[Overview][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'AVL_Tree' (#fcl)


Check the consistency of the tree


Source position: avl_tree.pp line 107

public function TAVLTree.ConsistencyCheck: Integer;

Function result

0 if the tree is OK, a negative number if something is wrong.


ConsistencyCheck checks the correctness of the tree. It returns 0 if the tree is internally consistent, and a negative number if the tree contais an error somewhere.

The Count property doesn't match the actual node count
A left node does not point to the correct parent
A left node is larger than parent node
A right node does not point to the correct parent
A right node is less than parent node
The balance of a node is not calculated correctly

See also



Write the contents of the tree consistency check to the stream

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015