Assignment 4: Ant colony optimization

This week your task is to familiarize yourself with ant colony optimization (ACO), and apply the method to the problem described below. Readings on ACO can be found in the course folder.

Trail planning

Recreational management is a job of controlling the access to nature parks (e.g., parking lots, roads and trails, visitor centers and campgrounds) and designing the facilities so that the number of visitors and the quality of their experience is maximized without excess crowding in any specific location, significant damage to the natural environment, or conflicts between different park users (e.g., hikers, mountain bikers, rock climbers). Traditionally park managers have used user surveys and traffic counts, but are increasingly relying on computer simulations to estimate the facility requirements.

Task description

Let us assume that there are only one type of users in the park, hikers. Your task is to assist the park manager in planning efficient hiking routes from the park entrance to the natural monument, located in the other end of the park, using ant colony optimization.

Your first task is to design a utility function for your ants that takes the topography of the park, existing roads and the potential crowding into account. Very steep slopes are hard to traverse, so your planner may want to avoid them, whereas roads make it easy to walk, so your planner may want to prefer them. However, hikers usually want to enjoy pristine natural environment in a peaceful setting without having a lot of other hikers around. While to certain extent they still want to use trails others have found good, they want to avoid too many human encounters in the nature. Your utility function should also consider this. You can use the utility function for the TSP problem as presented in Dréo et al. (2006, p. 130) as a starting point.


You are given two kinds of landscape information of the park: the topographical map and the road map. This information is represented in two two-dimensional grids of cells recording for each cell the steepness of the slope and the existence of a road, respectively. The size of the landscape is 195x189 (height x width) cells and each cell is 50x50 meters. You can assume that the ant hikers move from cell to cell, i.e., the traveling within a cell can be ignored.

Let the park entrance be in the cell (0, 0) [upper left corner] and the monument in the cell (195, 189) [lower right corner]. Start with 200 ant hikers that enter the park simultaneously, and make them find their way to the monument, then experiment with different numbers of ants.

Reporting the results

The task is two-fold — (i) designing a utility function, and (ii) optimizing it using ant colony algorithms —, and your report should reflect this. In order to describe the performance of your optimization algorithm, you can report the effect of various factors (parameters) to the utility score. More interestingly, in order to illustrate your utility function, you can visualize the paths chosen by the ant hikers.

For visualization purposes, you can use tools such as gnuplot, or construct bitmap images. (Or if you are really enthusiastic, you can create an animation.)

Hint: To easily produce bitmaps, you can use the PNM format. Just write into a file, using the following format:

189 195
100 100 100 80 80 80 20 20 20  0  0  0 ...
 90  90  90 50 50 50 20 20 20 30 30 30 10 10 10 ...

The second line (189 195) gives the size of the image. The table has a (R G B)-triplet for each pixel. You can let the color of the pixel be determined by the number of ants passing through the corresponding grid cell. For a nice visual impression, you can use the slope values and/or the road map to create a background (see the image showing the roads, above).