Assignment 5: Multi-criteria decision making

This week your task is to familiarize yourself with multi-criteria (or multi-objective) decision making (MCDM) and apply the method to the problem described below. Readings on MCDM can be found in the course folder.


Your health is dependent on good nutrition. There are various aspects of healthy food which makes it difficult to design a balanced diet. To start with, one needs a certain amount of energy which should be contained in a diet including a certain amount of protein, a certain amount of calcium, etc.

Utility functions: The target levels for a selected set of nutrients (Table 1) give ten different utility functions: a utility function should achieve the value zero when a diet contains at least the recommended amount of the nutrient, and a negative value if the diet falls short of the recommended value, given by the negative ratio of the recommended amount and the actual amount in the diet –recommended_value/actual_value.

Restrictions: In cases where there is a risk of overdose, the diet must not contain more than a certain limit of the nutrient in question. These limits pose restrictions on valid diets. In addition, the diet must contain at least three and at most ten different food products.

Reporting the Results

You should optimize all the ten utility functions simultaneously, taking care that all the restrictions are satisfied. To enable culinaristic freedom you should maintain as diverse set of diets as possible. If you decide to use evolutionary algorithms, you can maintain a population of, say, 50 diets.

You can experiment with different modifications to the utility functions and the restrictions to achieve solutions to your taste.

Table 1. Recommended Amounts

NutrientAmount per DayOverdose?
Energy2200 kcal> 2500 kcal
Protein60 g> 120 g
Calcium800 mg> 2500 mg
Iron10 mg> 20 mg
Magnesium300 mgno
Vit_B61.3 mg> 4.2 mg
Vit_B123 μgno
Vit_C60 mgno
Vit_D5 μg> 10 μg
Vit_E10 mg> 20 mg

The food products you can include in the diet are listed in the USDA National Nutrient Database (1.7MB in a tab-delimited ASCII format), gzipped (573kB) (downloaded from

Note: You can replace empty fields by 0 (zero).

Table 2. Abbreviated File Format

Field name Type Description
NDB_No.A 5*5-digit Nutrient Databank number
Shrt_DescA 6060-character abbreviated description of food item†
WaterN 10.2Water (g/100 g)
Energ_KcalN 10Food energy (kcal/100 g)
ProteinN 10.2Protein (g/100 g)
Lipid_TotN 10.2Total lipid (fat)(g/100 g)
AshN 10.2Ash (g/100 g)
CarbohydrtN 10.2 Carbohydrate, by difference (g/100 g)
Fiber_TDN 10.1Total dietary fiber (g/100 g)
Sugar_TotN 10.2 Total sugars (g/100 g)
CalciumN 10Calcium (mg/100 g)
IronN 10.2 Iron (mg/100 g)
MagnesiumN 10Magnesium (mg/100 g)
PhosphorusN 10Phosphorus (mg/100 g)
PotassiumN 10Potassium (mg/100 g)
SodiumN 10Sodium (mg/100 g)
ZincN 10.2 Zinc (mg/100 g)
CopperN 10.3Copper (mg/100 g)
ManganeseN 10.3Manganese (mg/100 g)
SeleniumN 10.1Selenium (μg/100 g)
Vit_CN 10.1Vitamin C (mg/100 g)
ThiaminN 10.3Thiamin (mg/100 g)
RiboflavinN 10.3Riboflavin (mg/100 g)
NiacinN 10.3Niacin (mg/100 g)
Panto_acidN 10.3Pantothenic acid (mg/100 g)
Vit_B6N 10.3Vitamin B6 (mg/100 g)
Folate_TotN 10Folate, total (μg/100 g)
Folic_acidN 10Folic acid (μg/100 g)
Food_FolateN 10Food folate (μg/100 g)
Folate_DFEN 10Folate (μg dietary folate equivalents/100 g)
Vit_B12N 10.2 Vitamin B12 (μg/100 g)
Vit_A_IUN 10Vitamin A (IU/100 g)
Vit_A_RAEN 10Vitamin A (μg retinol activity equivalents/100g)
RetinolN 10Retinol (μg/100 g)
Vit_EN 10.2 Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) (mg/100 g)
Vit_KN 10.1Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (μg/100 g)
Alpha_CarotN 10Alpha-carotene (μg/100 g)
Beta_CarotN 10Beta-carotene (μg/100 g)
Beta_CryptN 10Beta-cryptoxanthin (μg/100 g)
LycopeneN 10Lycopene (μg/100 g)
Lut+ZeaN 10Lutein+zeazanthin (μg/100 g)
FA_SatN 10.3Saturated fatty acid (g/100 g)
FA_MonoN 10.3Monounsaturated fatty acids (g/100 g)
FA_PolyN 10.3Polyunsaturated fatty acids (g/100 g)
CholestrlN 10.3Cholesterol (mg/100 g)
GmWt_1N 9.2 First household weight for this item from the Weight file‡
GmWt_Desc1A 120Description of household weight number 1
GmWt_2N 9.2 Second household weight for this item from the Weight file‡
GmWt_Desc2A 120Description of household weight number 2
Refuse_PctN 2Percent refuse§
* Index field for the Abbreviated file.
† For a 200-character description and other descriptive information, link to the Food Description file.
‡ For the complete list and description of the measure, link to the Weight file.
§ For a description of refuse, link to the Food Description file.