[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Classes' (#rtl)


Writes data from a buffer to the stream


Source position: classesh.inc line 861

public procedure TStream.WriteBuffer(

  const Buffer;

  Count: LongInt



WriteBuffer writes Count bytes to the stream from Buffer. If the stream does not allow Count bytes to be written, then an exception is raised.

WriteBuffer should be used to write a fixed number of bytes, such as when writing structures or the content of variables. If the number of bytes is not determined, use TStream.Write instead. WriteBuffer uses Write internally to do the actual writing.


If the stream does not allow to write Count bytes, then an exception is raised.

See also



Writes data from a buffer to the stream and returns the number of bytes written.



Reads data from the stream to a buffer

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015