399672 Biology for methodological scientists - module III: Molecular medicine
Module III of the course Biology for methodological scientists (399672)
22.2.2007 | Student presentation abstracts updated. |
12.2.2007 | Lecture on 15.2.2007 on Molecular genetics of cancer has been cancelled. |
16.1.2007 | You can find links to presentations in the Schedule section below. |
22.11.2006 | Module website and registration to the course are open. |
Course description
The aim of this module is to learn basic aspects of molecular medicine and how modern molecular biology methods can be applied in the study of human disease. The course will also give practical knowledge about methodology applied in molecular medicine which is particularly important for methodological scientists.
The course will touch the following subjects: 1) Basic concepts of genome structure and variation, 2) Basics of genetic mapping, 3) Monogenic diseases and Finnish disease heritage, 4) Practical methods in molecular medicine, 5) Molecular genetics of complex diseases, 6) Research ethics.
The course is restricted to 40 students. The selection of the students, if needed, is performed based on a) their enrollment in MBI programme b) the stage of their studies. For further information, please contact the coordinators.
Course registration deadline 5.1: Registration form
Lectures will be held in Biomedicum Seminar room 1-2, P-floor at 9:15-11:00 unless otherwise noted.
16.1.2007 | Basics of human molecular genetics, slides | Kaisa Silander |
18.1.2007 | Genetic variation and population genetics, slides 1, slides 2 | Kaisa Silander |
23.1.2007 | Mendelian genetics, slides | Sampo Sammalisto |
25.1.2007 | Genetic basis of human disease and applications of DNA-analysis, slides (updated 1.2.) | Marjo Kestilä |
30.1.2007 | Cell models in study of human disease | Aija Kyttälä |
Animal models in study of human disease, slides | Iiris Hovatta | |
1.2.2007 | Genetic research methods and mapping techniques, slides | Sampo Sammalisto |
6.2.2007 | Complex disease genetics using example diseases | |
Multiple sclerosis, slides | Janna Saarela | |
Lactose intolerance, slides | Heli Rasinperä | |
8.2.2007 | Research ethics, slides | Pekka Louhiala |
13.2.2007 | Biological and medical databases (Note: 9:15-12:00 Computer class), exercises |
Kaisa Silander Sampo Sammalisto |
15.2.2007 | Lecture cancelled | |
20.2.2007 | Presentations by students, abstracts (updated 22.2.) | Kaisa Silander |
22.2.2007 | Presentations by students (Note: 9:15-12:00) | Sampo Sammalisto |
1.3.2007 | Examination |
Student presentations
Each student is expected to give a 10-15 minute powerpoint presentation on a human genetic disease of their choice. The disease to be presented must be approved by the coordinators and if needed coordinators will aid in choosing a suitable topic. Also the students must prepare an abstract with a few carefully chosen references that will be handed out to other students. The abstract should 1-2 A4 pages in length and must be sent to the coordinators prior to the presentation.
The presentation and abstract should include the following from the genetic disease of choice (not necessarily in this format or order):
- Clinical features
- Incidence, geographic distribution etc. Specific features
- Inheritance model
- Identification of patients
- Mapping and identification of gene defect
- Chromosomal location and specific gene defect
- Description of defective gene and mechanism of pathogenesis
Future prospects
- Possible drug/treatment, diagnostics test or gene therapy
- Utility of genetic research discoveries
- Gain of general biological knowledge from the conducted research
Suggested reading
These books are not required reading to pass the course but may be used as reference.
- Aula P, Kääriäinen H, Leisti H, Leisti J: Perinnöllisyyslääketiede. Duodecim 2002
- Mueller R, Young I: Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics, Churchill Livingstone, 2001
- Norio R: Suomi-neidon geenit, Otava, 2000
- Strachan T, Read A: Human Molecular Genetics, Garland Science, 2003
2 credits (opintopistettä). Successful passing of the course requires participation to at least 6 lectures, passing the course examination and giving a student presentation.
Pre-requisites for the course
High-school biology: genetics.
Further information
For further information, please contact course coordinators Kaisa Silander or Sampo Sammalisto (firstname.lastname@ktl.fi)
Previous update: 22.02.2007 14:27 - Esa Pitkänen