Tomi Männistö
Professor, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Software Engineering
tomi. mannisto [at] helsinki. fi
Empirical Software Engineering
We have a research group called Empirical Software Engineering Research Group at the University of Helsinki. We address software engineering research problems and challenges with industrial relevance or origin. We emphasise the empirical aspect of the research, in particular by applying research methods that enable us gaining deep understanding of software development.
We also have a blog at blogs.helsinki.fi/ese-blog and tweet as SE_Helsinki.
My own core research areas include software architectures and conceptual modelling of variability, e.g., in knowledge-based configuration, software product families and extreme continuous experimentation. Recently, there has been interesting research in self-awareness, e.g., that of collaborating robots, that goes into the intersection of software architectures and computational creativity.
For more info check the links below
ESE publications
Selected highlights from our publications with a link to the full list
Something to readMy stuff at uni
My work at University of Helsinki Research Portal, since I've moved here
My UH stuffInstructions to Students
Thesis topics
In addition to department wiki, we have our own list of thesis topic areas
Get inspiredMy earlier activies
- Need for Speed (N4S) is a Finnish software engineering programme investigating the new ways of developing software, including continuous experimentation, deep customer understanding and means for quickly finding novel business opportunities.
- The 15th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (Profes) will be held for the first time in Helsinki, Finland, from 10-12 December 2014. The general chairs are Jürgen Münch and Tomi Männistö.
- Cloud Software was a large collaboration project in Finland. The role of Preago concentrates on device clouds and service composition.
- SAREMAN/VAHAYA projects investigate(d) the requirement management practicies in Nuclear Power Plant industry.
- TOSI (Theoretical foundation for Software Product Families) was a research grant from a special anniversary foundation (Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö) of Finnish Technology Industries
- SHAPE project was about sustainable meal
- REflex investigated how to provide value with requirements engineering
- In the Trust4All project the goal was to investigate techniques for the middleware in order to ensure the proper working of systems whose software is dynamically extended and upgraded.
- Svamp (Software variability paradigm) was conducted in collaboration with VTT Electronics to work towards thorough and comprehensive understanding of and interrelations between functional and quality variability in software.
- Configurable Software Product Families in the Sarcous project of the Product Data Management Group (PDMG)
- Oxygen project at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in collaboration Nokia Research Center, Boston and MIT in 2000-2001.
- Product data modelling, especially evolution and reconfiguration. This includes my PhD thesis, which I did on topic: A Conceptual Modelling Approach to Product Families and their Evolution. (Published in Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Mathematics and Computing Series. No. 106, Espoo 2000. Summary, Publication I, a hardcopy of Publication II available on request, Publication III, Publication IV, Publication V)
- Product data management and IT support for managing industrial products with a large number of variants.
- Software and Services Variability Management Workshop, Espoo, Finland, April 18–20, 2007
Hobbies and Interests
I love travelling, especially with my wife Satu. We have been to many places and still desire for more. This hobby of ours is not unrelated with our interest in cooking and eating well. I also like photography, including documenting the places we go to, but I sometimes like to do some more abstract stuff. I hold a radio amateur license and my call sign is OH2NEM (been QRT for some time, though:-(