[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Sockets' (#rtl)


General purpose IPV6 address


Source position: socketsh.inc line 109

type in6_addr = packed record

  case Byte of

    0: (

        u6_addr8: array [0..15] of Byte;


Address field using unsigned 8 bit elements


    1: (

        u6_addr16: array [0..7] of Word;


Address field using unsigned 16 bit elements


    2: (

        u6_addr32: array [0..3] of Cardinal;


Address field using unsigned 32 bit elements


    3: (

        s6_addr8: array [0..15] of ShortInt;


Address field using signed 8 bit elements


    4: (

        s6_addr: array [0..15] of ShortInt;


Address field using signed 8 bit elements


    5: (

        s6_addr16: array [0..7] of SmallInt;


Address field using signed 16 bit elements


    6: (

        s6_addr32: array [0..3] of LongInt;


Address field using signed 32 bit elements




Record used to describe a general IPV6 address.

See also



Alias for sockaddr_in6

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015