Graphical Models
Term paper
Term paper is a review (about 10 pages, 12pt font with reasonable
margins) of a selected course-related article.
The following is a list of potential papers. You can also suggest
a paper of your own choice in which case you should get an
approval from us. We will most probably accept anything published
in the UAI proceedings (the link doesn't
seem to work right now; hardcopies available in the Department
library) in sessions
such as Learning and Inference.
Potential Topics
Mikko Koivisto's
Ph.D. Thesis, Section 3, ``Sum-products and the elimination algorithm''
(PS, 574kb).
(Please note that this is a draft version.)
Friedman & Koller: Being Bayesian about Network Structure.
(PS, 2263kB). (For everyone else but Sood & Terzi.)
David Allen and Adnan Darwiche: Optimal Time-Space Tradeoff in
Probabilistic Inference.
(PDF, 204kB)
W.Buntine, Variational Extensions to EM and Multinomial PCA. Pp. 23-34
in Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Machine Learning,
edited by T. Elomaa, H. Mannila and H. Toivonen. Vol. 2430 in Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag 2002.
(PDF, 206kB)
P.Kontkanen, P.Myllymäki, T.Silander, and H.Tirri, On Supervised
Selection of Bayesian Networks. Pp. 334-342 in Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
(UAI'99), edited by K. Laskey and H. Prade. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
(PDF, 140kB)
Jeff Bilmes and Chris Bartels, On Triangulating Dynamic Graphical
Models, 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
(UAI), 2003. Acapulco, Mexico.
(PDF, 1804kB)
J. Bilmes, Graphical Models and Automatic Speech Recognition , in "Mathematical
Foundations of Speech and Language Processing", Institute of Mathematical
Analysis Volumes in Mathematics Series, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
This is a long survey paper, so perhaps focus on a subsection.
B. Frey, Extending Factor Graphs so as to Unify Directed and
Undirected Graphical Models, UAI 2003.
Not online.
E.P. Xing, M.I. Jordan, and S. Russell, A generalized mean field algorithm for
variational inference in exponential families, Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, 2003. (UAI2003). Runner-up Best Student Paper Award.
(PS, 485kB)
D.M. Chickering and C. Meek (2002). Finding Optimal Bayesian Networks. In
Proceedings of Eighteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Edmonton, AB, pages 94-102. Morgan Kaufmann.
(PDF, 243kB)