Sivu perustettu 20.3.2008.
Arto Wikla.
5.5.2008 lisätty "Scala-kielelle muokattuja esimerkkejä
"You know who you are. You're the developer who picked up Java years
ago, maybe as a second language and better alternative to C++, maybe as
your first language coming into the industry. You're comfortable with
Java, you know its ins and outs, its moods. It's like an old
girlfriend; you may not feel the vibe anymore, but you know just how to
rub it so it smiles. In short, you're a craftsman, and Java is your
workhorse tool.
You're starting to to become a bit pragmatic about your language choice
though. To put it mildly, the Java honeymoon is over. While you can
hardly find enough fault with the language to just walk away, you're
certainly open-minded enough to consider alternatives."
[Daniel Spiewak mainiossa blogissaan
Scala for Java Refugees]
Scala on ilmeisen kiinnostava kieli, jolla vaikuttaisi olevan ns.
"tulevaisuus". Olen haistavinani saman tapaisen hypen
olevan syntymässä kuin Javan ympärille syntyi joskus noin
vuosien 1996-1998 tienoilla. Ja syystä!
Tästä sivusta ehkä tulee - toivoakseni mahdollisimman pian! -
oman Scalaa käyttävän ohjelmoinnin peruskurssini kantasivu ... ;-)
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