Time Calendar Framework - User Guide

(How to Run the TC Demo Applications)


  1. Starting the Applications
  2. Entering the User Name and Password
  3. Adding, Removing, and Modifying the Time Information in the Calendar
  4. Changing Marker Colors
  5. Moving Around the Calendar
  6. Changing the Options
  7. Database Actions

Here we assume that you have successfully downloaded and installed TC system and setup the database.

Starting the Applications

Move to the directory where the byte code files (*.class) for package tc.application are located. If you want run the local version of TC, type java LocalCalendar. If you wish to run the distributed version TC, you must first start the server, so type java DatabaseServer [server port]. You can give the server port number as a command line parameter, otherwise a default port is used. After that you can start several clients. Type: java CalendarClient [server host] [server port]. If the server is running on a different host machine, you must specify the server's host name.

Entering the User Name and Password

Enter the user name and password combination when the application prompts you to do so. There are three user accounts originally available in the example database. The user names and passwords for these are the following:

Adding, Removing, and Modifying the Time Information in the Calendar

A popup menu is used to control the calendar component. Open it with the right mouse button. When adding new time information you must first select the desired marker. Select the marker with "Markers.." command. After that, select the grid cells (with mouse or keyboard) you wish to associate with the selected marker and click "Add" from the popup menu.

Time information can be removed by first selecting the cells that are to be removed and then clicking "Remove..." from the popup menu. The system asks for confirmation. If you selected many time slices, you must point the ones you wish to remove.

Similarly, if you wish to modify time slices, select the desired cells and click "Modify...". Again, if choose many slices, you will be asked to specify the one you wish to modify. After that you can give detailed start and end times for the slice.

Changing Marker Colors

Each marker is associated with a color. You can change the color from the "Markers" and "Modify", dialogs by pushing the "Color..." button.

Moving Around the Calendar

You can move forwards and backwards in the calendar with the "Next Page..." and "Prev Page..." commands. Use "Properties" dialog to change the size of movement.

Changing the Options

You can change various options in the "Properties" dialog: the number of columns and rows in the visible window, the index of the first row in the window, the size of the movement when using "Next Page..." and "Prev Page...", column increment (how many columns are fetched from the database at a time, and calendar granularity (whether to use Date*Hour or Week*Day based calendar).

Database Actions

You can save your changes to the database with the "Save to Database" command. Previously saved information can be retrived with "Load from Database" command. "Reopen Database" closes the current session and lets you to login to the database again.

Note that marker colors are updated to the database when issuing the "Save to Database" command. Both marker colors and "properties" (options) are saved when exiting the program. The modifications made to the time information are not automatically saved. If the user quits without explicitly saving she loses her edits.

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