iät = the ages
ikiä = some of the ages
ikien = of the ages
i'issä = in the ages
i'istä = from inside of the ages
ikiin = into the ages
i'illä = on the ages
i'iltä = from top of the ages
i'ille = onto the the ages
ikinä = as the ages
i'iksi = to become the ages
i'ittä = without the ages
i'in = with help of the ages
ikineen = with his/her/its ages
i'itse = by the use of ages
And then an easier example. "Kirja" is "book". The same forms in singular:
kirja = the book
kirjaa = some of the book
kirjan = of the book
kirjassa = in the book
kirjasta = from inside of the book
kirjaan = into the book
kirjalla = on the book
kirjalta = from top of the book
kirjalle = onto the book
kirjana = as a book
kirjaksi = to become a book
kirjatta = without the book
kirjoin = with help of the book/books
kirjoineen = with his/her/its book/books
kirjoitse = by the use of book/books
Arto Wikla 23.12.2011