[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Classes' (#rtl)


Save the contents of the list to a file.


Source position: classesh.inc line 685

public procedure TStrings.SaveToFile(

  const FileName: string

); virtual;


SaveToFile saves the contents of the stringlist to the file with name FileName. It writes the strings to the file, separated by end-of-line markers, so each line in the file will contain 1 string from the stringlist.

SaveToFile creates a file stream with name FileName, calls TStrings.SaveToStream and then destroys the file stream object.


An EStreamError exception can be raised if the file FileName cannot be opened, or if it cannot be written to.

See also



Save the contents of the string to a stream.



Load the contents of a stream as a series of strings.



Load the contents of a file as a series of strings.

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015