Week 4: Learning and Adaptive Specialization
- Bitterman, M. E. (1965), The Evolution of
Intelligence. Scientific American, Vol. 212, No. 1, 92-100.
- Gallistel, C.R. (2000), The
Replacement of General Purpose Learning Models with Adaptively
Specialized Learning Modules. In Gazzaniga (Ed.) The New
Cognitive Neurosciences (2nd Edition), 1179-1191.
- Littman, Michael (1995), Simulations Combining Evolution and
Learning. In R.K. Belew and M. Mitchell (Eds.) Adaptive
Individuals in Evolving Populations, 465-477.
- Sherry, David F. and Daniel L. Schacter (1987), The Evolution of Multiple Memory
Systems. Psychological Review, Vol. 94, No. 4,
- Timberlake, William (2001),
Integrating niche-related and
general process approaches in the study of learning.
Behavioural Processes, Volume 54, Issues 1-3, 79-94.