A minimal correction subset (MCS) enumerator using premise set caching
LBX-cache is developed by the Constraint Optimization
and Reasoning Group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.
The system is implemented by Alessandro Previti.
LBX-cache is a tool for enumerating MCSes implementing the ideas presented in [1]. The tool
reimplements the LBX algorithm extended with a caching mechanism for premise sets.
USAGE: ./lbx-cache [options] <input-file>
where input may be either in plain or gzipped DIMACS.
-print_num_mcs, -no-print_num_mcs (default: off) # When on the number of MCSes computed so far is printed every 5 seconds
-print_mcs, -no-print_mcs (default: off) # When on MCSes are printed to the screen during enumeration
-cache, -no-cache (default: on) # When on the cache is used
-mem-lim = [ 0 .. imax] (default: 0) # Used to limit the memory usage
-cpu-lim = [ 0 .. imax] (default: 0) # Used to limit the CPU usage
--help # Print help message
The latest version of LBX-cache is available for download here.
[1] Premise Set Caching for Enumerating Minimal Correction Subsets.
Alessandro Previti, Carlos Mencia, Matti Järvisalo, and Joao Marques-Silva.
In ???, editors, Proceedings of the
32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI 2018),
pages ????-????. AAAI Press, 2018.