@ARTICLE{ruokolainen05webpilarcos, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Janne Metso and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Web-Pilarcos: väliohjelmistopalveluita sähköisille liiketoimintaverkostoille}}, JOURNAL = {Tietojenkäsittelytiede}, YEAR = {2005}, VOLUME = {24}, PAGES = {52--66}, MONTH = DEC, NOTE = {In Finnish.}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruokolainen05webpilarcos.pdf} }
@ARTICLE{ruohomaa06avoimissa, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Luottamuksenhallinta avoimissa palveluverkoissa}, JOURNAL = {Tietojenk{\"a}sittelytiede}, VOLUME = {25}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = DEC, ISSN = {0788-4818}, PAGES = {51--60}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruohomaa06avoimissa.pdf}, ANNOTE = {tube} }
@ARTICLE{kutvonen07trading, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Janne Metso and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {From trading to {eCommunity} management: Responding to social and contractual challenges}, JOURNAL = {Information Systems Frontiers (ISF) - Special Issue on Enterprise Services Computing: Evolution and Challenges}, ISSN = {1572-9419 (online)}, MONTH = JUL, VOLUME = {9}, NUMBER = {2--3}, PAGES = {181--194}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10796-007-9031-x}, YEAR = {2007} }
@ARTICLE{kutvonen06interop, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Toni Ruokolainen and Janne Metso}, TITLE = {{Interoperability middleware for federated business services in web-Pilarcos}}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, Special issue on Interoperability of Enterprise Systems and Applications}, YEAR = {2007}, VOLUME = {3}, NUMBER = {1}, MONTH = JAN, PUBLISHER = {Idea Group Publishing}, ISSN = {1548-1115}, PAGES = {1--21}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/kutvonen06interop.pdf} }
@ARTICLE{nortagrefen07esourcing, AUTHOR = {Alex Norta and Paul Grefen}, TITLE = {{Discovering Patterns for Inter-Organizational Business Collaboration}}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems}, YEAR = {2007}, VOLUME = {16}, NUMBER = {3/4}, PAGES = {507--544}, PUBLISHER = {WorldSci Net}, MONTH = DEC, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218843007001664} }
@ARTICLE{sinderen09sigmodrecord, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen {Marten {van Sinderen}, Pontus Johnson}}, TITLE = {Report on the {IFIP} {WG5}.8 international workshop on enterprise interoperability ({IWEI} 2008)}, JOURNAL = {SIGMOD Record}, VOLUME = {37}, NUMBER = {4}, YEAR = {2009}, MONTH = MAR, PUBLISHER = {ACM}, URL = {http://dl.acm.org/authorize?044618} }
@ARTICLE{norta10specification, AUTHOR = {Alex Norta and Rik Eshuis}, TITLE = {Specification and verification of harmonized business-process collaborations}, JOURNAL = {Information Systems Frontiers}, VOLUME = {12}, NUMBER = {4}, MONTH = SEP, YEAR = {2010}, PAGES = {457--479}, ISSN = {1387-3326}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer}, ADDRESS = {Hingham, MA, USA}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10796-009-9164-1}, VALID = {8.9.2010} }
@ARTICLE{ruohomaa10trust, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Trust and Distrust in Adaptive Inter-enterprise Collaboration Management}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Special Issue on Trust and Trust Management}, VOLUME = {5}, NUMBER = {2}, MONTH = AUG, YEAR = {2010}, PAGES = {118--136}, DOI = {10.4067/S0718-1876201000200008}, URL = {http://www.jtaer.com/aug2010/ruohomaa_kutvonen_p7.pdf}, VALID = {19.8.2010}, ANNOTE = {tube} }
@ARTICLE{ruohomaa12towards, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Towards trust management for cloud-based ecosystems}, JOURNAL = {Communications of Cloud Software --- Discussion papers}, URL = {http://www.cloudsw.org/under-review/ef2feb11-336b-48e1-9353-7a6a93b2ced5}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2012} }
@ARTICLE{kaur12enabling, AUTHOR = {Puneet Kaur and Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Enabling User Involvement in Trust Decision Making for Inter-Enterprise Collaborations}, JOURNAL = {International Journal On Advances In Intelligent Systems}, VOLUME = {5}, NUMBER = {3\&4}, MONTH = DEC, YEAR = {2012}, URL = {http://www.iariajournals.org/intelligent_systems/intsys_v5_n34_2012_paged.pdf}, PAGES = {533--552} }
@ARTICLE{yao12addressing, AUTHOR = {Yuan Yao and Sini Ruohomaa and Feng Xu}, TITLE = {Addressing Common Vulnerabilities of Reputation Systems for Electronic Commerce}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research}, ISSN = {0718-1876}, VOLUME = {7}, NUMBER = {1}, MONTH = APR, PAGES = {1--15}, YEAR = {2012}, URL = {http://www.jtaer.com/statistics/download/download.php?co_id=JTA20120101}, DOI = {10.4067/S0718-18762012000100002} }
@ARTICLE{kutvonen13odp, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{ODP RM} reflections on open service ecosystems}, JOURNAL = {Computer Standards \& Interfaces}, YEAR = {2013}, VOLUME = {35}, ISSUE = {3}, MONTH = MAR, PAGES = {294--312}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2012.01.005} }
@BOOK{kutvonen07is-tspq, EDITOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Jean-Henry Morin and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Pre-proceedings of {IS-TSPQ} 2007 --- The 2nd international workshop on Interoperability solutions to Trust, Security, Policies and Qo{S} for Enhanced Enterprise Systems}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science Publications Series B, Report B-2007-3}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, ISBN = {978-952-10-3812-9}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2007} }
@BOOK{guizzardi10edoc, TITLE = {2010 14th {IEEE} International {EDOC} enterprise computing conference}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, AUTHOR = {Giancarlo Guizzardi and Lea Kutvonen and {João Paulo A.} Almeida}, ADDRESS = {Vitória, Brazil}, YEAR = {2010}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4163-1} }
@BOOK{guizzardi10edocw, TITLE = {2010 14th {IEEE} International {EDOC} enterprise computing conference workshops}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, AUTHOR = {Giancarlo Guizzardi and Lea Kutvonen and {João Paulo A.} Almeida}, ADDRESS = {Vitória, Brazil}, YEAR = {2010}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4164-8} }
@BOOK{johnson11edoc, TITLE = {2011 15th {IEEE} International {EDOC} enterprise computing conference}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, EDITOR = {Pontus Johnson and Chi-Hung Chi and Lea Kutvonen}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, YEAR = {2011}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4425-0} }
@BOOK{johnson11edocw, TITLE = {2011 15th {IEEE} International {EDOC} enterprise computing conference workshops}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, EDITOR = {Pontus Johnson and Chi-Hung Chi and Lea Kutvonen}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, YEAR = {2011}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4426-7} }
@INBOOK{norta10business, AUTHOR = {Rik Eshuis and Alex Norta}, TITLE = {Dynamic Business Process Formation for Instant Virtual Enterprises}, YEAR = {2010}, ISBN = {978-1-84882-690-8}, CHAPTER = {7: Business Process Composition}, DOI = {10.1007/978-1-84882-691-5}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing}, ISSN = {1610-3947}, URL = {http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+&+information+retrieval/book/978-1-84882-690-8}, VALID = {8.9.2010} }
@INBOOK{kutvonen10comparable, AUTHOR = {Nikolay Mehandjiev and Hamideh Afsarmanesh and Luis M. Camarinha-Matos and Lea Kutvonen and Alex Norta}, TITLE = {Dynamic Business Process Formation for Instant Virtual Enterprises}, YEAR = {2010}, ISBN = {978-1-84882-690-8}, CHAPTER = {12: Comparable Approaches to IVE}, DOI = {10.1007/978-1-84882-691-5}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing}, ISSN = {1610-3947}, URL = {http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+&+information+retrieval/book/978-1-84882-690-8}, VALID = {8.9.2010} }
@INBOOK{norta10outlook, AUTHOR = {Paul Grefen and Rik Eshuis and Alex Norta}, TITLE = {Dynamic Business Process Formation for Instant Virtual Enterprises}, YEAR = {2010}, ISBN = {978-1-84882-690-8}, CHAPTER = {14: Outlook}, DOI = {10.1007/978-1-84882-691-5}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing}, ISSN = {1610-3947}, URL = {http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+&+information+retrieval/book/978-1-84882-690-8}, VALID = {8.9.2010} }
@INBOOK{ruokolainen11framework, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, CHAPTER = {21: Framework for managing features of open service ecosystems}, TITLE = {Handbook of Research on Non-Functional Properties for Service-Oriented Systems: Future Directions}, PUBLISHER = {IGI Global}, ISBN = {978-1-61350-434-5}, DOI = {10.4018/978-1-61350-432-1.ch021}, URL = {http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/handbook-research-service-oriented-systems/60899}, YEAR = {2011}, MONTH = DEC }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen02edoc, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Automated management of interorganisational applications}, BOOKTITLE = {Sixth International conference on Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC '02)}, YEAR = {2002}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/pilarcos/deliverables/kutvonen_management_edoc_2002.pdf}, DOI = {10.1109/EDOC.2002.1137694}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, ADDRESS = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, MONTH = SEP, DAY = {17--20} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{viljanen04tubeapproach, AUTHOR = {Lea Viljanen and Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {The {TuBE} approach to trust management}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd iTrust internal workshop}, YEAR = {2004}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/tube/papers/vrk05itrustworkshop.pdf}, NOTE = {The proceeding were published as an internal report.}, ANNOTE = {tube} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen04using, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Using business network models in web-Pilarcos}}, BOOKTITLE = {CAISE'04 Workshops}, PAGES = {284--287}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Janis Grundpenkis and Marite Kirikova}, MONTH = JUN, PUBLISHER = {Riga Technical University}, NOTE = {{Open INTEROP Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies for Interoperability (EMOI-INTEROP 2004)}}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/web-pil/docs/emoi.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen04controlling, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Controlling dynamic eCommunities: Developing federated interoperability infrastructure}}, BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Interoperability of Enterprise Systems (INTEREST 2004)}, YEAR = {2004} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen04challenges, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Challenges for ODP-based infrastructure for managing dynamic B2B networks}}, BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2004)}, PAGES = {57--64}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {A. Vallecillo and P. Linington and B. Wood}, URL = {http://www.lcc.uma.es/~av/wodpec2004/papers/7-kutvonen.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen04relating, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Relating MDA and inter-enterprise collaboration management}}, BOOKTITLE = {Second European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture (MDA), EWMDA-2}, PAGES = {84--88}, YEAR = {2004}, MONTH = SEP, NOTE = {Published as technical report No. 17-04 in University of Kent}, URL = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/kmf/mdaworkshop/submissions/Kutvonen.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen05interoperability-middleware, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Toni Ruokolainen and Janne Metso and Juha Haataja}, TITLE = {{Interoperability middleware for federated enterprise applications in web-Pilarcos}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications}}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = DEC, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/1-84628-152-0_17}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ISBN = {1-84628-151-2} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen05inter-enterprise, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Janne Metso and Toni Ruokolainen}, TITLE = {{Inter-enterprise collaboration management in dynamic business networks}}, BOOKTITLE = {{On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE}}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {3760}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = NOV, ADDRESS = {Agia Napa, Cyprus}, PAGES = {593--611}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11575771_37} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen05addressing, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Addressing Interoperability Issues in Business Process Management}, BOOKTITLE = {2nd Interop workshop at EDOC2005}, YEAR = {2005}, NUMBER = {B-2005-5}, SERIES = {B-Series}, ORGANIZATION = {University of Helsinki, Dept. of Computer Science}, PUBLISHER = {Department of Computer Science}, MONTH = SEP, ISBN = {952-10-2698-7}, ANNOTE = {interop} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen05services, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Janne Metso}, TITLE = {{Services, contracts, policies and eCommunities -- Relationship to ODP framework}}, BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2005)}, PAGES = {62--69}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {P. Linington and A. Tanaka and S. Tyndale-Biscoe and A. Vallecillo}, MONTH = SEP, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/kutvonen05services.pdf}, NOTE = {proceedings at http://www.lcc.uma.es/~av/wodpec2005/wodpec2005-Proceedings.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{metso05managing, AUTHOR = {Janne Metso and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Managing Virtual Organizations with Contracts}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Workshop on Contract Architectures and Languages (CoALa2005)}}, YEAR = {2005}, ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands}, MONTH = SEP, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/metso_kutvonen_coala2005.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa05tmsurvey, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Trust management survey}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the iTrust 3rd International Conference on Trust Management, 23--26, May, 2005, Rocquencourt, France}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3477/2005}, PAGES = {77--92}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = MAY, ANNOTE = {tube}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11429760_6} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{viljanen05towards, AUTHOR = {Lea Viljanen}, TITLE = {Towards an Ontology of Trust}, YEAR = {2005}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business (TrustBus'05)}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11537878_18}, ANNOTE = {tube} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa05luottamuksen, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Luottamuksenhallinta}, BOOKTITLE = {Tietojenk{\"a}sittelytieteen p{\"a}iv{\"a}t 2005}, PUBLISHER = {University of Oulu, Department of Information Processing Science}, VOLUME = {64}, SERIES = {Working Papers Series B}, MONTH = JUN, PAGES = {145--148}, ANNOTE = {tube}, YEAR = {2005}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruohomaa06avoimissa.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen05tktp, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Janne Metso}, TITLE = {Web-Pilarcos: väliohjelmistopalveluita sähköisille liiketoimintaverkostoille}, BOOKTITLE = {Tietojenk{\"a}sittelytieteen p{\"a}iv{\"a}t 2005}, PUBLISHER = {University of Oulu, Department of Information Processing Science}, VOLUME = {64}, SERIES = {Working Papers Series B}, MONTH = JUN, PAGES = {154--157}, YEAR = {2005}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruokolainen05webpilarcos.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen05type-management, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen}, TITLE = {{Type Management for Service Oriented Computing}}, BOOKTITLE = {The First European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing}, PAGES = {23--28}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = APR, NOTE = {Participants' proceedings.}, ADDRESS = {Leicester, UK}, ORGANISATION = {De Montfort University}, URL = {http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/YRSOC/} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen05enabling, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen}, TITLE = {{Enabling Inter-Enterprise Collaboration in Open Distributed Systems}}, BOOKTITLE = {INTEROP-ESA'2005 Doctoral Symposium}, PAGES = {90--93}, YEAR = {2005}, ADDRESS = {Geneva, Switzerland}, MONTH = FEB, ORGANIZATION = {University of Geneva}, NOTE = {Participants' proceedings.} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen05relaxed, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Relaxed Service-type matching and Transformation management}}, BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies for Interoperability, EMOI-INTEROP 2005}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = JUN }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen06odplessons, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {What Applying of the {ODP} Viewpoints Teaches Us about Tool-Chains}, PAGES = {35}, BOOKTITLE = {10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops ({EDOCW}'06)}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = OCT, ADDRESS = {Hong Kong}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, URL = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2006.82} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen06addressing, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Addressing Autonomy and Interoperability in Breeding Environments}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks}}, PAGES = {481--488}, YEAR = {2006}, EDITOR = {L. Camarinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh and M. Ollus}, VOLUME = {224}, MONTH = SEP, SERIES = {{IFIP International Federation for Information Processing}}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruokolainen06addressing.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen06extending, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Extending the Model of Interoperability}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies for Interoperability, EMOI-INTEROP 2006. Co-located with CAiSE'06 conference}}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = JUN, URL = {http://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-200/15.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen05interoperability, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Interoperability in Service-Based Communities}}, EDITOR = {Christoph Bussler and Armin Haller}, BOOKTITLE = {{Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2005 International Workshops, BPI, BPD, ENEI, BPRM, WSCOBPM, BPS}}, YEAR = {2006}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {3812}, PAGES = {317--328}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11678564_28} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa06guarding, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Viljanen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Guarding enterprise collaborations with trust decisions --- the {TuBE} approach}, BOOKTITLE = {Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications. Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctoral Symposium of the Second IFAC/IFIP I-ESA International Conference: EI2N, WSI, IS-TSPQ 2006}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = MAR, PUBLISHER = {ISTE Ltd}, ISBN = {1-905209-61-4}, PAGES = {237--248}, ANNOTE = {tube}, ADDRESS = {Bordeaux, France}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruohomaa06guarding.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa05petroskoi, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Trust management concepts and methodology}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of FDPW'2005 --- Advances in Methods of Modern Information Technology}, VOLUME = {7}, PAGES = {180--193}, PUBLISHER = {Petrozavodsk State University}, ANNOTE = {tube}, YEAR = {2006} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen06from_trading, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Janne Metso and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {From trading to {eCommunity} population: Responding to social and contractual challenges}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2006)}, ADDRESS = {Hong Kong}, MONTH = OCT, YEAR = {2006}, PAGES = {199--210}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, ANNOTE = {tube webpil}, DOI = {10.1109/EDOC.2006.30}, ISBN = {0-7695-2558-X}, ISSN = {1541-7719}, URL = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/4031176/4031177/04031208.pdf}, NOTE = {Best paper award.} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen07ea, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Using the {ODP} reference model for Enterprise Architecture}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of WODPEC2007}, YEAR = {2007}, URL = {http://www.inf.ufes.br/~jpalmeida/wodpec2007/cameraready/WODPEC_Kutvonen.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{metso07pragmatic_aspects, AUTHOR = {Janne Metso}, TITLE = {Pragmatic aspects in computer-supported negotiations of virtual enterprise contracts}, BOOKTITLE = {Summer School on Algorithmic Data Analysis ({SADA} 2007) and Annual Hecse Poster Session, Abstract proceedings}, MONTH = MAY, YEAR = {2007}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, report B-2007-4}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, ISBN = {978-952-10-3945-4}, PAGES = {99}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/metso07pragmatic_aspects.pdf}, NOTE = {Poster abstract.} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa07evidence, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Trust based on evidence}, BOOKTITLE = {Summer School on Algorithmic Data Analysis ({SADA} 2007) and Annual Hecse Poster Session, Abstract proceedings}, MONTH = MAY, YEAR = {2007}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, report B-2007-4}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, ISBN = {978-952-10-3945-4}, PAGES = {102}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruohomaa07evidence.pdf}, NOTE = {Poster abstract.} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{nurmela07service, AUTHOR = {Tuomas Nurmela and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Service Level Agreement Management in Federated Virtual Organizations}, BOOKTITLE = {Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, ISBN = {978-3-540-72881-8}, PAGES = {62--75}, MONTH = JUN, YEAR = {2007}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {4531}, ADDRESS = {Paphos, Cyprus}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-72883-2_5}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-72883-2_5} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa07trust_challenges, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Trust challenges for business-to-business networks}, BOOKTITLE = {Web proceedings of the 2nd Helsinki-Rutgers PhD Student Workshop on Spontaneous Networking}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, MONTH = MAY, YEAR = {2007}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/nodes/Helsinki-RutgersWorkshop07/abstracts/ruohomaa.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kollmann07aspect-oriented, AUTHOR = {Carsten K{\"o}llman and Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Arnor Solberg}, TITLE = {An Aspect-oriented Approach to Manage {QoS} Dependability Dimensions in Model Driven Development}, BOOKTITLE = {Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems - {MDEIS} 2007}, ADDRESS = {Funchal, Portugal}, MONTH = JUN, YEAR = {2007}, PUBLISHER = {INSTICC Press}, PAGES = {85--94}, ISBN = {978-989-8111-00-5}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/kollmann07aspect-oriented.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa07reputation, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen and Eleni Koutrouli}, TITLE = {Reputation management survey}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2007)}, ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria}, MONTH = APR, YEAR = {2007}, DAY = {10-13}, DOI = {10.1109/ARES.2007.123}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ARES.2007.123}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, PAGES = {103--111}, ISBN = {0-7695-2775-2} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen07trust_aspects, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Trust aspects in the Architecture of Interoperable Systems}, EDITOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Jean-Henry Morin and Sini Ruohomaa}, BOOKTITLE = {Pre-proceedings of {IS-TSPQ} 2007 --- The 2nd international workshop on Interoperability solutions to Trust, Security, Policies and QoS for Enhanced Enterprise Systems}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science Publications Series B, Report B-2007-3}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, ISBN = {978-952-10-3812-9}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2007}, PAGES = {1--10}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/kutvonen07trust_aspects.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{nurmela07evaluation, AUTHOR = {Tuomas Nurmela}, TITLE = {Evaluation framework for service level management in federated service management context}, EDITOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Jean-Henry Morin and Sini Ruohomaa}, BOOKTITLE = {Pre-proceedings of {IS-TSPQ} 2007 --- The 2nd international workshop on Interoperability solutions to Trust, Security, Policies and QoS for Enhanced Enterprise Systems}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science Publications Series B, Report B-2007-3}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, ISBN = {978-952-10-3812-9}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2007}, PAGES = {27--40}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/nurmela07evaluation.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen07ontology, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Janne Metso and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Ontology for Federated Management of Business Networks}, EDITOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Jean-Henry Morin and Sini Ruohomaa}, BOOKTITLE = {Pre-proceedings of {IS-TSPQ} 2007 --- The 2nd international workshop on Interoperability solutions to Trust, Security, Policies and QoS for Enhanced Enterprise Systems}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science Publications Series B, Report B-2007-3}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, ISBN = {978-952-10-3812-9}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2007}, PAGES = {41--54}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruokolainen07ontology.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen07managing, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Managing Non-functional Properties of Inter-enterprise Business Service Delivery}, BOOKTITLE = {Non Functional Properties and Service Level Agreements in Service Oriented Computing Workshop ({NFPSLA-SOC}) (co-located with the 5th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, {ICSOC} 2007)}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = SEP, ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruokolainen07managing.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen07type-based, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen}, TITLE = {{Type-based Validation and Management of Business Service Interoperability}}, BOOKTITLE = {IBM Ph.D. Symposium at ICSOC 2007}, PAGES = {13--18}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = SEP, ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruokolainen07type-based.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{metso07pragmatic, AUTHOR = {Janne Metso}, TITLE = {Pragmatic aspects in computer-supported negotiations of virtual enterprise contracts}, BOOKTITLE = {Web Proceedings of the I-ESA '07 Doctoral Symposium}, MONTH = APR, DAY = {26--27}, YEAR = {2007} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa07trust, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Trust management for inter-enterprise collaborations}, BOOKTITLE = {Web Proceedings of the I-ESA '07 Doctoral Symposium}, MONTH = APR, DAY = {26--27}, YEAR = {2007} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen07ooi, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Yannick Naudet and Thibaud Latour}, TITLE = {{An Ontology of Interoperability in Inter-enterprise Communities}}, BOOKTITLE = {Enterprise Interoperability II --- New Challenges and Approaches}, ADDRESS = {Funchal, Portugal}, MONTH = MAR, DAY = {28--30}, YEAR = {2007}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, PAGES = {159--170}, ANNOTE = {interop} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{vandana07introducing, AUTHOR = {Vandana Kabilan and Paul Johannesson and Sini Ruohomaa and Pirjo Moen and Andrea Herrmann and Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt and Hans Weigand}, TITLE = {Introducing the Common Non-Functional Ontology}, BOOKTITLE = {Enterprise Interoperability II --- New Challenges and Approaches}, ADDRESS = {Funchal, Portugal}, MONTH = MAR, DAY = {28--30}, YEAR = {2007}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, PAGES = {633--646}, ANNOTE = {interop} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen07building, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Building {B2B} middleware --- Interoperability knowledge management issues}, BOOKTITLE = {Enterprise Interoperability II --- New Challenges and Approaches}, ADDRESS = {Funchal, Portugal}, MONTH = MAR, DAY = {28--30}, YEAR = {2007}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, PAGES = {629--632}, ANNOTE = {interop}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/kutvonen07knowledgemanagement.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen07typing, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {{Service Typing in Collaborative Systems}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Enterprise Interoperability: New Challenges and Approaches}}, EDITOR = {G. Doumeingts and J. Müller and G. Morel and B. Vallespir}, YEAR = {2007}, ISBN = {978-1-84628-713-8}, MONTH = APR, PAGES = {343--354}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruokolainen06typing.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{norta07fcsd, AUTHOR = {Alex Norta}, TITLE = {{A Conceptual Vision for Automated Business-to-Business Collaboration}}, BOOKTITLE = {Tietojenkäsittelytieteen päivät 2007}, PAGES = {39--45}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = MAY }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen08nfacontrol, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Tools and Infrastructure Facilities for Controlling Non-Functional Properties in Inter-Enterprise in Collaborations}, BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2008)}, PAGES = {43--50}, MONTH = SEP, YEAR = {2008}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/kutvonen08nfacontrol.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen08automating, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Sini Ruohomaa and Janne Metso}, TITLE = {Automating decisions for inter-enterprise collaboration management}, BOOKTITLE = {Pervasive Collaborative Networks. {IFIP TC 5 WG 5.5} Ninth Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, September 8--10, 2008, Poznan, Poland}, ADDRESS = {Poznan, Poland}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {IFIP}, NUMBER = {283}, PAGES = {127--134}, DAY = {8--10}, MONTH = SEP, YEAR = {2008}, DOI = {10.1007/978-0-387-84837-2_13}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/kutvonen08automating.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen08service-oriented, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Toni Ruokolainen and Sini Ruohomaa and Janne Metso}, TITLE = {Service-oriented middleware for managing inter-enterprise collaborations}, CHAPTER = {12}, BOOKTITLE = {Global Implications of Modern Enterprise Information Systems: Technologies and Applications}, MONTH = DEC, YEAR = {2008}, PAGES = {209--241}, PUBLISHER = {IGI Global}, ISBN = {978-1-60566-147-6}, SERIES = {Advances in Enterprise Information Systems ({AEIS})}, URL = {http://www.igi-global.com/reference/details.asp?id=9648} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa08making, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Making multi-dimensional trust decisions on inter-enterprise collaborations}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Availability, Security and Reliability ({ARES} 2008)}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2008}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, PAGES = {873--880}, ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain}, ANNOTE = {tube}, DOI = {10.1109/ARES.2008.32}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ARES.2008.32} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{norta09constructing, AUTHOR = {Rik Eshuis and Alex Norta}, TITLE = {Constructing Process Views for Service Outsourcing}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'09)}, DAY = {8--12}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2009}, PAGES = {1615--1616}, PUBLISHER = {ACM}, ADDRESS = {Honolulu, USA}, URL = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1529282.1529645}, VALID = {8.9.2010} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen09managing, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Managing interoperability knowledge in open service ecosystems}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th {E}nterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, {EDOCW}}, PAGES = {203--211}, ISBN = {978-1-4244-5563-8}, DOI = {10.1109/EDOCW.2009.5331993}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2009.5331993}, YEAR = {2009}, MONTH = SEP, DAY = {1--4}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, ADDRESS = {Auckland, New Zealand} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{norta10framework, AUTHOR = {Rik Eshuis and Alex Norta}, TITLE = {A Framework for Service Outsourcing using Process Views}, BOOKTITLE = {14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference}, YEAR = {2010}, MONTH = OCT, PAGES = {99--108}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4163-1}, ADDRESS = {Vitória, ES, Brazil}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, URL = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/EDOC.2010.14}, DOI = {10.1109/EDOC.2010.14}, VALID = {16.12.2010} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{norta10utility, AUTHOR = {Alexander Norta and Roman Yangarber and Lauri Carlson}, TITLE = {Utility Evaluation of Tools for Collaborative Development and Maintenance of Ontologies}, BOOKTITLE = {14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops; VORTE 2010/MOST 2010}, YEAR = {2010}, MONTH = OCT, DAY = {25--26}, PAGES = {207--214}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4164-8}, ADDRESS = {Vitória, ES, Brazil}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, DOI = {10.1109/EDOCW.2010.30}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2010.30}, VALID = {16.12.2010} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen10reflective, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Reflective federation of enterprises in open service ecosystem}, BOOKTITLE = {14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops; WODPEC 2010}, YEAR = {2010}, MONTH = OCT, DAY = {25}, PAGES = {391--397}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4164-8}, ADDRESS = {Vitória, ES, Brazil}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, DOI = {10.1109/EDOCW.2010.26}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2010.26}, VALID = {16.12.2010} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{norta10hub, AUTHOR = {Alex Norta}, TITLE = {A Hub Architecture For Service Ecosystems: Towards Business-to-Business Automation with an Ontology-Enabled Collaboration Platform}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology ({WEBIST}) 2010}, PUBLISHER = {INSTICC}, YEAR = {2010}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {240--243}, ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spain}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/anorta/publications/norta10hub.pdf}, VALID = {8.9.2010} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kaur11human, AUTHOR = {Puneet Kaur and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Human Intervention on Trust Decisions for Inter-Enterprise Collaboration}, BOOKTITLE = {EDOC2011 PhD Student Symposium Proceedings}, YEAR = {2011}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, SERIES = {Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B}, VOLUME = {B-2011-1}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen11solving, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Solving service ecosystem governance}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International EDOC Conference Workshops}, YEAR = {2011}, MONTH = AUG, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, PAGES = {18--25}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2011.43} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{shen11privacy, AUTHOR = {Yiyun Shen and Markus Miettinen and Pirjo Moen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Privacy Preservation Approach in Service Ecosystems}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International EDOC Conference Workshops}, YEAR = {2011}, MONTH = AUG, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, ISBN = {978-0-7695-4426-7}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, PAGES = {283--292}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2011.59} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa11detecting, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Aleksi Hankalahti and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Detecting and reacting to changes in reputation flows}, BOOKTITLE = {Trust Management V}, SERIES = {IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology}, YEAR = {2011}, MONTH = JUN, VOLUME = {358}, PAGES = {19--34}, ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22200-9_5}, VALID = {4.8.2011} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen12multitier, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Multi-tier agent architecture for open service ecosystems}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of First International Conference on Agreement Technologies}, ADDRESS = {Dubrovnik, Croatia}, MONTH = OCT, DAY = {15-16}, YEAR = {2012}, URL = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-918/111110302.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen12transaction, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Alex Norta and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Inter-enterprise business transaction management in open service ecosystems}, BOOKTITLE = {2012 IEEE 16th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2012)}, ADDRESS = {Beijing, China}, PAGES = {31--40}, DAY = {10--14}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = SEP, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EDOC.2012.14}, VALID = {21.12.2012}, NOTE = {Best paper award.} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruokolainen12architecture, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {An architecture framework for facilitating sustainability of open service ecosystems}, BOOKTITLE = {2012 IEEE 16th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (SoEA4EE 2012)}, ADDRESS = {Beijing, China}, PAGES = {84--93}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = SEP }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa12from_subjective, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Puneet Kaur and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {From Subjective Reputation to Verifiable Experiences - Augmenting Peer-Control Mechanisms for Open Service Ecosystems}, BOOKTITLE = {Trust Management VI}, ADDRESS = {Surat, India}, SERIES = {IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology}, VOLUME = {374}, MONTH = MAY, YEAR = {2012}, PAGES = {142--157}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-29852-3_10} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kaur12user, AUTHOR = {Puneet Kaur and Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {User Interface for Trust Decision Making in Inter-Enterprise Collaborations}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2012)}, ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spain}, MONTH = JAN, YEAR = {2012}, PUBLISHER = {IARIA}, PAGES = {122--127}, ISBN = {978-1-61208-177-9}, NOTE = {Best paper award.}, URL = {http://www.thinkmind.org/download.php?articleid=achi_2012_5_30_20133} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kutvonen13enhancing, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Enhancing the Maturity of Open Service Ecosystems and Inter-enterprise Collaborations}, PAGES = {6--21}, BOOKTITLE = {Enterprise Interoperability. Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Working Conference, IWEI 2013}, ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2013}, ISBN = {978-3-642-36796-0}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing}, VOLUME = {144}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36796-0_3}, NOTE = {Invited paper.} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ruohomaa13behavioural, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Behavioural Evaluation of Reputation-Based Trust Systems}, BOOKTITLE = {Enterprise Interoperability. Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Working Conference, IWEI 2013}, ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2013}, PAGES = {158--171}, ISBN = {978-3-642-36796-0}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing}, VOLUME = {144}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36796-0_14} }
@PROCEEDINGS{kutvonen05proceedings, EDITOR = {Lea Kutvonen and Frank Lillehagen and Martin Zelm}, TITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd {InterOP} workshop. In conjunction with The 9th International Enterprise computing conference}, MONTH = SEP, YEAR = {2005}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, NUMBER = {B-2005-5}, SERIES = {B-series}, ISBN = {952-10-2698-7}, ANNOTE = {interop} }
@PROCEEDINGS{kutvonen08iwei, EDITOR = {Marten van Sinderen and Pontus Johnson and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability ({IWEI} 2008)}, SERIES = {{CTIT} Workshop Proceedings}, VOLUME = {WP08-05}, ISSN = {1574-0846}, MONTH = SEP, YEAR = {2008}, DAY = {18}, ADDRESS = {Munich, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {CTIT} }
@PROCEEDINGS{norta11edocphdsymposium, EDITOR = {Alex Norta and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {{EDOC2011} Ph{D} Student Symposium Proceedings}, YEAR = {2011}, ISSN = {1458-4786}, SERIES = {Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B}, VOLUME = {B-2011-1}, PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/proceedings/edoc2011phdsymposium.pdf} }
@MISC{interop05roadmap, KEY = {{INTEROP-NoE Task Group 7}}, AUTHOR = {Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt and George Athanasopoulos and Panagiotis Bouros and Yannis Cotronis and Michel Deriaz and Vangelis Floros and Michael Goedicke and Maria-Eugenia Iacob and Henk Jonkers and Vandana Kabilan and Carsten Köllman and Eleni Koutrouli and Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Drakoulis Martakos and Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo and Jean-Henry Morin and Michel Pawlak and Andre Riftaut and Aphrodite Tsalgatidou and Sini Ruohomaa and Paolo Spagnoletti and Hans Weigand}, TITLE = {{INTEROP-NoE Task Group 7: Deliverable DTG7.1 --- Roadmap for TG7: I}nteroperability Challenges of Trust, Confidence, Security and Policies}, YEAR = {2005}, ANNOTE = {tube interop}, URL = {http://interop-vlab.eu/deliv/tg7-interoperability-challenges-of-trust-confidence-security/DTG7.1/} }
@MISC{interop07report, KEY = {{INTEROP-NoE Task Group 7}}, AUTHOR = {Michael Goedicke and Maria-Eugenia Iacob and Henk Jonkers and Vandana Kabilan and Carsten Köllmann UDE and Eleni Koutrouli and Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Jean-Henry Morin and Michel Pawlak and André Rifaut and Sini Ruohomaa and Guttorm Sindre and Eva Söderström and Arnor Solberg and Paolo Spagnoletti and Aphrodite Tsalgatidou and Hans Weigand}, TITLE = {{INTEROP-NoE Task Group 7: Deliverable DTG7.2 --- R}eport on the horizontal issues and Task Group final report {M36} including subtask research results following the five task group topics}, YEAR = {2007}, ANNOTE = {tube interop}, URL = {http://interop-vlab.eu/deliv/tg7-interoperability-challenges-of-trust-confidence-security/dtg7-2-report-on-the-horizontal-issues-and-task-group-final-report-m36/}, VALID = {21.12.2007} }
@MISC{interop07research, KEY = {{INTEROP-NoE Task Group 7}}, AUTHOR = {Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt and George Athanasopoulos and Panagiotis Bouros and Yannis Cotronis and Michel Deriaz and Vangelis Floros and Michael Goedicke and Maria-Eugenia Iacob and Henk Jonkers and Vandana Kabilan and Carsten Köllman and Eleni Koutrouli and Lea Kutvonen and Peter Linington and Drakoulis Martakos and Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo and Jean-Henry Morin and Michel Pawlak and Andre Riftaut and Aphrodite Tsalgatidou and Sini Ruohomaa and Paolo Spagnoletti and Hans Weigand}, TITLE = {{INTEROP-NoE Task Group 7: Deliverable DTG7.3 --- R}esearch into Non-Functional Aspects of Interoperability}, YEAR = {2007}, ANNOTE = {tube interop}, URL = {http://interop-vlab.eu/deliv/tg7-interoperability-challenges-of-trust-confidence-security/dtg7-3_research-into-non-functional-aspects-of-interoperability/}, VALID = {21.12.2007} }
@TECHREPORT{ruohomaa04longtmsurvey, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Trust management survey}, NUMBER = {{C}-2004-60}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, ANNOTE = {tube}, YEAR = {2004} }
@TECHREPORT{seminar05virtual_organizations, AUTHOR = {Mikko H{\"a}m{\"a}l{\"a}inen and Sampo Karjalainen (ed.) and Lea Kutvonen (ed.) and Tuomas Nurmela and Anna-Kristiina Ritola (ed.) and Sini Ruohomaa (ed.) and Toni Ruokolainen and Teemu Virtanen}, EDITOR = {Sampo Karjalainen and Lea Kutvonen and Anna-Kristiina Ritola and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Virtual organizations}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, NUMBER = {{C}-2005-16}, YEAR = {2005}, ANNOTE = {tube webpil} }
@TECHREPORT{viljanen05appidssurvey, AUTHOR = {Lea Viljanen}, TITLE = {A Survey of Application Level Intrusion Detection}, NUMBER = {{C}-2004-61}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, ANNOTE = {tube}, YEAR = {2005} }
@TECHREPORT{karvonen07preliminary, AUTHOR = {Marja Hassinen and Olli Immonen and Kristiina Karvonen and Petteri Nurmi and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {{WiSh} Deliverable {D1}: {Preliminary} concept model}, INSTITUTION = {Helsinki Institution for Information Technology}, MONTH = OCT, YEAR = {2007} }
@TECHREPORT{karvonen07final, AUTHOR = {Marja Hassinen and Olli Immonen and Kristiina Karvonen and Petteri Nurmi and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {{WiSh} Deliverable {D2}: {Final} concept model}, INSTITUTION = {Helsinki Institution for Information Technology}, MONTH = DEC, YEAR = {2007} }
@TECHREPORT{karvonen07experiment, AUTHOR = {Marja Hassinen and Olli Immonen and Kristiina Karvonen and Petteri Nurmi and Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {{WiSh} Deliverable {D3}: {Experiment} design}, INSTITUTION = {Helsinki Institution for Information Technology}, MONTH = DEC, YEAR = {2007} }
@TECHREPORT{norta08exploring, AUTHOR = {A. Norta}, TITLE = {Exploring a Framework for Advanced Electronic Business Transactions}, YEAR = {2008}, NUMBER = {C-2008-211}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/anorta/publications/norta08trc2008211.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{norta10esra, AUTHOR = {A. Norta and P. Grefen and S. Angelov and L. Kutvonen}, TITLE = {A Reference Architecture for Electronic Business-to-Business Collaboration Setup and Enactment Systems}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {C-2010-2}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/anorta/publications/nortagrefen10esra.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{hassinen10trustworthy, TITLE = {Trustworthy widget sharing}, AUTHOR = {Marja Hassinen and Olli Immonen and Kristiina Karvonen and Petteri Nurmi and Sini Ruohomaa}, YEAR = {2010}, INSTITUTION = {Helsinki Institution for Information Technology}, VOLUME = {2010-3}, URL = {https://www.hiit.fi/files/admin/publications/Technical_Reports/hiit-tr-2010-3.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{moen10safeguarding, AUTHOR = {Pirjo Moen and Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Viljanen and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Safeguarding against new privacy threats in inter-enterprise collaboration environments}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, NUMBER = {C-2010-56}, YEAR = {2010}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/moen10safeguarding.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{norta11hub, AUTHOR = {Alex Norta}, TITLE = {A Hub System for Cloud-computing Based Business-collaboration --- Automating Ontology-Enabled Electronic Business-Service Discovery}, YEAR = {2011}, NUMBER = {C-2008-39}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/anorta/publications/WaaS_HUB_CPN.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{shen11understanding, TITLE = {Deliverable {D6.3.2.8: U}nderstanding Widget Downloading Preferences}, AUTHOR = {Yiyun Shen and Petteri Nurmi and Sini Ruohomaa and Marko Lehtim{\"a}ki}, INSTITUTION = {{TIVIT, ICT SHOK Future Internet} Programme}, PAGES = {14}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2011}, URL = {http://www.futureinternet.fi/publications/Deliverable_D6.3.2.8.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{ruohomaa11usable, TITLE = {Deliverable {D6.3.2.9: U}sable security for widget sharing}, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Olli Immonen and Marko Lehtim{\"a}ki}, INSTITUTION = {{TIVIT, ICT SHOK Future Internet} Programme}, PAGES = {20}, MONTH = MAR, YEAR = {2011}, URL = {http://www.futureinternet.fi/publications/D6-3-2-9-usable-security.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{norta12safeguarding, AUTHOR = {Alex Norta}, TITLE = {Safeguarding Trusted eBusiness Transactions of Lifecycles for Cross-Enterprise Collaboration}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki}, SERIES = {Department of Computer Science Series of Publications C}, VOLUME = {C-2012-1}, URL = {http://hdl.handle.net/10138/30150}, YEAR = {2012} }
@TECHREPORT{ruohomaa13rolling, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa and Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Rolling out trust management to cloud-based service ecosystems}, INSTITUTION = {University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science}, SERIES = {Series of Publications C}, NUMBER = {C-2013-2}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/ruohomaa13rolling.pdf}, MONTH = DEC, YEAR = {2013} }
@MASTERSTHESIS{ruokolainen04ohjelmistokomponenttien, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen}, TITLE = {Ohjelmistokomponenttien yhteentoimivuus}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2004}, MONTH = JUN, NOTE = {In Finnish.} }
@MASTERSTHESIS{ruohomaa05msthesis, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {Luottamuksenhallinta web-palveluymp{\"a}rist{\"o}ss{\"a}}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2005}, NUMBER = {{C}-2005-27}, URL = {http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/mat/tieto/pg/ruohomaa/}, ANNOTE = {tube}, NOTE = {In Finnish.} }
@MASTERSTHESIS{haataja05valvonta, AUTHOR = {Juha-Pekka Haataja}, TITLE = {Yritysten yhteistoimintaverkostojen valvonta {W}eb-palveluymp{\"{a}}rist{\"{o}}ss{\"{a}}}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = MAR, NOTE = {In Finnish.} }
@MASTERSTHESIS{metso06yritystenvaliset, AUTHOR = {Janne Metso}, TITLE = {Yritystenv{\"{a}}liset yhteistoiminnan hallintasopimukset ja hallintapalvelut}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = MAY, NOTE = {In Finnish.}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/cinco/publications/public_pdfs/metso06yritystenvaliset.pdf} }
@MASTERSTHESIS{nurmela07evaluating, AUTHOR = {Tuomas Nurmela}, TITLE = {Evaluating Service Level Management in Virtual Organizations}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = OCT }
@MASTERSTHESIS{kaur11msthesis, AUTHOR = {Puneet Kaur}, TITLE = {Users' Trust Decisions on Inter-Enterprise Collaborations}, SCHOOL = {Aalto University, Computer Science and Engineering; Tech. Rep. University of Helsinki Department of computer Science}, YEAR = {2011}, NUMBER = {{T}-110}, MONTH = SEP, DAY = {28}, ANNOTE = {tube} }
@MASTERSTHESIS{rudko13msthesis, AUTHOR = {Liliya Rudko}, TITLE = {Tool for simulating reputation management algorithms in multiagent systems}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = NOV, DAY = {19}, URL = {http://hdl.handle.net/10138/42048}, ANNOTE = {tube} }
@MISC{ruokolainen09licthesis, ID = {thesis}, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen}, TITLE = {Modelling framework for interoperability management in collaborative computing environments. {Licentiate thesis, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}}, YEAR = {2009}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/thruokol/lic-thesis.pdf} }
@MISC{viljanen11licthesis, ID = {thesis}, AUTHOR = {Lea Viljanen}, TITLE = {Trust and mistrust management in enterprise systems. {Licentiate thesis, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}}, YEAR = {2011} }
@PHDTHESIS{kutvonen98phd, AUTHOR = {Lea Kutvonen}, TITLE = {Trading services in open distributed environments}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki}, INSTITUTE = {University of Helsinki}, YEAR = {1998}, URL = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/TR/A-1998/2/A-1998-2.pdf} }
@PHDTHESIS{anorta07dibc, AUTHOR = {Alex Norta}, TITLE = {{Exploring Dynamic Inter-Organizational Business Process Collaboration}}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = MAR, SCHOOL = {{Eindhoven University of Technology}}, ADDRESS = {Department of Information Systems} }
@PHDTHESIS{ruohomaa12thesis, AUTHOR = {Sini Ruohomaa}, TITLE = {The effect of reputation on trust decisions in inter-enterprise collaborations}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = MAY, NUMBER = {A-2012-4}, ISSN = {1238-8645}, ISBN = {978-952-10-7912-2}, URL = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-7912-2} }
@PHDTHESIS{ruokolainen13thesis, AUTHOR = {Toni Ruokolainen}, TITLE = {{A Model-Driven Approach to Service Ecosystem Engineering}}, SCHOOL = {University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = FEB, NUMBER = {A-2013-3}, ISSN = {1238-8645}, ISBN = {978-952-10-8621-2}, URL = {http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-8621-2} }