Matti Jarvisalo

Matti Järvisalo

                                        University of Helsinki         Helsinki Institute for Information Technology Research Council of Finland

[News and Highlights] [Research] [Publications] [Activities] [Teaching]

Professor of Computer Science

Principal Investigator
Constraint Reasoning and Optimization

Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science
University of Helsinki

D.Sc.(Tech.), Lic.Sc.(Tech.), M.Sc.(Tech.)
Helsinki University of Technology (today Aalto U.)
Postal Address: Department of Computer Science / HIIT
P.O. Box 68
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
Office:Room A312,
3rd floor of Exactum, wing A
Pietari Kalmin katu 5
Telephone: +358 50 3199 248
Email: matti.jarvisalo[AT]

I lead the Constraint Reasoning and Optimization Group at the University of Helsinki.


See also recent work for new publications.


Research Interests

Automated reasoning, decision procedures, Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and generalizations, combinatorial/discrete optimization, operations research, knowledge representation, complexity of reasoning, computational aspects of argumentation, probabilistic graphical models, structure discovery, ...

Awards, Honors and Invited Talks



A complete list of my publications with downloadable papers and bibtex entries is available both by year and by type.

External sources:
DBLP entry, Google Scholar profile, Semantic Scholar, Orcid ID 0000-0003-2572-063X, Scopus Author ID 23397451200.

Some recent work

Research-Related Software See here.

Professional Activities

Editorial Board Memberships

Steering Committee Memberships and Related




Program Committee Chairing, Guest Editorials, Senior PC Memberships

Program Committee Memberships


Reviewed scientific manuscripts for journals Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Information Sciences, Journal of Automated Reasoning, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, AI Communications, Journal of Logic and Computation (and various conferences).



To prospective students: If you're interested in conducting research aiming at a thesis under my guidance, feel free to contact me via email. To get a feel for possible topic areas, see my research interests above. You can also have a look at my publications.


At University of Helsinki: