string into an abstract pathname. This means the File class constructor can be given the pathname of the file we want to open.

In the NetBeans programming environment, files have got their own tab called Files, which contains all our project files. If we add a file to a project root -- that is to say outside all folders -- we can refer to it by writing only the its name. We create a file object by fiving the file pathname to it as parameter:

File file = new File("file-name.txt");

System.in input stream is not the only reading source we can give to the constructor of a Scanner class. For instance, the reading source can be a file, in addition to the user keyboard. Scanner provides the same methods to read a keyboard input and a file. In the following example, we open a file and we print all the text contained in the file using the System.out.println statement. At the end, we close the file using the statement close.

// The file we read
File file = new File("filename.txt");

Scanner reader = new Scanner(file);
while (reader.hasNextLine()) {
    String line = reader.nextLine();


The Scanner class constructor public Scanner(File source) (Constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified file.) throws a FileNotFoundException when the specified file is not found. The FileNotFoundException is different than RuntimeException, and we have either to handle it or throw it forward. At this point, you only have to know that the programming environment tells you whether you have to handle the exception or not. Let's first create a try-catch block where we handle our file as soon as we open it.

public void readFile(File f) {
    // the file we read
    Scanner reader = null;

    try {
        reader = new Scanner(f);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("We couldn't read the file. Error: " + e.getMessage());
        return; // we exit the method

    while (reader.hasNextLine()) {
        String line = reader.nextLine();


Another option is to delegate the exception handling responsibility to the method caller. We delegate the exception handling responsibility by adding the definition throws ExceptionType to the method. For instance, we can add throws Exception because the type of all exceptions is Exception. When a method has the attribute throws Exception, whatever chunk of code which calls that method knows that it may throw an exception, and it should be prepared for it.

public void readFile(File f) throws Exception {
    // the file we read
    Scanner reader = new Scanner(f);

    while (reader.hasNextLine()) {
        String line = reader.nextLine();


In the example, the method readFile receives a file as parameter, and prints all the file lines. At the end, the reader is closed, and the file is closed with it, too. The attribute throws Exception tells us that the method may throw an exception. Same kind of attributes can be added to all the methods that handle files.

Note that the Scanner object's method nextLine returns a string, but it does not return a new line at the end of it. If you want to read a file and still maintain the new lines, you can add a new line at the end of each line:

public String readFileString(File f) throws Exception {
    // the file we read
    Scanner reader = new Scanner(f);

    String string = "";

    while (reader.hasNextLine()) {
        String line = reader.nextLine();
        string += line;
        string += "\n";

    return string;

Because we use the Scanner class to read files, we have all Scanner methods available for use. For instance the method hasNext() returns the boolean value true if the file contains something more to read, and the method next() reads the following word and returns a String object.

The following program creates a Scanner object which opens the file file.txt. Then, it prints every fifth word of the file.

File f = new File("file.txt");
Scanner reader = new Scanner(f);

int whichNumber = 0;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
    String word = reader.next();

    if (whichNumber % 5 == 0) {

Below, you find the text contained in the file, followed by the program output.

Exception handling is the process of responding to the occurrence, during computation, of exceptions – anomalous or exceptional events requiring special processing – often changing the normal flow of program execution. ...

Character Set Issues

When we read a text file (or when we save something into a file), Java has to find out the character set used by the operating system. Knowledge of the character set is required both to save text on the computer harddisk in binary format, and to translate binary data into text.

There have been developed standard character sets, and "UTF-8" is the most common nowadays. UTF-8 character set contains both the alphabet letters of everyday use and more particular characters such as the Japanese kanji characters or the information need to read and save the chess pawns. From a simplified programming angle, we could think a character set both as a character-number hashmap and a number-character hashmap. The character-number hashmap shows what binary number is used to save each character into a file. The number-character hashmap shows how we can translate into characters the values we obtain reading a file.

Almost each operating system producer has also got their own standards. Some support and want to contribute to the use of open source standards, some do not. If you have got problems with the use of Scandinavian characters such as ä and ö (expecially Mac and Windows users), you can tell which character set you want to use when you create a Scanner object. In this course, we always use the the "UTF-8" character set.

You can create a Scanner object which to read a file which uses the UTF-8 character set in the following way:

File f = new File("examplefile.txt");
Scanner reader = new Scanner(f, "UTF-8");

Anther thing you can do to set up a character set is using an environment variable. Macintosh and Windows users can set up an the value of the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to the string -Dfile.encoding=UTF8. In such case, Java always uses UTF-8 characters as a default.

Create the class Printer, its constructor public Printer(String fileName) which receives a String standing for the file name, and the method public void printLinesWhichContain(String word) which prints the file lines which contain the parameter word (lower and upper case make difference in this excercise; for instance, "test" and "Test" are not the considered the same); the lines are printed in the same order as they are inside the file.

If the argument is an empty String, all of the file is printed.

If the file is not found, the constructor delegates the exception with no need for a try-catch statement; the constructor simply has to be defined in the following way:

public Printer {

   public Printer(String fileName) throws Exception {
      // ...

   // ...

The file textFile has been place into the default package of your project to help the tests. When you define the file name of the constructor of Printer, you have to write src/textfile.txt. The file contains an extract of Kalevala, a Finnish epic poem:

Siinä vanha Väinämöinen
katseleikse käänteleikse
Niin tuli kevätkäkönen
näki koivun kasvavaksi
Miksipä on tuo jätetty
koivahainen kaatamatta
Sanoi vanha Väinämöinen

The following example shows what the program should do:

Printer printer = new Printer("src/textfile.txt");

printer.printLinesWhichContain("Frank Zappa");


Siinä vanha Väinämöinen
Sanoi vanha Väinämöinen
Siinä vanha Väinämöinen
katseleikse käänteleikse
Niin tuli kevätkäkönen
näki koivun kasvavaksi
Miksipä on tuo jätetty
koivahainen kaatamatta
Sanoi vanha Väinämöinen

In the project, you also find the whole Kalevala; the file name is src/kalevala.txt

In this exercise, we create an application to calculate the number of lines and characters.

129.1 Number of Lines

Create the class Analysis in the package file; the class has the constructor public Analysis(File file). Create the method public int lines(), which returns the number of lines of the file the constructor received as parameter.

The method cannot be "disposable", that is to say it has to return the right value even though it is called different times in a raw. Note that after you create a Scanner object for a file and read its whole contents using nextLine method calls, you can't use the same scanner to read the file again!

Attention: if the tests report a timeout, it probably means that you haven't been reading the file at all, meaning that the nextLine method calls miss!

129.2 Number of Characters

Create the method public int characters() in the class Analysis; the method returns the number of characters of the file the constructor received as parameter.

The method cannot be "disposable", that is to say it has to return the right value even though it is called different times in a raw.

You can decide yourself what to do if the constructor parameter file does not exist.

The file testFile has been place into the test package of your project to help the tests. When you define the file name of the constructor of Analysis, you have to write test/testfile.txt. The file contains the following text:

there are 3 lines, and characters
because line breaks are also

The following example shows what the program should do:

File file = new File("test/testfile.txt");
Analysis analysis = new Analysis(file);
System.out.println("Lines: " + analysis.lines());
System.out.println("Characters: " + analysis.characters());
Lines: 3
Characters: 74

Create the class WordInspection, which allows for different kinds of analyses on words. Implement the class in the package wordinspection.

The Institute for the Languages of Finland (Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus, Kotus) has published online a list of Finnish words. In this exercise we use a modified version of that list, which can be found in the exercise source folder src with the name wordList.txt; the relative path is "src/wordList.txt". Because the word list if quite long, in fact, a shortList.txt was created in the project for the tests; the file can be found following the path "src/shortList.txt".

If you have problems with Scandinavian letters (Mac and Windows users) create your Scanner object assigning it the "UTF-8" character set, in the following way: Scanner reader = new Scanner(file, "UTF-8"); Problems come expecially when the tests are executed.

130.1 Word Count

Create the constructor public WordInspection(File file) to your WordInspection class. The constructor creates a new WordInspection object which inspects the given file.

Create the method public int wordCount(), which counts the file words and prints their number. In this part, you don't have to do anything with the words, you should only count how many there are. For this exercise, you can expect there is only one word in each row.

130.2 z

Create the method public List<String> wordsContainingZ(), which returns all the file words which contain a z; for instance, jazz and zombie.

130.3 Ending l

Create the method public List<String> wordsEndingInL(), which returns all the Finnish words of the file which end in l; such words are, for instance, kannel and sammal.

Attention! If you read the file various different times in your program, you notice that your code contains a lot of copy-paste, so far. It would be useful to think whether it would be possible to read the file in an different place, maybe inside the constructor or as a method, which the constructor calls. In such case, the methods could use a list which was read before and then create a new list which suits their search criteria. In week 6, we will come back again with an ortodox way to eliminate copy-paste.

130.4 Palindromes

Create the method public List<String> palindromes(), which returns all the palindrome words of the file. Such words are, for instance, ala and enne.

130.5 All Vowels

Create the method public List<String> wordsWhichContainAllVowels(), which returns all the words of the file which contain all Finnish vowels (aeiouyäö). Such words are, for instance, myöhäiselokuva and ympäristönsuojelija.

49 Hashmaps and Sets

Many Values and One Key

As we remember, we can save only one value per key using HashMap. In the following examples we save people's mobile phone numbers in a HashMap.

Map<String, String> phoneNumbers = new HashMap<String, String>();

phoneNumbers.put("Pekka", "040-12348765");

System.out.println( "Pekka's number: "+ phoneNumbers.get("Pekka") );

phoneNumbers.put("Pekka", "09-111333");

System.out.println( "Pekka's number: "+ phoneNumbers.get("Pekka") );

as expected, the output tells us:

Pekka's number: 040-12348765
Pekka's number: 09-111333

What about if we wanted to save various different values per one key, what about if a person had many phone numbers? Can we manage with an HashMap? Of course! For instance, instead of saving Strings as HashMap values we could save ArrayLists, mapping more than one object to one key. Let's change the way we save phone numbers as follows:

Map<String, ArrayList<String>> phoneNumbers = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();

Now, a list is mapped to each HashMap key. Even though the new command creates a HashMap, the list which will be saved inside has to be created separately. In the following example, we add two numbers to the HashMap for Pekka, and we print them:

Map<String, ArrayList<String>> phoneNumbers = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();

// We map an empty ArrayList to Pekka
phoneNumbers.put( "Pekka", new  ArrayList<String>() );

// we add Pekka's number to the list

// and we add a second phone number

System.out.println( "Pekka's numbers: "+ phoneNumbers.get("Pekka") );


Pekka's numbers: [040-12348765, 09-111333]

We define the phone number type as Map<String, ArrayList<String>>, that is a Map whose key is a String and whose value is a list containing strings. The concrete implementation -- that is to say the created object -- was a HashMap. We could have defined a variable also in the following way:

Map<String, List<String>> phoneNumbers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

Now, the variable type is a Map, whose key is a String and value is a List containing strings. In fact, a List is an interface which defines the List functionality, and ArrayLists implement this interface, for instance. The concrete object is a HashMap.

The values we save into the HashMap are concrete object which implement the interface List<String>, ArrayLists, for instance. Again, we can add values to the HashMap in the following way:

// first, we map an empty ArrayList to Pekka
phoneNumbers.put( "Pekka", new  ArrayList<String>() );

// ...

In the future, instead of using concrete classes (such as HashMap and ArrayList, for instance), we will always try to use their respective interfaces Map and List.


Differently from lists, in a Set there can be up to one same entry, that is to say the same object can not be contained twice in a set. The similarity between two objects is inspected using the methods equals and hashCode.

One of the classes which implement the Set interface is HashSet. Let's use it to implement the class ExerciseAccounting, which allows us to keep an account of the exercise we do and to print them. Let's suppose the the exercises are always integers.

public class ExerciseAccounting {
    private Set<Integer> doneExercises;

    public ExerciseAccounting() {
        this.doneExercises = new HashSet<Integer>();

    public void add(int exercise) {

    public void print() {
        for (int exercise: this.doneExercises) {
ExerciseAccounting account = new ExerciseAccounting();


The solution above is useful if we don't need information about the exercises done by each different user. We can change the saving logic of the exercises in a way to have them save in relation to each user, using a HashMap. The users are recognized through a unique string (for instance, their student number), and each user has their own set of finished exercises.

public class ExerciseAccounting {
    private Map<String, Set<Integer>> doneExercises;

    public ExerciseAccounting() {
        this.doneExercises = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>();

    public void add(String user, int exercise) {
        // note that when we create a new user we have first to map an empty exercise set to it
        if (!this.doneExercises.containsKey(user)) {
            this.doneExercises.put(user, new HashSet<Integer>());

        // first, we retrieve the set containing the user's exercises and then we add an exercise to it
        Set<Integer> finished = this.doneExercises.get(user);

        // the previous would have worked out without helping variable in the following way:
        //  this.doneExercises.get(user).add(exercise);

    public void print() {
        for (String user: this.doneExercises.keySet()) {
            System.out.println(user + ": " + this.doneExercises.get(user));
ExerciseAccounting accounting = new ExerciseAccounting();
accounting.add("Mikael", 3);
accounting.add("Mikael", 4);
accounting.add("Mikael", 3);
accounting.add("Mikael", 3);

accounting.add("Pekka", 4);
accounting.add("Pekka", 4);

accounting.add("Matti", 1);
accounting.add("Matti", 2);

Matti: [1, 2]
Pekka: [4]
Mikael: [3, 4]

Note that the user names are not printed in order, in our example. This depends on the saving process of the HashMap entries, which happens through the value returned by the hashCode method, and does not involve the entry order in any way.

Let's make an extended version of the dictionary of week 1. Your task is to implement the class PersonalMultipleEntryDictionary, which can save one or more entry for each word translated. The class has to implement the interface in the exercise source, MultipleEntryDictionary, with the following methods:

  • public void add(String word, String entry)
  • , which adds a new entry to a word, maintaining the old ones
  • public Set<String> translate(String word)
  • , which returns a Set object, with all the entries of the word, or a null reference, if the word is not in the dictionary
  • public void remove(String word)
  • , which removes a word and all its entries from the dictionary

As for the ExampleAccounting above, it's good to store the translations into a Map<String, Set<String>> object variable.

The interface code:

package dictionary;

import java.util.Set;

public interface MultipleEntryDictionary {
    void add(String word, String translation);
    Set<String> translate(String word);
    void remove(String word);

An example program:

MultipleEntryDictionary dict = new PersonalMultipleEntryDictionary();
dict.add("kuusi", "six");
dict.add("kuusi", "spruce");

dict.add("pii", "silicon");
dict.add("pii", "pi");



[six, spruce]

Your task is to implement inside the package tools a class PersonalDuplicateRemover, which stores the given characterStrings so that equal characterStrings are removed (a.k.a duplicates). Class also holds a record of the amount of duplicates. Class should implement the given interface DuplicateRemover, which has the following methods:

  • public void add(String characterString)
  • stores a characterString if it's not a duplicate.
  • public int getNumberOfDetectedDuplicates()
  • returns the number of detected duplicates.
  • public Set<String> getUniqueCharacterStrings()
  • returns an object which implements the interface Set<String>. Object should have all unique characterStrings (no duplicates!). If there are no unique characterStrings, method returns an empty set.
  • public void empty()
  • removes stored characterStrings and resets the amount of detected duplicates.

Code of the interface:

package tools;

import java.util.Set;

public interface DuplicateRemover {
    void add(String characterString);
    int getNumberOfDetectedDuplicates();
    Set<String> getUniqueCharacterStrings();
    void empty();

Interface can be used like this for example:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    DuplicateRemover remover = new PersonalDuplicateRemover();

    System.out.println("Current number of duplicates: " +


    System.out.println("Current number of duplicates: " +

    System.out.println("Unique characterStrings: " +


    System.out.println("Current number of duplicates: " +

    System.out.println("Unique characterStrings: " +

Code above would print: (order of characterStrings can change, it doesn't matter)

Current number of duplicates: 1
Current number of duplicates: 2
Unique characterStrings: [first, second, last, new]
Current number of duplicates: 0
Unique characterStrings: []

One Object in Many Lists, a Map Construction or a Set

As we remember, object variable are reference-type, which means that the variable does not memorize the object itself, but the reference to the object. Respectively, if we put an object into an ArrayList, for instance, the List does not memorize the object itself but the reference to the object. There is no reason why we should not be able to save an object in various different lists or HashMaps, for instance.

Let's have a look at our library example, which saves books into HashMaps, both based on their writer and ISB number. In addition to this, the library. Moreover, the library has two lists for the books on loan and for the ones that are on the shelves.

public class Book {
    private String ISBN;
    private String writer;
    private String name;
    private int date;
    // ...

public class Library {
    private Map<String, Book> ISBNBooks;
    private Map<String, List<String>> writerBooks;
    private List<Book> loanBooks;
    private List<Book> shelfBooks;

    public void addBook(Book newBook){
        ISBNBooks.put(newBook.getIsbn(), newBook);

    public Book getBookBasedOnISBN(String isbn){
        return ISBNBooks.get(isbn);

    // ...

If an object is listed in different places at the same time (in a list, a set, or a map construction), you have to pay particular attention so to make sure the state of the different collections is consistent. For instance, if we decide to delete a book, it must be deleted from both maps as well as from the two lists which contain the books on loan and on the shelves.