University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Department information


Running your own Java servlets

You can run WWW services implemented as Java servlets on, the interactive Linux server dedicated to running database and WWW server software.

The servlet software implementation is currently based on the Tomcat JSP engine.

Setting up the servlet environment

You can setup and use the servlet environment with the following commands on

As usual, you should not leave your servlet environment process running when you do not need it. By default, the servlet environment is automatically terminated 10 hours after it was started. Please check out the CS Department' s policy about users' own servers (in Finnish).

The Tomcat file hierarchy

Compiling servlet software

When compiling Java servlets, be sure to first issue the command "setup tomcat". This adds the necessary Java classes to your CLASSPATH environment variable.

Also run "setup oracle" or "setup postgres" (always before start-tomcat!), if your servlets need client drivers for either database.

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