Nordic Baroque Music Festival 2003
In the
Nordic Baroque Music Festival
Nordmaling, Sweden
9-16 August 2003,
there were 8 fine concerts and masterclasses in several instruments.
The teachers:
Emma Kirkby, singing,
Enrico Gatti, violin,
Roel Dieltiens, cello/gamba,
Rebecca Miles, recorder,
Rachel Brown, flute,
Jakob Lindberg, lute,
Lars Ulrik Mortensen, harpsichord.
Also three musicians of the King's Consort
were teaching chamber music.
The concerts:
The Kings Consort: L'Estro Armonico,
Musica Petropolitana: Chamber Music at the Court of St Petersburg,
Ensemble Schönbrunn Amsterdam: Haydn and Mozart,
The Cardinalls Music: "A Woman's gentle heart",
Professors' Concert,
Emma Kirkby, Jakob Lindberg & Lars Ulrik Mortensen:
"Su l'ore che l'aurora",
Ensemble Clement Jannequin: "Le chant des oylseaulx"
The Kings Consort & Lorna Anderson, & Crispian Steele-Perkins:
"Virtuoso Baroque"
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In the lute class
There used to be long queues to the concerts every evening
In the church, waiting for the concert of
Emma, Jakob and Lars Ulrik
And here they are!
In the intermission: students, staff and teachers.
Can you find Rachel and Enrico?
The "King" (the artistic director) of the festival, Robert King,
in a good company
Soon the second part starts...
Flowers and applause. Lots of them!
We were practising also even after the concerts!
And then some beer and even some sporting...
The singing and lute class by Emma and Jakob
Funny guys from France, Ensemble Clément Janequin
Information for the students
We had to eat, too. Here are are some eating lutenists and one
harpshichord player, who wanted the harpshichord sound like lute!
A clever person!
Last meeting of the lute class, wise words by Jakob
In the last concert
The party
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Arto Wikla 18.8.2003
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