[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'process' (#fcl)


Stream connected to standard diagnostic output of the process.


Source position: process.pp line 132

public property TProcess.Stderr : TInputPipeStream
  read FStderrStream;


StdErr is a stream which is connected to the process' standard diagnostic output file handle (StdErr). Anything written to standard diagnostic output by the created process can be read from this stream.

The StdErr stream is only instantiated when the poUsePipes flag is used in Options.

The Output stream equals the Output when the poStdErrToOutPut flag is used in Options.

Note that reading from the stream may cause the calling process to be suspended when the created process is not writing anything to standard output, or to cause errors when the process has terminated.

See also



Stream connected to standard input of the process.



Stream connected to standard output of the process.



Options to be used when starting the process.



Options to be used when a process is started.

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015