Hours for Insert Your Name Here

Week 3

19.1 2h meeting 19.1 1h reading papers Total (week 3): 3h

Week 4

22.1 2h meeting with the customer 22.1 1h pöytäkirja 24.1 2h meeting 24.1 1h pöytäkirja 25.1 1h project-plan (size-estimation) 25.1 1h project-plan (task-division) 25.1 1h learning about CVS 25.1 1h project-plan 26.1 0.5h some miscellaneous things in the cluster and cvs 26.1 1h getting familar with c again, trying with MPI, www 27.1 1.5h looking in some old source Total (week 4): 13h

Week 5

29.1 3.5h meeting in the Belford-labs 30.1 0.5h preparing next meeting 31.1 2h meeting 31.1 1h pöytäkirja 31.1 0.5h miscellaneous stuff 31.1 0.5h searching the web for grafic-algorithms 2.2 0.5h discussing stuff with Toni 2.2 0.5h thinking about algorithms 4.2 2.5h writing Ch.7&9 of the req-spec 4.2 0.5h preparing next meeting Total (week 5): 12h

Week 6

5.2 2h meeting 5.2 0.5h pöytäkirja 5.2 1.5h browsing old scourcecode 7.2 1h some changes in the req_doc 7.2 0.5h preparing next meeting 7.2 0.5h proof-reading req_doc 7.2 2h meeting 8.2 1h pöytäkirja, some other stuff 10.2 2h req_doc 10.2 1h browsing old source-code 11.2 2h browsing old source, looking at data 11.2 3h familiarizing with C Total (week 6): 17h

Week 7

12.2 2h meeting 12.2 1h pöytäkirja 13.2 1.5h preparing review 14.2 1h preparing meeting and review, other stuff 14.2 2h meeting 17.2 3h learning about makefiles and c 18.2 2h learning about math.h & gaussian-filter etc. 18.2 5h writing gaussian-filter Total (week 7): 17h

Week 8

19.2 2h meeting 19.2 1.5h pöytäkirja 19.2 3.5h gaussian-filter coding and testing 20.2 4h gaussian-filter coding and testing 21.2 1h gaussian-filter 21.2 2h meeting 21.2 3h gaussian-filter 23.2 1h pötyäkirja & discussing with Petteri about findmax etc. 24.2 1h coding averaging-filter Total (week 8): 19h

Week 9

26.2 2h meeting 28.2 1h pöytäkirja, changes in the website 28.2 2h meeting 28.2 0.5h pöytäkirja 28.2 1h design-paper (gaussian description) Total (week 9): 6h

Week 10

6.3 1h reading the emails 7.3 2h meating 9.3 1h pöytäkirja 9.3 2h testing and browsing the prototype 9.3 1h gaussian-description 11.3 1h learning LaTeX-details 11.3 2h gaussian-description 11.3 1h checking the design-paper 11.3 2h control-flow and data-flow 11.3 1h searching for infos 11.3 1h miscellaneous Total (week 10): 15h

Week 11

12.3 2h meeting 12.3 1h pöytäkirja 12.3 2h design-doc, architecture-xfig 13.3 4h design-doc 13.3 1h thinking about the project 14.3 2h meeting 14.3 1h pöytäkirja/asking Juha Taina 15.3 2h finalizing the design-doc 16.3 2h finalizing the design-doc Total (week 11): 17h

Week 12

19.3 2h meeting 19.3 0.5h pöytäkirja 19.3 2.5h finalizing the design-doc 21.3 0.5h reading the design-doc 21.3 2h meeting 21.3 2h making the changes in the design-doc 22.3 0.5h pöytäkirja 22.3 0.5h clustering 25.3 4.5h Adding loads of documentation scelettons Total (week 12): 15h

Week 13

26.3 0.5h preparing FTR 26.3 2h FTR 26.3 1h thinking about the testing 27.3 0.5h reading the design paper 28.3 2h meeting 28.3 3h pöytäkirja & presentation 29.3 2h reading dejagnu docu Total (week 13): 11h

Week 14

2.4 2h meeting 2.4 0.5h pöytäkirja 4.4 1h writing testcases 4.4 2h meeting, pöytäkirja, changes in sheet for the karnevaali 4.4 0.5h testcases 4.4 1h user manual 6.4 5h laitoskarnevaali (misc) 6.4 3h testing real-data 8.4 3h documentation work Total (week 14): 18h

Week 15

9.4 0.5h preparing for the meeting 9.4 2h meeting 9.4 0.5h pöytäkirja 10.4 0.5h testing 11.4 2h testing 11.4 2h meeting Total (week 15): 7h

Week 16

20.4 3.5h testing with real and fake models 21.4 1.5h testing with real and fake models Total (week 16): 5h

Week 17

23.4 2h meeting 23.4 1h pöytäkirja + miscellaneous 25.4 0.5h meeting 28.4 1.5h module testing misc & config 28.4 1h testing doc 29.4 3.5h TMV-data validation testing Total (week 17): 9h

Week 18

30.4 2h meeting 30.4 0.5h pöytäkirja 5.5 1h reading maintenance paper 5.5 3.5h finalizing test-doc and validation testing 6.5 3h finalizing some documents Total (week 18): 10h

Week 19

7.5 2h meeting 7.5 0.5h pöytäkirja 8.5 2h final work 9.5 2h meeting 11.5 2h customer meeting Total (week 19): 8h

Week 20

Total (week 20): h