Suomeksi På svenska In English
Helsingin yliopisto Institutionen för datavetenskap

Årsberättelse 2005

Publikationer 2005


Redigerade publikationer

Floréen, P. & Kaski, P. & Kohonen, J. & Orponen, P.
Lifetime maximization for multicasting in energy-constrained wireless networks.
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 23 (2005) : 1, s. 117-126.

Floréen, P. & Kaski, P. & Kohonen, J. & Orponen, P.
Exact and approximate balanced data gathering in energy-constrained sensor networks.
Theoretical computer science 344 (2005) : 1, s. 30-46.

Fontaine, M. & Burkhardt, S. & Kärkkäinen, J.
BDD-Based Analysis of Gapped q-Gram Filters. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 6(16), pp. 1121-1134, 2005.

Laur, S. & Lipmaa, H. & Mielikäinen, T.
Private itemset support counting.
Information and communications security s. 97-111.

Lemström, K. & Navarro G. & Pinzon Y.
Bit-Parallel Algorithms for Transposition-Invariant Multi-Track String-Matching. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 3, (2-4), 267-292, 2005.

Lemström, K. & Mäkinen, V.
On minimizing pattern splitting in multi-track string matching.
Journal of discrete algorithms 3 (2005), s. 248-266.

Mäkinen, V. & Navarro, G.
Succinct suffix arrays based on run-length encoding.
Nordic journal of computing 12 (2005) : 1, s. 44-66.

Mäkinen, V. & Navarro, G. & Ukkonen, E.
Transposition invariant string matching.
Journal of algorithms 56, s. 124-153.

Pienimäki, A.
Musiikkitietokannan selailu musiikillisen avaruuden ulottuvuuksien avulla.
Musiikki 35 (2005) 1-2, s. 46-62.

Salden, A. & Poortinga, R. & Bouzid, M. & Picault, J. & Droegehorn, O. & Nurmi, P.
Contextual personalization of a mobile mulT.dal application.
WCAC'05 & IMCSE'05 : CSREA Press 7 s..

Fackgranskade konferenartiklar

Autio, I. & Borrás, Juan & Immonen, I. & Jalli, P. & Ukkonen, E.
A voting margin approach for the detection of retinal microaneurysms.
Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on Visualization, imagine, and Image Processing, September 7-9, 2005, Benidorm, Spain s. 511-517.

Böcker, S. & Mäkinen, V.
Maximum Line-Pair Stabbing Problem and its Variations. In Proc. 21st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EWCG'05), pp. 183-186, Eindhoven, Netherlands, March, 2005.

Coutand, O. & Droegehorn, O.& David, K. & Nurmi, P. & Floréen, P. & Kernchen, R.
Context-aware group management in mobile environments.
14th IST Mobile and wireless communication summit 2005, 6 s..

Dementiev, R. & Kärkkäinen, J. & Mehnert, J. & Sanders, P.
Better external memory suffix array construction. In the Joint Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX 2005) and the 2nd Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO 2005), SIAM, 2005.

Donato, D. & Leonardi, S. & Tsaparas, P.
Stability and Similarity of Link Analysis Ranking Algorithms.  ICALP, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005.

Floréen, P. & Przybilski, M.& Nurmi, P. & Koolwaaij, J. & Tarlano, Anthony & Wagner, Matthias
Towards a context management framework for MobiLife.
14th IST Mobile and wireless communication summit 2005, 5 s..

Fredriksson, K. & Mäkinen, V. & Navarro, G.
Flexible Music Retrieval in Sublinear Time. In Proceedings of the 10th Prague Stringology Conference (PSC'05), pp. 174-188, Prague, Czech Republic, August, 2005.

González, R. & Grabowski, S. & Mäkinen, V. & Navarro, G.
Practical Implementation of Rank and Select Queries. In Poster Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Efficient and Experimental Algorithms (WEA'05), CTI Press and Ellinika Grammata, Santorini Island, Greece, May 10-13, 2005.

Grabowski, S. & Mäkinen, V. & Navarro, G. & Salinger, A.
A Simple Alphabet-Independent FM-Index. In Proceedings of the 10th Prague Stringology Conference (PSC'05), pp. 230-244, Prague, Czech Republic, August, 2005.

Koivisto, M. & Sood, K.
Computational aspects of Bayesian partition models. In: L. De Raedt and S. Wrobel (eds.), International Conference on Machine Learning 2005 (ICML'05), pp. 433-440.

Kärkkäinen, J.
Alphabets in Generic Programming. In the Proceedings of the Prague Stringology Conference (PSC '05), Czech Technical University, Prague, 2005, pp. 163-173.

Mäkinen, V.
Peak Alignment using Restricted Edit Distances. In Proc. 6th International Symposium on Computational Biology and Genome Informatics (CBGI 2005), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July, 2005.

Mäkinen, V. & G. Navarro.
Succinct Suffix Arrays based on Run-Length Encoding. In Proc. 16th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2005), LNCS 3537, pp. 45-56, Jeju Island, Korea, June, 2005.

Nurmi, P. & Floréen, P. & Przybilski, M.& Lindén, G.
A framework for distributed activity recognition in ubiquitous systems.
ICAI'05 s. 650-655.

Nurmi, P. & Martin, M. & Flanagan, J.A:
Enabling proactiveness through context prediction. In Proc. Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2005, Helsinki, June 2005), Helsinki University Press, 2005, 159-168.

Nurmi, P. & Przybilski, M. & Lindén, G.& Floreen, P.
An architecture for distributed agent-based data preprocessing.
Autonomous intelligent systems s. 123-133.

Nykänen, M.
Point-and-click logic.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta 6 (2005), s. 48-59. Luokka: B2

Przybilski, M
Distributed Context Reasoning for Proactive Systems (pdf)In Proceedings of the Workshop in Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS), pp. 43 - 53, Helsinki, 16 - 17 June, 2005

Przybilski, M. & Nurmi, P. & Floréen, P.
A framework for context reasoning systems.
Applied informatics s. 448-452.

Przybilski, M. & Nurmi, P.
An architecture to enable remote context reasoning.
PSC'05 s. 111-116.

Rantanen, A. & Mielikäinen, T.& Rousu, J. & Ukkonen, E.
Planning isotopome measurements for estimation of metabolic fluxes.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 177-191.

Rantanen, A. & Rousu, J. & Pitkänen, Esa & Maaheimo, H. & Ukkonen, E.
Flow analysis of metabolite fragments for flux estimation.
Third international workshop on computational methods in systems biology : 2005 s. 242-255. Luokka: 2

Salden, A. & Poortinga, R. & Boudiz, M. & Picault, J. & Droegehorn, O. & Sutterer, M. & Kernchen, R. & Räck, C. & Radziszewski, M & Nurmi, P.
"Contextual personalization of a mobile mulT.dal application." In Proc. International Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP 2005, Las Vegas, June 2005).

Tamm, H. & Nykänen, M. & Ukkonen, E.
Size reduction of multitape automata.
Implementation and application of automata s. 329-330.

Other articles

Lassfolk, K. & Pienimäki, A.
Studiolaitteiden kloonaus ja äänenlaadun arviointi kytkentätopologioiden valossa.
Akustiikkapäivät 2005, s. 48-53. Luokka: B3

Doktorsavhandlingar och tekniska rapporter

Floréen, Patrik & Lindén, Greger & Niklander, Tiina & Raatikainen, Kimmo
Proceedings of the workshop on context awareness for proactive systems CAPS 2005. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos   2005, vi, 187 s. .

Kollin, J. & Koivisto, M.
Bayesian Learning with Mixtures of Trees.
Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, 11 s..

Kääriäinen, M.
On generalization error bounds using unlabeled data.
Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, 18 s.. Luokka: A2

Navarro, G. &Mäkinen, V.
Compressed Full-Text Indexes (survey), Technical report TR/DCC-2005-7, Department of Computer Science, University of Chile, June 2005.

Nurmi, P.
Bayesian game theory in practice: a framework for online reputation systems.
Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, 22 s.. Luokka: A2


Redigerade publikationer

A. Borodin, J. S. Rosenthal, G. O. Roberts, P. Tsaparas, Link Analysis Ranking: Algorithms, Theory and Experimets , ACM Transactions on Internet Technologies (TOIT), Vol 5, No 1, February 2005.

Esposito, F. & Scarabino, T. & Hyvärinen, A. & Himberg, J. & Formisano, E. & Comani, S. & Tedeschi, G. & Goebel, R. & Seifritz, E. & Di Salle, F.
Independent component analysis of fMRI group studies by self-organizing clustering, NeuroImage, 2005, vol 25 (1), 193-205.

Hyvärinen, A.
Estimation of non-normalized statistical models using score matching, J. of Machine Learning Research, 2005, vol 6, pp. 695-709

Hyvärinen, A.
A unifying model for blind separation of independent sources, Signal Processing, 2005, vol 85 (7), pp.1419-1427

Hyvärinen, A. and M. Gutmann and P.O. Hoyer
Statistical model of natural stimuli predicts edge-like pooling of spatial frequency channels in V2, BMC Neuroscience, 2005, vol 6 (12)

Hyvönen, S. & Junninen, H. & Laakso, L.& Dal Maso, M. & Grönholm, T. & Bonn, B. & Keronen, P. & Aalto, P. & Hiltunen, V. & Pohja, T. & Launiainen, S. & Hari., P. & Mannila, H. & Kulmala, M.
A look at aerosol formation using data mining techniques. Atmospheric chemistry and physics 5 (2005), s. 3345-3356.

Iachello, G. & Raento, M. & Smith, I.
Mobile HCI 2004 Location Systems Privacy and Control Workshop, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 4, (1): 90, 2005.

Jaluta, I. & Sippu, S. & Soisalon-Soininen, E.
Concurrency control and recovery for balanced B-link trees.
The VLDB journal 14 (2005) : 2, s. 257-277.

Raento, M. & Oulasvirta, A. & Petit, R. & Toivonen, H.
ContextPhone: a prototyping platform for context-aware mobile applications.
IEEE pervasive computing 4 (2005) : 2, s. 51-59.

Salmenkivi, M. & Mannila, H.
Using Markov chain Monte Carlo and dynamic programming for event sequence data.
Knowledge and information systems : 7 (2005) : 3, s. 267-288.

Fackgranskade konferenartiklar

Afrati, F. & Das, G. & Gionis, A. & Mannila, H. & Mielikäinen, T .& Tsaparas, P.
Mining chains of relations.
Proceedings 2005, 4 s..

Ahonen-Myka, H.
Mining all maximal frequent word sequences in a set of sentences.
Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2005, October 31- November 5, 2005, Bremen, Germany s. 255-256.

Ahonen-Myka, H.
Text analysis by discovering frequent phrases.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta 5 (2005), s. 96-112. Luokka: B2

Ahonen-Myka, H. & Doucet, A.
Data mining meets collocations discovery.
Inquiries into words, constraints and contexts : Festschrift in the honour of K. Koskenniemi on his 60th birthday s. 194-203.

Aunimo, L.
A Question Typology and Feature Set for QA. Proceedings of the Workshop for Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions, held in conjuction with IJCAI-05, July 2005, Edinburgh, Great Britain.

Aunimo, L. & Kuuskoski, R.
Question Answering Experiments for Finnish and French. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 21-23, 2005. To appear in the LNCS series in 2006.

Aunimo, L. & Kuuskoski, R.
Reformulations of Finnish Questions for Question Answering. Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2005), May 2005, Joensuu, Finland.

Aunimo, L. & Kuuskoski, R. & Makkonen, J.
Finnish as Source Language in Bilingual Question Answering. Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: 5th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2004, Bath, UK, September 15-17, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, C. Peters, P.D. Clough, G.J.F.Jones, J. G., M.Kluck and B.Magnini, editors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3491. Springer 2005.

Bas, P. & Hurri, J.
Security of DM quantization watermarking schemes: A practical study for digital images. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, pp. 186-200, 2005.

Bertino, E. & Kamra, A. & Terzi, E. & Vakali, A.
Intrusion detection in RBAC-administered databases, 21st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2005.

Doucet, A. & Ahonen-Myka, H.
A method to calculate probability and expected document frequency of discontinued word sequences.
ELECTRA Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-World Applications (Beyond Bag of Words) : ACM 2005 s. 33-40.

Gionis, A. & Hinnenburg, A. & Papadimitriou, S. & Tsaparas, P.
Dimension-induced clustering, 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) 2005

Gionis, A. & Mannila, H. & Tsaparas, P.
Clustering aggregation. The 21st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2005) April 5-8, 2005 National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan 12 s..

Goethals, B. & Laur, S. & Lipmaa, H. & Mielikäinen, T.
On private scalar product computation for privacy-preserving data mining.
Information security and cryptology--ICISC 2004 s. 104-120.

Goethals, B. & Muhonen, J. & Toivonen, H.
Mining non-derivable association rules.
Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining s. 239-249.

Eronen, L.& Geerts, Floris & Toivonen, H.
Efficient Markovian algorithms for haplotype reconstruction.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta 6 (2005), s. 16-39.

Laasonen, K.
Clustering and Prediction of Mobile User Routes from Cellular Data. PKDD 2005, LNAI 3721, Springer Verlag (2005), 569-576

Laasonen, K.
Route Prediction from Cellular Data. In Proceedings of the workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems, CAPS 2005, 147-158.

Laur, S. & Lipmaa, H. & Mielikäinen, T.
Private itemset support counting. In: ICICS'05 - Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Information and Communications Security, Beijing, China, December 10-13, 2005, Volume 3783 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 97-111. Springer, 2005.

Lehtonen, M.
EXTIRP 2004: towards heterogeneity.
Advances in XML information retrieval s. 372-381.

Leino, A.
In search of naming patterns: a survey of Finnish lake names.
Rivista italiana di onomastica; Supplemento al n.XI, 1 di RIOn (QuadRIOn) 1 (2005), s. 355-367.

Mielikäinen, T.
An automata approach to pattern collections.
Knowledge discovery in inductive databases 2005, s. 130-149.

Mielikäinen, T.
Implicit enumeration of patterns.
Knowledge discovery in inductive databases 2005, s. 150-172.

Mielikäinen, T.& Ravantti, J.
Sinogram denoising of cryo-electron microscopy images.
Computational science and its applications, ICCSA 2005 4 (2005), s. 1251-1261.

Papadimitriou, S. & Gionis, A. & Tsaparas, P. & Väisänen, A. & Mannila, H. & Faloutsos, C.
Parameter-free spatial data mining using MDL, 5th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2005

Seppänen, J. & Mannila, H.
Boolean formulas and frequent sets. In Jean-Francois Boulicaut, Luc de Raedt, Heikki Mannila (eds.): Constraint-based mining and inductive databases, Springer-Verlag LNCS Volume 3848, ISBN: 3-540-31331-1, Springer 2005, p. 348-361.

Shimizu, S. & Hyvärinen, A. & Kano, Y.
A generalized least squares approach to blind separation of sources which have vA.ance dependencies, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP2005),pp. 300-303, 2005, Bordeaux, France

Shimizu, S. & Hyvärinen, A. & Kano, Y. & Hoyer, P.O.
Discovery of non-gaussian linear causal models using ICA, Proc. 21st Conference of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2005), 2005, Edinburgh, UK

Ukkonen, A. & Fortelius, M. & Mannila, H.
Finding partial orders from unordered 0-1 data. KDD-2005 s. 285-293.

Vallin, A. & Magnini, B. & Giampiccolo, D. & Aunimo, L. & Ayache, C. & Osenova, P. & Penas, A. & de Rijke, M. & Sacaleanu, B. & Dantos, D. & Sutcliffe, R.
Overview of the CLEF 2005 Multilingual Question Answering Track. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 21-23, 2005.

Yangarber, R.
Mining the Semantics of Text via Counter-Training. Workshop on Text Mining and Applications TEMA-2005, at the 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence EPIA-2005, Covilhã, Portugal. LNAI Vol 3808, Springer 2005.

Yangarber, R. & Jokipii, L. & Rauramo, A, & Huttunen, S.
Information Extraction from Epidemiological Reports. In Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference/ Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: HLT/EMNLP-2005, demonstration; (2005) Vancouver, Canada.

Yangarber, R & Jokipii, L.
Redundancy-based Correction of Automatically Extracted Facts. In Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference/ Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: HLT/EMNLP-2005, (2005) Vancouver, Canada.

Doktorsavhandlingar och tekniska rapporter

Doucet, A.
Advanced Document Description, a Sequential Approach.
University of Helsinki 2005, ix, 161 s..

Floréen, Patrik & Lindén, Greger & Niklander, Tiina & Raatikainen, Kimmo
Proceedings of the workshop on context awareness for proactive systems CAPS 2005. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos   2005, vi, 187 s. .

Kollin, J. & Koivisto, M.
Bayesian Learning with Mixtures of Trees.
Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, 11 s..

Mielikäinen, T.
Summarization techniques for pattern collections in data mining.
University of Helsinki 2005, viii, 202 s..

Wang, J.T. L. & Toivonen, H.
Data mining in bioinformatics. Springer 2005, .

Intelligenta system

Redigerade publikationer

Buntine, W.
Open Source Search: A Data Mining Platform . SIGIR Forum 39 (2005) 1, 4-10.

Hyvönen, E. , Mäkelä, E. , Salminen, M. , Valo, A. , Viljanen, K. , Saarela, S. , Junnila, M. and Kettula, S.
MuseumFinland - Finnish Museums on the Semantic Web. Journal of Web Semantics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 25, 2005

Miettinen, M. & Nokelainen, P. & Kurhila, J. & Tirri, H.
Evaluating the Effect of Social Cues with Automated Experiments. Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, Vol. 122, No. 12, pp. 477-481.

Miettinen, M. & Nokelainen, P. & Kurhila, J. & Silander, T. & Tirri, H.
EDUFORM - A Tool for Creating Adaptive Questionnaires . International Journal on E-Learning, Vol. 4 (2005), No. 3, 365-373.

Nokelainen, P. & Miettinen, M. & Kurhila, J. & Floréen, P. & Tirri, H.
A Shared Document-Based Annotation Tool to Support Learner-Centered Collaborative Learning . British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 36, No. 5, 757-770.

Pajala, A. & Jakulin, A. & Buntine, W.
Eduskuntaryhmien äänestyskäyttäytyminen ja -koheesio vuoden 2003 valtioP.llä. Politiikka 47 (2005) 3, 205-217.

Roos, T. & Wettig, H. & Grünwald, P. & Myllymäki, P. & Tirri, H.
On Discriminative Bayesian Network Classifiers and Logistic Regression . Machine Learning 59:3, pp. 267-296.

Fackgranskade konferenartiklar

Buntine, W.
Static Ranking of Web Pages, and Related Ideas .
Workshop on Open Source Web Information Retrieval at Web Intelligence WI 2005. September 19th, Compiegne, France

Buntine, W. & Aberer, K. & Podnar, I. & Rajman, M.
Opportunities from Open Source Search . Invited talk at Web Intelligence WI 2005. September 19th, Compiegne, France

Buntine, W. , J. Löfström, S. Perttu and K. Valtonen,
Topic-Specific Scoring of Documents for Relevant Retrieval . Pp. 34-41 in Workshop on Learning in Web Search (LWS 2005).

Buntine, W. , K. Valtonen and M. P. Taylor
The ALVIS Document Model for a Semantic Search Engine . Proceedings of the 2nd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2005), Heraklion, Greece, May 2005.

Holi, M. & Hyvönen, E.
Modeling Degrees of Overlap in Semantic Web Ontologies. Proceedings of ISWC-2005 Workshop Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, Nov, 2005.

Hyvönen, E. , Valo, A. , Komulainen, V. , Seppälä, K. & Kauppinen, T. & Ruotsalo, T. & Salminen, M. & Ylisalmi, A.
Finnish National Ontologies for the Semantic Web - Towards a Content and Service Infrastructure. Proceedings of International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC 2005), Nov, 2005.

Kaski, S. & Myllymäki, P. & Kojo, I.
User models from implicit feedback for proactive information retrieval. In C. de la Higuera and T. Artieres, editors, Proceedings of Workshop 4 of the 10th International Conference on User Modeling; Machine Learning for User Modeling: Challenges, pages 25-26. 2005

Komulainen, V. & Valo, A. & Hyvönen, E.
A Collaborative Ontology Development and Service Framework ONKI. Proceeding of ESWC 2005, poster papers, 2005.

Komulainen, V. & Valo, A. & Hyvönen, E.
A Tool for Collaborative Ontology Development for the Semantic Web. Proceedings of International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC 2005), Nov, 2005.

Kontkanen, P. & Myllymäki, P.
A fast normalized maximum likelihood algorithm for multinomial data.
IJCAI-05 s. 1613-1615.

Kontkanen, P. & Myllymäki, P. & Buntine, W. & Rissanen, J. & Tirri, H.
An MDL framework for data clustering.
Advances in minimum description length s. 323-353.

Miettinen, M. & Kurhila, J. & Tirri, H.
On the Prospects of Intelligent Collaborative E-learning Systems . Pp. 483-490 in the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. IOS Press.

Miettinen, M. & Kurhila, J. & Nokelainen, P. & Tirri, H.
OurWeb - Transparent Groupware for Online Communities . Pp. 53-61 in the Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Web-Based Communities 2005. Algarve, Portugal, February 2005.

Miettinen, M., Tuulos, V. & Myllymäki, P.
A Testbed for Proactive Information Retrieval . Pp. 137-146 in Proceedings of the Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2005), edited by P. Floreen, G. Linden, T. Niklander and K. Raatikainen. Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Helsinki 2005 (HIIT Publications 2005-1).

Mäkelä, E. & Hyvönen, E. & Sidoroff, T.
View-Based User Interfaces for Information Retrieval on the Semantic Web. Proceedings of the ISWC-2005 Workshop End User Semantic Web Interaction, Nov, 2005.

Perkiö, J. & Buntine, W. & Tirri, H.
A temporally adaptive content-based relevance ranking algorithm.
SIGIR 2005 s. 647-648.

Perkiö, J. & Tuulos, V. & Buntine, W. & Tirri, H.
Multi-Faceted Information Retrieval System for Large Scale Email Archives . In Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2005).

Roos, T. & Myllymäki, P. & Tirri, H.
On the Behavior of MDL Denoising . Pp. 309-316 in Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), edited by R. Cowell and Z. Ghahramani. Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2005.

Sidoroff, T. & Hyvönen, E.
Semantic E-goverment Portals - A Case Study. Proceedings of the ISWC-2005 Workshop Semantic Web Case Studies and Best Practices for eBusiness SWCASE05, Nov, 2005.

Tuulos, V. & Silander, T.
Language Pragmatics, Contexts and a Search Engine in Proceedings of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Espoo, Finland, June 2005).


Doktorsavhandlingar och tekniska rapporter

S. Bloehdorn, W. Buntine and A. Hotho (editors),
Proceedings of Learning in Web Search (LWS 2005), An International Workshop at the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005). KIRJA joka on toimitettu täällä!

Kontkanen, P. & Myllymäki, P.
Computing the regret table for multinomial data.
HIIT technical reports (2005) : 1,.

Roos, T. & Heikkilä, T. & Cilibrasi, R. & Myllymäki, P.
Compression-based Stemmatology: A Study of the Legend of St. Henry of Finland, Technical Report HIIT-2005-3.

Other articles

Kauppinen, T. & Ruotsalo, T. Salminen, M.
Tiedon Mallintaminen Semanttisessa Webissä. Systeemityö (in Finnish), vol. 4, Systeemityöyhdistys SYTYKE ry, Helsinki, Dec, 2005.


Fackgranskade konferenartiklar

Verkamo, A. I.
Software performance.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta 5 (2005), s. 89-95.

Verkamo, I. & Taina, J. & Tuohiniemi, T.
Distributed cross-cultural student software project: a case study.
18th Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training s. 207-214.

Verkamo, I. & Saura, A.
Using personal software process exercises to teach process measurement.
Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen vs. 105-113,.

Distribuerade system och datakommukation

Redigerade publikationer

Karvi, T. & Tienari. & Kaivola, R.
Stepwise Development of Process-Algebraic Specifications in Decorated Trace Semantics. In Formal Methods in System Design, 26, 293-317, 2005.

Ruokolainen, T. & Metso, J. & Kutvonen L.
Web-Pilarcos: väliohjelmistopalveluita sähköisille liiketoimintaverkostoille. Tietojenkäsittelytiede, 24:52-66, December 2005.

Leggio, S. & Manner, J. & Raatikainen, K.
Achieving seamless mobility in ip-based radio access networks.
IEEE wireless communications magazine 12 (2005) : 1, s. 54-59.

Fackgranskade konferenartiklar

Astuti, D. & Kojo, M.
Evaluating the behaviour of peer-to-peer IP traffic in wireless access networks.
INC2005 Doryssa Bay Resort, Samos, Greece, 5-7 July 2005 s. 393-400.

Daniel, L. & Luukkainen, M. & Kojo, M.
Experiences in using SDL to support the desing and implementation of a logical link layer protocol.
SDL 2005 s. 187-197.

Fu, X. & Manner, J.
RSVP standards today and the path towards a generic messenger.
Quality of service s. 385-387.

Gurtov, A. & Bogoyavlenskiy, Y.
TCP profile for next generation wireless networks.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta 5 (2005), s. 279-287.

Kutvonen, L.
Adressing interoperability issues in business process management. Proceedings of the 2nd InterOP workshop; Enschede, The Netherlands, September 19, 2005 5 (2005), s. 15-23.

Kutvonen, L.
Relaxed service-type matching and transformation management. EMOI - INTEROP'05 5 s..

Kutvonen, L. & Metso, J.
Services, contracts, policies aand eCommunities - relationship to ODP framework. Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2005) s. 62-69.

Kutvonen, L. & Metso, J.& Ruokolainen, T.
Inter-enterprise collaboration management in dynamic business networks. On the move to meaningful internet systems 2005: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE Part I, s. 593-611.

Kutvonen, L. & Ruokolainen, T. & Metso, J. & Haataja, J-P.
Interoperability middleware for federated enterprise applications in web-Pilarcos. Interoperability of enterprise software and applications 12 s. .

Leggio, S. & Liimatainen, S. & Manner, J. & Mikkonen, Tommi & Saarinen,J. & Ylä-Jääski, A.
Towards service interworking among Ad-Hoc networks and the internet.
14th IST Mobile and wireless communication summit 2005, 5 s..

Leggio, S. & Kojo, M.
On the efficient implementation of instant messaging servers for wireless users. 3rd workshop on applications of wireless communications 211 (2005), s. 27-37.

Leggio, S. & Manner, J. & Hulkkonen, A. & Raatikainen, K.
Session Initiation Protocol Deployment in Ad-Hoc Networks: a Decentralized Approach.
2nd International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (IWWAN), London, May 2005 : Centre for Telecommunications Research King's College London 2005 s. 17. Luokka: B2

Metso, J. & Kutvonen, L.
Managing virtual organizations with contracts.
Workshop on Contract Architectures and Languages (CoALa2005), September 20, 2005, Enschede, The Netherlands : 2005 8 s..

Raatikainen, K. E. E.
A new look at mobile computing. Proceedings of IWTC'05 10 s..

Raatikainen, K. E. E.
Operating system issues in future end-user systems. Proceedings of PIMRC 2005 Berlin, Germany 2005, 7 s..

Raatikainen, K. E. E.
Operating system issues in wireless Ad-Hoc networks. Proceedings of IWWAN 2005 5 s..

Raatikainen, Kimmo
Wireless internet: challenges and solutions.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta 5 (2005), s. 20-74.

Raatikainen, K. & Hohl, F. & Tarkoma, S.
Generic service elements for adaptive applications. Technologies for the wireless future chapter 3 section 5, s. 157-170.

Ruohomaa, S.
Luottamuksenhallinta. Tietojenkäsittelytieteen päivät 2005 s. 145-148.

Ruohomaa, S. & Kutvonen, L.
Trust management survey. Trust management s. 77-92.

Ruokolainen, T.
Enabling Inter-Enterprise Collaboration in Open Distributed Systems. In INTEROP-ESA 2005 Doctoral Symposium, pp. 90-93, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2005. University of Geneva. Participant's proceedings.

Ruokolainen, T.
Type Management for Service Oriented Computing. In The First European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing, pp. 23-28, Leicester, UK, April 2005. Particiapant's prodeedings.

Viljanen, L.
Towards an ontology of trust. Trust, privacy, and security in digital business s. 175-184.

Doktorsavhandlingar och tekniska rapporter

Alanko, T. & Bogoyavlenskiy, Y. A.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta: STKV '2003 konferenssijulkaisu = Advances in methods of modern information technology : proceedings of FDPW '2003. Petroskoin yliopisto 2005, 287 s..

Alanko, T. & Bogoyavlenskiy, Y.A.
Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta: STKV '2004 konferenssijulkaisu = Advances in methods of modern information technology : proceedings of FDPW '2004. Petroskoin yliopisto 2005, 183 s..

Floréen, Patrik & Lindén, Greger & Niklander, Tiina & Raatikainen, Kimmo
Proceedings of the workshop on context awareness for proactive systems CAPS 2005. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos   2005, vi, 187 s. .

Kutvonen, L. & Alonistioti, N.
Distributed applications and interoperable systems: 5th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2005, Athens , Greece , June 15-17, 2005 : proceedings. Springer cop. 2005, xi, 233 s. : kuv..

Kutvonen, L. & Lillehagen, F. & Zelm, M.
Proceedings of the 2nd InterOP workshop; Enschede, The Netherlands , September 19, 2005: in conjunction with the 9th International Enterprise computing conference, 19-23 September, 2005. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, [94 s.].

Manner, J. & Fu, X.
Analysis of Existing Quality-of-Service Signaling Protocols. Internet Society 2005, 45 s..

Miranda, H. & Leggio, S. & Rodrigues, L. & Raatikainen, K.
A Stateless Neighbor-Aware Cooperative Caching Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, 29 s..

Raatikainen, K. E. E.
The first ten years of the Nodes Group. University of Helsinki 2005, xii, 87 s. : kuv..

Sarolahti, P. & Kojo, M.
Forward RTO-recovery (F-RTO): An Algorithm for Detecting Spurious Retransmisson Rimeouts with TCP and the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), RFC 4138, Internet Society, 005. - 23 s. -

Åhlfeldt, R-M. & Linington, P. & Kutvonen, L. & Ruohomaa, S. & Weigand, H. & Goedike, M.& Jonkers, H. & Morin, J-H. & Dubois, E.
Roadmap for interoperability and the challenges of non-functional aspects : Deliverable DTG 7.1.
2005, 82 s..


Redigerade publikationer

Hintsanen, P. & Sevon, P. & Onkamo, P. & Eronen, L. & Toivonen, H.
An empirical compA.son of case-control and trio-based study designs in high-throughput association mapping. Journal of Medical Genetics, Published Online First: 28 October 2005. doi:10.1136/jmg.2005.036020

Kivioja, T. & Arvas, M. & Saloheimo, M. & Penttilä, M. & Ukkonen, E.
Optimization of cDNA-AFLP experiments using genomic sequence data. Bioinformatics 21(11): 2573-2579 (2005)

Oja, M. & Sperber, G.O. & Blomberg, J. & Kaski, S.
Self-organizing map-based discovery and visualization of human endogenous retroviral sequence groups. International journal of neural systems 15 (2005) : 3, s. 163-179.

Rousu, J. & Rantanen, A. & Ketola, R.A. & Kokkonen, Juha T.
Isotopomer distribution computation from tandem mass spectrometric data with overlapping fragment spectra. Spectroscopy 19 (2005), s. 53-67.

Fackgranskade konferenartiklar

Nikkilä, J. & Kaski, S. & Roos, Christophe
Integration of transcription factor binding and gene expression by associative clustering.
Proceedings of KRBIO'05, International Symposium on Knowledge Representation in Bioinformatics, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, June 15-17, 2005 s. 22-29.

Pitkänen, E. & Rantanen, A. & Rousu, J. & Ukkonen, E.
Finding feasible pathways in metabolic networks. Advances in informatics s. 123-133.

Rantanen, A. & Mielikäinen, T. & Rousu, J. & Ukkonen, E.
Planning isotopomer measurements for estimation of metabolic fluxes. In: Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics, Hamburg, Germany, October 5-7 , 2005, pages 177-191. 2005.

Rantanen, A. & Rousu, J. & Pitkänen, E. & Maaheimo, H. & Ukkonen, E.
Flow analysis of metabolite fragments for flux estimation. Proceedings of Computational Methods in Systems Biology 2005, Edinburgh Scotland, pp. 242 -255.

Rastas, P. & Koivisto, M. & Mannila, H. & Ukkonen, E.
A hidden Markov technique for haplotype reconstruction. Algorithms in bioinformatics s. 140-151.

Salmenkivi, M. & Mannila, H.
Piecewise Constant Modeling of Sequential Data Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo: chapter 5. Data mining in bioinformatics s. 85-103.

Sevon, P. & Toivonen, H. T. T. & Onkamo, P.
Gene Mapping by Pattern Discovery: chapter 6. Data mining in bioinformatics s. 105-126.

Toivonen, H. & Hyvönen, S. & Sevon, P.
Combining phenotypic and genotypic data to discover multiple disease genes.
Proceedings of KRBIO'05, International Symposium on Knowledge Representation in Bioinformatics, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, June 15-17, 2005 s. 7-14.

Toivonen, H. & Onkamo, P. & Hintsanen, P. & Terzi, E. & Sevon, P.
Data mining for gene mapping. Next generation of data-mining applications s. 263-293.

Wang, J. T. L. & Zaki, M. J. & Toivonen, H.T. T. & Shasha, D.
Introduction to data mining in bioinformatics: chapter 1. Data mining in bioinformatics s. 3-8.

Tillämpad datavetenskpap

Fackgranskade konferenartiklar

Rytkönen, A
Best practices in web-based learning. Modernin informaatioteknologian menetelmätutkimusta 6 (2005), s. 60-67.

Övriga publikationer

Kettunen, S. (toim.)
Vuosikertomus 2004 = Årsberättelse 2004. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, 140 s..

Kettunen, S. (toim.)
Annual report 2004. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005, 70 s..

Kettunen, S. & Kujala, T. & Paakki, J. (toim.)
Hannu Erkiö - 60. rasti. Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos 2005.

Allmänna artiklar

Floreen, P. & Lindén, G.
Vet din telefon vad du gör och vad du vill?. Universitas Helsingiensis 24 (2005) : 3, s. 17-19.

Lindén, G.
Hyvät ja pahat tyypit. Kolumni, Apropos 2, 2005, p. 25.

Raento, M. & Oulasvirta, A. & Toivonen, H. & Mäntylä, M.
Sosiaalista tilatietoa kontekstipuhelimella. Prosessori 2005 : 1, s. 54-56.