Hours for Perttu Haimi

Week 3

19.1 2h meeting Total (week 3): 2h

Week 4

22.1. 2h Meeting with the customer 23.1. 2h Web pages 24.1. 4h Web pages, Meeting: project planning 25.1. 1h Mail to customer, reading material 26.1. 3.5 h Learning cvs, sceleton of req-document 27.1. 3.5h irc-meeting with Osku, reading material Total (week 4): 16h

Week 5

29.1. 4 h Meeting with the client, reading 30.1. 4 h Writing req-document, reading 31.1. 4 h Meeting, copying articles 1.2. 2 h Adding the source code of the old project to our cvs-tree, browsing the code. 3.2. 5 h Reading articles Total (week 5): 19h

Week 6

5.2. 4 h Meeting, reading and copying articles. 6.2. 3 h Reading articles 7.2. 2 h Meeting with Teemu Kivioja 10.2. 2 h Familiriazing with the source code from the previous project. 11.2. 8 h Writing small testprogram for converting mrc to pgm, and splitting 3d model to flat pictures. Total (week 6): 19h

Week 7

12.2. 4 h meeting, making a picture for req-document, organizing files etc. 13.2. 4 h bugfixing of mrc2pgm, pgm2mrc 14.2. 4 h meeting, reading articles Total (week 7): 12h

Week 8

19.2. 3 h meeting 21.2. 2 h meeting 24.2. 8 h Programming testgen for generating test pictures 25.2. 8 h Programming testgen for generating test pictures Total (week 8): 21h

Week 9

26.2. 2 h meeting 28.2. 4 h meeting, emails to customer Total (week 9): 6h

Week 10

5.3. 2 h meeting 6.3. 7 h writing testing parts for design document, customer changes to requirements specification. 7.3. 6 h meeting, making test pictures Total (week 10): 15h

Week 11

12.3. 2 h meeting 13.3. 3 h programming visres 14.3. 2 h meeting 17.3. 10 h experimenting with file loading routines, bf_assert, mem Total (week 11): 17h

Week 12

19.3. 6 h meeting, testing main loop, checking ribosome.mrc, limit to visres 20.3. 4 h writing file module info to design document 21.3. 10 h meeting, writing and debugging simple gaussian 22.3. 2 h comparison of simple gaussian and gimp gaussian Total (week 12): 22h

Week 13

26.3. 2 h FTR-meeting 28.3. 2 h Meeting Total (week 13): 4h

Week 14

2.4. 2 h Meeting 3.4. 6 h Writing file and gaussian module tests to testing document, making axes-model for angle testing, modifying visres to allow model overlays on image. 4.4. 2 h Meeting 6.4. 2 h Department day 8.4. 4 h Experimenting with the angle system, making a picture of axes-model with projections from different angles. Total (week 14): 16h

Week 15

9.4. 6 h Meeting, studying function optimisation methods from Numerical recipes in C 11.4 4 h Finding info on fourier transforms. Total (week 15): 10h

Week 16

Easter holiday Total (week 16): 0h

Week 17

23.4. 2 h Meeting, changing new testimages from tif to mrc 25.4. 5 h Meeting, learning how to make fourier power spectra with matlab to evaluate the quality of gaussian filter. 28.4. 3 h Making some 2D fourier images, changing resgen to use new definition of signal to noise -ratio. File module tests except no. 2 which needs an mrc file viewer. 29.4. 8 h Writing todo-list for maintanance document. Total (week 17): 18h

Week 18

30.4. 2 h Meeting 6.5. 10 h testing memory allocation of slave node loop, programming function to make model cubic, testing the effect of noise, gaussian module tests for gimp gaussian, simple gaussian and floating point gaussian. Total (week 18): 12h

Week 19

7.5. 2 h Meeting 8.5. 8 h Final tests: angle test, benchmarking. Writing results to documents. 9.5. 2 h Meeting 11.5. 2 h Demo for the customer Total (week 19): 14h

Week 20

Total (week 20): h