Hours for Toni
Week 3
19.1 2h meeting
20.1 1h initial checkup of MPI-documents
Total (week 3): 3h
Week 4
22.1 2h meeting with the customer
24.1 2h meeting
26.1 3h meditating (reading documents, hackin' in da cluster :)
28.1 6h started writing the requirement analysis and first MPIch program
Total (week 4): 13h
Week 5
29.1 3h meeting with the customer in Viikki
29.1 2h programming first MPI-program in cluster. Writing and translating
Requirement analysis document.
30.1 1h Req.analysis & document reading
31.1 4h Writing req.analysis with Perttu. Meeting.
Writing some more requirements; searhing & reading (ir)relevant information.
2.2 3h Reading some documents on pattern-matching
4.2 1h Reading documents again
Total (week 5): 14h
Week 6
5.2 3h Meeting and MPI-programming
7.2 5h Meeting, writing req.document, searhing for information
9.2 4h Fighting with CVS, testing MPIch-broadcasting at home
10.2 1h Reading documents, writing req.document
Total (week 6): 13h
Week 7
12.2 2h Trying to correct mistakes I made with CVS
14.2 4h Making some pictures, meeting
15.2 3h Fixing pictures, trying to find information on image correlation
Total (week 7): 9h
Week 8
19.2 3.5h Meeting. Reading documents
20.2 2h Finding and reading more documents on image correlation.
21.2 5h Writing design document, meeting, starting the compararison module.
22.2 3h Writing correlation code
23.2 3h Experimenting with image-correlation
Total (week 8): 16h
Week 9
26.2 4h Meeting. Coding.
28.2 4h Meeting. Coding. Documenting
Total (week 9): 8h
Week 10
5-11.3 0h Being busy with an exam, work and scientific writing course. Sorry guys!
Total (week 10): 0h
Week 11
12.3 2h Meeting
14.3 11h Documenting, meeting, ripping Gimp Gaussian IIR filter and experimenting
15.3 4h Testing the code in cluster (looks good!). Added code for multiple hit detection (doesn't look good :-).
16.3 3h Doing nice pictures, updating web-page, clustering, figuring out the Gimp Gaussian
Total (week 11): 20h
Week 12
19.3 3h Meeting, surfing on the net :) (finding relevant information)
21.3 3h Meeting, etc.
25.3 4h Writing the document, scratching my head with Gimp code
Total (week 12): 10h
Week 13
26.3 2h Formal technical review
28.3 3h Meeting, finishing up documentary
30.3 2h Finding stuff for Laitoskarnevaalit presentation
1.4 3h Writing presentation, trying to do some graphics (with bad results :)
Total (week 13): 8h
Week 14
2.4 2h Meeting
4.4 3h Meeting, thinking about test-cases
6.4 3h Laitoskarnevaalit
Total (week 14): 8h
Week 15
10.4 4h Coding test-cases for findmax & comparison
11.4 6h Test-case & other coding, meeting
Total (week 15): 10h
Week 16
Easter break
Total (week 16): 0h
Week 17
23.4 2h Meeting
Very low hours due because of exam..
Total (week 17): 2h
Week 18
30.4 3h Meeting and documentation
6.5 3h Documentation
Total (week 18): 6h
Week 19
7.5 2h Meeting
8.5 5h Documentation and testing
9.5 2h Meeting
11.5 2h Customer meeting
Total (week 19): 11h
Week 20
Total (week 20): h