Hours for Petteri Hintsanen

Week 3

19.1. 2h first meeting 19.1. 2h familiarizing with the project, CVS, etc... 20.1. 1,5h familiarizing 21.1. 1,5h still more familiarizing Total (week 3): 7h

Week 4

22.1. 2h meeting with the customer, Mr. Ravantti 22.1. 2h writing a sketch for the project plan (pp) 23.1. 1h writing the sketch (pp) 24.1. 1h writing the sketch (pp) 24.1. 2h meeting 24.1. 4h writing the project plan and configuring the cluster (pp) 25.1. 3h writing the project plan and some miscellaneous things (pp) Total (week 4): 15h

Week 5

29.1. 2h meeting with the customers at Viikki Biocenter 30.1. 1,5h finalizing the project plan (pp) 31.1. 2h meeting 31.1. 1,5h finalizing the project plan (pp) 1.2. 2h looking for algorithms, etc... (rs) 2.2. 2h looking for algorithms (rs) 3.2. 2h looking for algorithms (rs) Total (week 5): 13h

Week 6

5.2. 2h meeting 6.2. 1h reading about image processing (fft etc.) 7.2. 2h meeting with Mr. Kivioja 8.2. 4h looking into projection code and updating docs (rs) 9.2. 2,5h looking into projection code and cvs problems (rs) 10.2. 1,5h finalizing the projection section in the req. spec. (rs) Total (week 6): 13h

Week 7

12.2. 2h meeting 14.2. 1,5h extracting projection and image handling code (rs/ds) 14.2. 2h meeting 14.2. 1h fixing the req. spec. (rs) 15.2. 1,5h fixing the req. spec. and extracting code. (rs/ds) 16.2. 2h extracting code (rs/ds) 17.2. 2,5h extracting code (rs/ds) 18.2. 2,5h extracting code (rs/ds) Total (week 7): 15h

Week 8

19.2. 2h meeting 20.2. 2,5h finalizing the requirements specification (rs) 21.2. 2h meeting 21.2. 1,5h freezing the requirements specification (rs) 22.2. 2h experimenting (ds) 23.2. 3h experimenting (ds) 24.2. 3h prototype coding (ds) 25.2. 2h prototype coding (ds) Total (week 8): 18h

Week 9

26.2. 2h meeting 28.2. 1,5h prototype coding (ds) 28.2. 2h meeting 28.2. 1,5h writing the design document (ds) 1.3. 3h writing the design document (ds) 3.3. 1h writing the design document (ds) 4.3. 2h writing the design document (ds) Total (week 9): 13h

Week 10

5.3. 2h writing the design document (ds) 6.3. 2h writing the design document and fixing the req. spec. (ds) 7.3. 2h meeting 7.3. 2,5h writing the design document (ds) 10.3. 3h writing several documents (rs/ds) 11.3. 4,5h writing several documents, prototype coding (rs/ds) Total (week 10): 16h

Week 11

12.3. 2h meeting 13.3. 3h writing the design document, prototype coding (ds) 14.3. 3h meeting, prototype coding (ds) 15.3. 2h prototype coding (ds) 16.3. 3h prototype coding (ds), miscellaneous 18.3. 3h prototype coding (ds) Total (week 11): 16h

Week 12

19.3. 2h meeting 20.3. 4h writing the design document, prototype coding (ds) 21.3. 2h meeting 22.3. 1,5h writing the design document (ds) 25.3. 1,5h preparing for FTR, miscellaneous (ds) Total (week 12): 11h

Week 13

26.3. 2h ftr, design paper sections 2 & 3 (ds) 26.3. 1h ftr report (ds) 26.3. 1,5h fixing the design document (ds) 28.3. 2h meeting 30.3. 2h preparing presentation stuff (misc) 31.3. 0,5h freezing the design document (ds) Total (week 13): 9h

Week 14

2.4. 2h meeting 2.4. 3h web publishing :-P (misc) 3.4. 2,5h implementation and testing (im) 4.4. 2h meeting 4.4. 1,5h testing interpolation (ts) 5.4. 2h testing scaling, miscellaneous (ts) 6.4. 4h laitoskarnevaali (misc) Total (week 14): 17h

Week 15

9.4. 2h meeting 10.4. 4h fixed bugs in interpolation and scaling (ts) 11.4. 2h meeting Total (week 15): 8h

Week 16

22.4. 2h writing test cases and implementing tests Total (week 16): 2h (low hours due to the easter vacation and being sick)

Week 17

23.4. 2h meeting 24.4. 2h finishing module testing functions and corresponding document parts 29.4. 2h writing maintenance and testing document, e-mails Total (week 17): 6h (low hours due to being sick, again)

Week 18

30.4. 2h meeting 3.5. 3h fixing the documents, writing the maintenance document, collecting tools 4.5. 1,5h finishing the maintenance document 6.5. 1,5h writing the final report Total (week 18): 8h

Week 19

7.5. 2h meeting 8.5. 2h finalizing 9.5. 2h project closing 11.5. 2h customer presentation Total (week 19): 8h

Week 20

Total (week 20): h