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Class relaaja.database.parser.ASCII_CharStream


public final class ASCII_CharStream
extends Object
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).

Variable Index

 o available
 o bufcolumn
 o buffer
 o bufline
 o bufpos
 o bufsize
 o column
 o inBuf
 o inputStream
 o line
 o maxNextCharInd
 o prevCharIsCR
 o prevCharIsLF
 o staticFlag
 o tokenBegin

Constructor Index

 o ASCII_CharStream(InputStream, int, int)
 o ASCII_CharStream(InputStream, int, int, int)

Method Index

 o adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int)
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
 o backup(int)
 o BeginToken()
 o Done()
 o ExpandBuff(boolean)
 o FillBuff()
 o getBeginColumn()
 o getBeginLine()
 o getColumn()
 o getEndColumn()
 o getEndLine()
 o GetImage()
 o getLine()
 o GetSuffix(int)
 o readChar()
 o ReInit(InputStream, int, int)
 o ReInit(InputStream, int, int, int)
 o UpdateLineColumn(char)


 o staticFlag
 public static final boolean staticFlag
 o bufsize
 static int bufsize
 o available
 static int available
 o tokenBegin
 static int tokenBegin
 o bufpos
 public static int bufpos
 o bufline
 private static int bufline[]
 o bufcolumn
 private static int bufcolumn[]
 o column
 private static int column
 o line
 private static int line
 o prevCharIsCR
 private static boolean prevCharIsCR
 o prevCharIsLF
 private static boolean prevCharIsLF
 o inputStream
 private static InputStream inputStream
 o buffer
 private static byte buffer[]
 o maxNextCharInd
 private static int maxNextCharInd
 o inBuf
 private static int inBuf


 o ASCII_CharStream
 public ASCII_CharStream(InputStream dstream,
                         int startline,
                         int startcolumn,
                         int buffersize)
 o ASCII_CharStream
 public ASCII_CharStream(InputStream dstream,
                         int startline,
                         int startcolumn)


 o ExpandBuff
 private static final void ExpandBuff(boolean wrapAround)
 o FillBuff
 private static final void FillBuff() throws IOException
 o BeginToken
 public static final char BeginToken() throws IOException
 o UpdateLineColumn
 private static final void UpdateLineColumn(char c)
 o readChar
 public static final char readChar() throws IOException
 o getColumn
 public static final int getColumn()
Note: getColumn() is deprecated.

See Also:
 o getLine
 public static final int getLine()
Note: getLine() is deprecated.

See Also:
 o getEndColumn
 public static final int getEndColumn()
 o getEndLine
 public static final int getEndLine()
 o getBeginColumn
 public static final int getBeginColumn()
 o getBeginLine
 public static final int getBeginLine()
 o backup
 public static final void backup(int amount)
 o ReInit
 public static void ReInit(InputStream dstream,
                           int startline,
                           int startcolumn,
                           int buffersize)
 o ReInit
 public static void ReInit(InputStream dstream,
                           int startline,
                           int startcolumn)
 o GetImage
 public static final String GetImage()
 o GetSuffix
 public static final byte[] GetSuffix(int len)
 o Done
 public static void Done()
 o adjustBeginLineColumn
 public static void adjustBeginLineColumn(int newLine,
                                          int newCol)
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.

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